Kyanite and pre-precursor update content
Boreville Join Date: 2017-02-14 Member: 227924Members
Ok so im currently at the story part where im guessing i need to look around the precursor base/weapon that shot the aurora down but as of yet it's not there.
I've also read that kyanite is also in the same update as the precursor bases.
So is this correct or is kyanite currently just a hard to reach resource on the xbox 1.
I've also read that kyanite is also in the same update as the precursor bases.
So is this correct or is kyanite currently just a hard to reach resource on the xbox 1.
Where are those zones though cause the map I use don't show them.
2. The Lost River (LR) also below the FI.
3. The bow of Aurora. I haven't used this entrance so I won't discuss this.
Most of the wrecks around the FL will lead to LR entrances at 600M Depth (MD).
Look for green pools of Brine.
Find the LDB;
The wreck with the Moonpool fragments by the FI is near the LDB entrance.
Go the bottom of the wreck, follow the trench to the entrance at 600M Depth (MD)
Once you have found the LDB, aline your sub with the long axis of the LDB.
look to the right for an entrance to the INZ and the LR.
To get to the INZ, follow the lava river. It's a long way, be prepared.
To get to the LR, the entrance is to the left of the ILZ entrance.
The LR entrance will go to the skull.
The LR has deposits of Sulpher, Ni, Uranite and AL2O3.
The entrance to the ILZ (1K MD) from the LR is behind and to the right of the Giant Cave Tree.
You will find the Kyanite here.
Alien Containment fragments. You'll find the same bones with the skull as the path from the Degasi Base,
but the skull is on the right instead in front of you.
Anyway point is i stumbled upon on via the Blood Kelp forest thats just north of the floating island and the skull was in front which had blue stuff on it i wasnt sure if it was organic or crystal but that screenshot is now on my xbox.
Now from what i understand to get to the lava zone its easier to go through the lost river my prawn can go up to 1700m and i know that the lost river is about 900m but from the skull would it be easier to go left or right as if im not mistaken going left will get me to an exit not to far from the stern of the aurora.
Maybe i just havent found it yet but i dont even know if the degassi base is on xbox yet i found the pda's an looked all along the surface but couldnt find anything besides the wreck in the dunes and the wreck in the blood kelp forest.
oh yeah for reference i've also been using this map.
The Advanced Fab Mod frags like the Vehicle Mod frags seem to contextual.
If you haven't found them keep revisiting the wrecks you've already searched.
i.e I searched for days for the PRAWN Torpedo Arm, I found it in a wreck on the floating rocks near the Mountain Island (MI). I'd already cleared that wreck.
Yes, the Last under water Degasi Base (LDB) is under the Floating Island at 600M Depth (MD).
See my post on the 21st Feb above to find the LDB.
So, now how to find the Inactive Lava Zone (ILZ) from the Lost River (LR) skull and other things.
to the Inactive Lava Zone (ILZ).
The Giant Cove, Cave? Tree (GCT, it's blue) is at 950MD in the Lost River (LR).
To find the GCT, go to the end of the rib cage. You should see a smaller rib cage (I call him Bones JR)
about 100M away. Past Bones JR is a large cavern. Go down the falls and bottom the sub.
You should see the GCT in the distance.
To your right are 2 smokers, just past them is the destroyed lab.
I power the base with 3 or more Thermal Reactors placed by the 3 smokers.
Did you know that Rabbit Rays can be trucked in lockers to start the Bio Reactors?
I put 2 Rabbit Rays in 1 AC to breed them for Biomass.
It's also shallow enough to use the moth as a truck to the surface for supply runs.
Sulphur can be found here in the LR but the Kyanite......
On to the ILZ.
About 50M more to the left is a large Brine fall.
Descend facing the falls. Go through the falls.
A few meters away is the entrance to the ILZ at 1KMD.
The ILZ proper is another 300M further on, just follow the lava river on the bottom.
Below the sub you should immediately see tall white crystals that's the Kyanite.
Dune Wreck;
If this wreck (300MD) contains Alien Containment frags, the Lost River entrance is about 50-70M North-ish
at 600M Depth (MD). Put a box with Creepvine and Blood Oil on the wreck so you can ID the wreck later.
Blood Kelp Wreck;
I may be wrong, but I think it's the same wreck.
I am still looking in this area for the wreck with the PRAWN Arm push/pullCannon.