Letting it all come out to the devs.
USA Join Date: 2016-01-30 Member: 212328Members
I honestly don't know what to title this. Not even sure what I'm feeling, or what I'm trying to describe. Worried?
I know the story of Subnautica went through a very large change at some point. The direction of the story and game taking a sharp turn. I saw alot of potential in Subnautica. Tons of potential, so much content that could be, and should be, and so such an awesome platform for constant updates, expansions, and DLC's if the devs so choose too. Then it happened.
That pesky door in the Aurora that had no code. Being the curious cat I am, I just had to know what was behind it. So I cheated, got through it.. and... well.. idk how to describe it.. I suppose "Worried" is the best word. I'm worried for the future of the game, my experience on release, and the devs plans for the future. What could possibly make me feel this way? It's what you find in that pesky room....., and here's where the rest of my post will be in spoiler tags...
I'll warn you right now. There will be extreme spoilers. So if you don't want anything ruined for you. I'd suggest not reading.
I know my worries may be way off, and perhaps completely unfounded, but.. idk.. I suppose I just need to get it off my chest, as I really love this game, and want it to continue growing even after release.
I know the story of Subnautica went through a very large change at some point. The direction of the story and game taking a sharp turn. I saw alot of potential in Subnautica. Tons of potential, so much content that could be, and should be, and so such an awesome platform for constant updates, expansions, and DLC's if the devs so choose too. Then it happened.
That pesky door in the Aurora that had no code. Being the curious cat I am, I just had to know what was behind it. So I cheated, got through it.. and... well.. idk how to describe it.. I suppose "Worried" is the best word. I'm worried for the future of the game, my experience on release, and the devs plans for the future. What could possibly make me feel this way? It's what you find in that pesky room....., and here's where the rest of my post will be in spoiler tags...
I'll warn you right now. There will be extreme spoilers. So if you don't want anything ruined for you. I'd suggest not reading.
I know my worries may be way off, and perhaps completely unfounded, but.. idk.. I suppose I just need to get it off my chest, as I really love this game, and want it to continue growing even after release.
Going through the room, when you activate the control console you gain blueprints.. Blueprints for a rocket. Yup.. a Rocket. To launch your glorious pruned soggy behind back up into space. Why does this worry me? It happened after today.
Today i decided to play SUbnautica again for the first time in.. well a really long time. Everything had changed, biome locations, and layouts, the aurora got a spiffy upgrade by a long shot, many new creatures, items, base parts.... I "Beat" the game, so to speak, or well got as far as you can go which is pretty good distance into the story I'd imagine in half a day without ever needing to build a base. This is from someone who basically didn't remember much of anything from last time they played....
I even made it down into the lava pit and found the second alien base, or at least where its going to be. There are connectors for it but the main part isn't there.
I literally went from the escape pod, to the seamoth, to the cyclops.. Put a farm in the cyclops, a fabricator, and I was able to get that cyclops to go 1,500m depth eventually in half a day of blind exploring, and got the entire cyclops down into the lava pits... The deepest part of the game, and the "End game" area.
This is extremely frightening to me.
In half a day I was able to do this, so I'd assume in a full day.. beat the game. Without ever having to build a base, or the prawn, or anything other than a frabricator, 2 farm plots in the cyclops, and the cyclops itself, will allow you to beat the game in 1 day, give or take half a day.
I'm assuming the story will have you deactivate the gun in the area I am right now, then build the rocket to get your butt back into space, and gg, you beat the game.
It makes me worried.. The point of the game is to get off the planet, and when you do, its over. It makes building a base once you know that.. lack luster, and useless, especially when you don't even need to do it for any reason. It makes 90% of the game's mechanics, and items "fluff" useless stuff you never need. This is sad to me.
What makes me scared again, is... how can you expand on the story or game when its potentially this short, and a roadblock at the end? Once you take off,you're in space heading back home. that's it. Where can continuations of the story happen at that point? Maybe in subnautica 2? But that seems a total waste of this awesome game.
