Lore change: Stasis Rifle
Mississippi, USA Join Date: 2016-12-09 Member: 224748Members

A nice change to the data entry on the stasis rifle would be to include a mention of it being used by security forces. It really bugged me that you find no evidence of the Aurora having any sort of security force, despite being a long range colony ship. With the devs not wanting to include lethal weaponry (which a survivor would likely find/scan if the security forces had weaponry), I think adding a line mentioning that the stasis rifle was used by security would plug that little hole in the lore.
"Freezing belligerent persons for easy detainment by security."
"Freezing belligerent persons for easy detainment by security."
"Freezing belligerent persons for easy detainment by security."
Slowing it doesn't actually freeze things
Yes it could fit but
1) it is a construction ship to build a phase gate then go home, not spending that much time in space.
2)There is only a few hundred people, not enough to warrant security
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Yes it could fit but
1) it is a construction ship to build a phase gate then go home, not spending that much time in space.
2)There is only a few hundred people, not enough to warrant security[/quote]
A few hundred people is more than enough to justify a security force, especially when traveling through the harshness of space. Last thing you want is 1 guy going bonkers, capable endangering the lives of everyone else, and noone to stop them. As for the construction ship, most current construction sites have some form of small security force and even current vacation cruise lines have an onboard security force.
Also, a secondary objective of the Aurora's crew was a search and rescue of the Degasi's crew, which could necessitate conflict if they encountered something hostile during their investigation. The Degasi was just a small 6 man vessel and it had a nominal security force in the form of the mercenary Marguerit Maida.
The PDA already uses "freezing" in its description: Navigating perilous spaces by freezing potential threats
Slowing doesn't actually pause things: Pausing the biological processes of organisms for closer study
Slowing doesn't actually halt things: Halting the progress of fires and flooding