More Creature Variations?

ShuttleBugShuttleBug USA Join Date: 2017-03-15 Member: 228943Members
We see many forms of life here on earth, and even though it would be almost impossible for subnautica to have billions of species of fish, more creature variations could help add diversity to the world.

We already see multiple reskins of the same creature (hoopfish to spinefish, biter to blighter etc.) but we could see more. Variations, if considered, would be developed after v1.0 because the devs are hard at work to finish the game.

Variations use the same a.i. of the fish; making it fairly easy to code. Some variations in these places would be the most important IMO
• Lost river crabsquid and Mesmer reskin
• Grand and Deep Grand reef fish reskin (possibly a blue or turquoise glow to match the floating stones)
• Possibly bone shark variations
• Mutated fish near the aurora

Again, if this is ever considered, it would be after v1.0, but the easy-to-code creature variations could help the player feel more immursed is the game, as well as adding a lot of realism, and giving biomes a more unique feel.

What do you think? Good idea? Terrible? Are they already considering this? Let me know in the comments!


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