Why make it like this, when you can have the story evolve into focusing on the planet you crash landed on. Why not make it where your first goal is to well shut down the gun, then build a huge comms array, perhaps add reverse engineering in with a science base module, and be able to reverse engineer parts in the aurora to power this mother base, and huge comms tower you need to build, once you establish connection with people (Again after the sunbeam), you have to build a landing pad for them above water, which extends into building a larger base, and that's end game... Building up a base, and once in awhile having ships land, as you help the corporation your working for, expand to the planet you're on.
The discovery of that alien tech is sure to be something they'd want to hang around and check out, and your end game job ist o help build up a base and make it happen. From there your DLCs and expansions are limitless! New biomes, new depths, new ships that can traverse 5,000m deep and twice the size of the cyclops as you explore the extreme deeps of the planet, finding new ruins, and alien tech, and expanding the base parts with mroe and more stuff over time.
Add reasons to build a base at 700m, and reasons to build one above water, and in shallow water for scientific reasons, and agricultural reasons.
Put a reason to build the prawn, all those cool large outcroppings of resources, make ethem drop tier 2 versions of them, which are required to build even more advanced things, which are required to build late game items. These things could be added in as a DLC....
But i don't feel any DLC or expansion would be worth it, and just more "fluff" not worth the money if the story is get your butt off the planet in a rocket, gg. Makes me think "whats the point" when I not only don't need a base at all, but that the story is so short as well.
Today i decided to play SUbnautica again for the first time in.. well a really long time. Everything had changed, biome locations, and layouts, the aurora got a spiffy upgrade by a long shot, many new creatures, items, base parts.... I "Beat" the game, so to speak, or well got as far as you can go which is pretty good distance into the story I'd imagine in half a day without ever needing to build a base. This is from someone who basically didn't remember much of anything from last time they played....
I even made it down into the lava pit and found the second alien base, or at least where its going to be. There are connectors for it but the main part isn't there.
I literally went from the escape pod, to the seamoth, to the cyclops.. Put a farm in the cyclops, a fabricator, and I was able to get that cyclops to go 1,500m depth eventually in half a day of blind exploring, and got the entire cyclops down into the lava pits... The deepest part of the game, and the "End game" area.
This is extremely frightening to me.
In half a day I was able to do this, so I'd assume in a full day.. beat the game. Without ever having to build a base, or the prawn, or anything other than a frabricator, 2 farm plots in the cyclops, and the cyclops itself, will allow you to beat the game in 1 day, give or take half a day.
I'm assuming the story will have you deactivate the gun in the area I am right now, then build the rocket to get your butt back into space, and gg, you beat the game.
It makes me worried.. The point of the game is to get off the planet, and when you do, its over. It makes building a base once you know that.. lack luster, and useless, especially when you don't even need to do it for any reason. It makes 90% of the game's mechanics, and items "fluff" useless stuff you never need. This is sad to me.
What makes me scared again, is... how can you expand on the story or game when its potentially this short, and a roadblock at the end? Once you take off,you're in space heading back home. that's it. Where can continuations of the story happen at that point? Maybe in subnautica 2? But that seems a total waste of this awesome game.
Why make it like this, when you can have the story evolve into focusing on the planet you crash landed on. Why not make it where your first goal is to well shut down the gun, then build a huge comms array, perhaps add reverse engineering in with a science base module, and be able to reverse engineer parts in the aurora to power this mother base, and huge comms tower you need to build, once you establish connection with people (Again after the sunbeam), you have to build a landing pad for them above water, which extends into building a larger base, and that's end game... Building up a base, and once in awhile having ships land, as you help the corporation your working for, expand to the planet you're on.
The discovery of that alien tech is sure to be something they'd want to hang around and check out, and your end game job ist o help build up a base and make it happen. From there your DLCs and expansions are limitless! New biomes, new depths, new ships that can traverse 5,000m deep and twice the size of the cyclops as you explore the extreme deeps of the planet, finding new ruins, and alien tech, and expanding the base parts with mroe and more stuff over time.
Add reasons to build a base at 700m, and reasons to build one above water, and in shallow water for scientific reasons, and agricultural reasons.
Put a reason to build the prawn, all those cool large outcroppings of resources, make ethem drop tier 2 versions of them, which are required to build even more advanced things, which are required to build late game items. These things could be added in as a DLC....
But i don't feel any DLC or expansion would be worth it, and just more "fluff" not worth the money if the story is get your butt off the planet in a rocket, gg. Makes me think "whats the point" when I not only don't need a base at all, but that the story is so short as well.
