Framerate drop prior to crashing, select locations

ArktorusArktorus Join Date: 2016-12-02 Member: 224475Members
edited December 2016 in Subnautica Bug Reporting
Most areas appear to load fine with the exception of a few that dont appear to be 'busy' yet cause massive framerate drops, leaving the game for a couple of minutes 'recovers' the game but as soon as I move it will freeze again and eventually will crash the game. This is a consistent problem only in select parts of the game.

I am not as familiar with the areas as some however, one of the locations this happens is travelling directly from the crash module to the non-floating island, as you approach the island while you are passing through the final kelp bed and into a open chasm it will drop frames and eventually crash. One can bypass this issue by circumnavigating around to the side of the kelp bed and then making way towards the island.

I have included the require information into a single pastbin link:

DXDiag & Output Log:


  • ArktorusArktorus Join Date: 2016-12-02 Member: 224475Members
    As a further update, one of the forum posters has been recommending the 'cache clearing' batch file, indicated in his 'footer' - following these instructions made a significant difference to my game. Areas that would have caused huge drops in framerate and crashing now load completely fluidly and without any issue on the 'recommended' graphics settings.
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