PRAWN Inventory and Save Game Names

SpectoneSpectone Join Date: 2017-01-05 Member: 226167Members
I would like to see the amount of inventory left when in the PRAWN such as "inventory 20/24" probably in the same line as the health, power and jump jet readings.

I would also like to be able to name my save game, several people play this game on the one computer and it can be hard working out who's save is who's.


  • JamezorgJamezorg United Kingdom Join Date: 2016-05-15 Member: 216788Members
    Spectone wrote: »
    I would like to see the amount of inventory left when in the PRAWN such as "inventory 20/24" probably in the same line as the health, power and jump jet readings.

    As much as I love this idea, and would find it quite helpful, I think it caters to much to the... *ahem* ... filthy casuals...

    It's such a good idea; one that I've thought over a lot in the past, but when I think more about it I realised that limitations in this game lead to the greatest, most memorable experiences. This was one of the reasons I kind of found it fun not being able to open the PDA in the seamoth. Once I was in the Dunes and I had to check my inventory, so I quickly hopped out and checked. When I was done I turned to my seamoth, but mid rotation I saw a Reaper charging towards me. I pulled out my Seaglide, dodged and it slammed my Seamoth into the sand, destroying it. I surfaced and swam back to base seamoth-less. Sure it was annoying, but it was fun.

    And that's what it's all about at the end of the day, isn't it? Fun...
    Spectone wrote: »
    I would also like to be able to name my save game, several people play this game on the one computer and it can be hard working out who's save is who's.

    Yea, we need this badly. I play mostly in creative, and I sometimes loose track of which world I was playing last so I have to skim through all of my worlds until I find the right one.

    If we can't get the devs to name the planet, we will.
  • harrzackharrzack United States Join Date: 2016-09-11 Member: 222250Members
    @Jamezorg: A rather bleak and bizarre definition of 'fun'!
  • JamezorgJamezorg United Kingdom Join Date: 2016-05-15 Member: 216788Members
    harrzack wrote: »
    @Jamezorg: A rather bleak and bizarre definition of 'fun'!

    I doubt it would be fun at the time, but later on you could be able to look on these experiences and tell yourself that it was fun. This is why the quality of a game is sometimes not enough to make it timeless (Sometimes).

    I love Skyrim. It's great, but for all the wrong reasons. It's buggy as all hell, the events happen whenever they like and I love it.

    Take for example the time I exited a tavern and there was a gang waiting to beat me whilst two dragons flew around in the background burning bears. I didn't stand a chance, and it was kind of annoying at the time, but that memory will stay with me for ages.

    Make a good game, but don't make it too good. Sometimes the most memorable games are the buggiest, and I love it :)
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