I respect your wishes for the game (except the colonization part; the planet's been through enough and Alterra is not a healthy company to give it or the precursor tech), but I also know plenty of people who hate having to do something. Some people just want to explore and do what they want. Many players, me included, build bases because we like to do it, whether for creativity reasons or RP reasons. I don't want to be forced to build to certain specifications either; the fun is being free to decide what works for me. And from your story I gather you haven't invested in getting all the scans or hatching all the eggs, which also is something that is optional and fun because it is.
I suppose it's possible you only need half a day. It takes me about 72h to experience and do everything. If you're not interested in everything, the game will be shorter, but that's not the game's fault.
That could be true but 10-20 hours to finish a game of 20$ seems fair.
As say by DrownedOut, you didn't do everything.
- Make the game again in HardCore mode
- don't build large base
- *Add something you want here *
Imao, you could improve subnautica by different way but i guess it's a bit to late in the dev process so maybe in DLC a Subnautica - Together :
- Add coop multiplayer
- Make a procedural generation of the world (never the same location so you will have to explore)
Controversial idea
After this first DLC you can imagine an other evolution to subnautica DLC - Natural selection
- Add some PvP content
With an entire other background :
50 years in the futur, after the escape of "Timo" of "unknowned world", Natural world corp™ leader of the earth corpo decide to use unknowed world as a prison world.
You are leave on the planet with only your escape pod. You're in a procedural world (dlc 1) with friend or foe (Dlc 1) and you have to survive against fauna and other player.
Like a rust but underwater
The PvP content can give subnautica 2 a brand new experience cause you have to survive against other human and fauna
Not the same panel of players but both are compatible.
I like play solo Subnautica, i would love to play with 4 of my friends in a random map to build hudge base and later finish the story with them. And as a rust player, i would love too figth with friends or foe underwater.
Subnautica is for me the first step of a hudge univers and i hope unknowworlds dev could do more
Sorry if my english isn't perfect
When I first came to the lava zones I was already 50+ hours into the game. I spend 80% of the time checking out caves, building my base, scanning things, hiding from the reaper, hatching eggs or to sum it up: Explore.
It's all about how you play a game - do you play it to "win" or do you play it for pure fun and discovering every secret you can find.
If you play Subnautica to "beat" it then you can sure beat it in one day if you know how to find the artifacts and where to look for entrances to deeper biomes.
But I am sure the point of Subnautica is not to beat it but to enjoy and love exploring the world. And in the end when you played the story you are still free to decide if you want to build that rocket or not.
For me the game is perfect the way it is: Deeply fascinating and absolutely beautiful and unique in it's design and gameplay.
...I think I am gonna buy some merchandise now. :> Sorry for fangirling around.
I'd reccommend the travel mugs. And I'm reminded of this thread, with the idea of an option to end the game by either escaping or aquiring exploration capabilities. Which, in turn, leads to this thread.
The Devs stated that they tried procedural generation, and decided that the quality of the environment wasn't up to snuff when using it. They went for a handcrafted world as a design decision. While it would be interesting, I think that more detailed and designed environments work much better in a game where graphical beauty is a large part of its charm.
Even if it's not your first play through the game could be extremely unsatisfying; you've already experienced all there is to see even before 1.0. When I last played I felt like I was simply going through the motions.
That's why I haven't actually played for any long period of time (other than an hour here and there, testing etc.) since the the Power Nap update and I don't intend to start any serious play through until release.
I haven't even seen the lava or lost river, ever. I don't want to ruin that once-in-a-lifetime experience of exploring those places for the first time.
But this is a problem for every single game, even games that claim great replay value. The only games I've ever played with real replay value are things like Total War or 4X games with lots of lovely mods to play, or casual, addictive games that you can always go back to. (Battle Brothers, Infested Planet, NEO Scavenger, etc.)
Edit; I forgot to say, I do agree that getting off the planet via rocket is a ridiculous notion. I completely agree we should get in contact with "home" and have them give us building tasks, they could send us a rescue team that crashes, we have to do stuff to salvage it, they want us to build the landing pad for a better attempt, get the planet ready for their arrival, whatever. The options are endless.
But... the rocket is a building task!