Outdoor Living Wall, Farmable Table Coral

Shifter6Shifter6 Join Date: 2017-01-11 Member: 226556Members
edited January 2017 in Ideas and Suggestions
After realizing how valuable table coral was, and after seeing the numerous color variants offered in subnautica, I was filled with the desire to farm them. Since they currently cannot be farmed, my solution is the outdoor living wall. Unlike the indoor living wall, the outdoor living wall has 2-4 slots to put a table coral samples in, which then slowly grow into the beautiful shelves of table coral that one finds in the safe shallows. This could both add a more natural feel to a person's base, as the outsides of multipurpose rooms could "choose" between the very artificial looking reinforcements and the more natural looking walls that have table coral hanging from them. This could also give players the ability to make bases that are more distant from the safe shallows and other table coral rich areas (as advanced bases often require table coral for computer chips). Since table coral is only needed for computer chips, it seems like balance would be held if they were farmable in this fashion, as having too much table coral doesn't really seem to affect game balance, since it is a common resource that is easy to find and doesn't get much use in crafting.


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