Subnautica Constitutional Convention
U.S. Join Date: 2016-01-19 Member: 211679Members

There have been some stirrings recently in the "political" discourse as to how Subnautica should be run. So far, since the election that concluded 1-2 months ago, the president-elect peeper has stuck with the current Subnautican government, the Articles of Absolutely Nothing. Finderalist advocates have proposed a constitution, and a written draft called the Messorem Administratum There is a wide consensus that the Messorem is flawed, allowing for a government with potentially weak powers, is easily and ridiculously overthrown, and potentially promotes amoral practices concerning the use of "genocide." For these reasons this convention has been called to hopefully revise the articles, and propose other constitutional ideas. Before the convention is called to order, there are a few rules:
1: Developer input is prioritized above other people's ideas, after all, they did make the game and should decide what values it supports (if any of the devs are interested
2: Everyone is encouraged to pitch in! Politics have mushroomed under a few forums, but that doesn't mean you have to construct essay-long political statements to participate. If you have an idea or ideal that you think Subnautica represents (or should define the planet's government), don't hesitate to propose it. All suggestions will be considered (though the length of "consideration" varies depending on the competence of the post).
3: Heads of parties, or people who have shown themselves to be competent with political ideas (basically, have posted in the other forums) should and will have their ideas considered more seriously. Consider allying yourself with a party, or sending an idea to a party official, if you want.
Without further ado, let the debate begin!
1: Developer input is prioritized above other people's ideas, after all, they did make the game and should decide what values it supports (if any of the devs are interested

2: Everyone is encouraged to pitch in! Politics have mushroomed under a few forums, but that doesn't mean you have to construct essay-long political statements to participate. If you have an idea or ideal that you think Subnautica represents (or should define the planet's government), don't hesitate to propose it. All suggestions will be considered (though the length of "consideration" varies depending on the competence of the post).
3: Heads of parties, or people who have shown themselves to be competent with political ideas (basically, have posted in the other forums) should and will have their ideas considered more seriously. Consider allying yourself with a party, or sending an idea to a party official, if you want.
Without further ado, let the debate begin!
We, the Neo-Luddites believe that the key to peaceful and stable oceans on our world is the elimination of the alien technologies that can be found all over. Be they human or precursor, from scrap metal to geothermal power plants, this technology is an affront to our ocean, and can only lead to bad ends for all of us. We propose the systematic elimination of this technology, to be as safely dismantled as possible, and disposed of in volcanic vents where the natural forces of our world can seal it and/or destroy it far away from us. We would like to garner the support of you, the readers, in ensuring that this great work is undertaken.
In terms of constitutional goals, we hope for a central authority with the power to carry out this great work, and protect the myriad of creatures it will take to complete it. We advocate for an environment that can be stable over the extremely long term for as many species of flora and fauna as is possible. We understand that there will be sacrifices and concessions ahead, but we will never pursue a path that could lead to the threatening of an entire species or biome. We are happy to govern alongside fellow environmentalists, but hope to convince more and more that the true enemy of our oceans is the alien technology.
I thank you for your time and consideration.
~Representative Quill
-any amendments that require decisions to be made by the people will be made in the Subnautican Senate by either a majority (50% of the votes) or supermajority (like a majority but it can shoot lasers and leap tall buildings in a single bound 60% of the votes)
-Any infraction by aliens on planetary life deemed negative can and should be fought against by governmental forces
a) the process of deeming alien infraction negative will be decided by a majority in the Senate
b)When this is the case, the government retains the privilege to recruit 25% of eligible fish at optional recruiting centers, or draw from the prison system if insufficient workers are available for public service
c)Workers will be drawn equally from each biome, unless a surplus of workers should volunteer from one biome, in which case the surplus will be allowed.
-Government "Peepcare" plan
1) Proper health care shall be issued to all fish, funded an increase of sales taxes on koosh bush and smaller sales taxes on other exports
1.1) a 7% tax on all exports through biomes, as well as an 11% tax on the most successful product (currently Koosh Bush), will be instated.
2) Use of Precursor Technology:
Warpers may research and construct tech salvaged from the precursors, given the following constraints:
1. A panel of experts including no less than 1 warper agree that the potential benefit outweighs the risk of any project.
2. Any reverse-engineered products undergo an extensive period of testing and study before any public release is allowed.
As for the use of Alterra tech, anything past what already exists on the planet due to scuba steve is strictly prohibited. The planet shall continue the "closed country" philosophy extending from the end of the precursor reign.
The Rights Clause by the Koosh Republic
1: Do not interrupt the creation of life.
2: Do not hunt anything to extinction.
3: Do not consume so much that the ecosystem suffers greatly.
4: Do not intentionally harm the ecosystem in any other way.
All fish have the right to pursue prosperity.
1) This includes killing other fish
1.5) Killing for the sake of killing will result in prison time, determined in court.
2) However, if a species is driven to extinction through the efforts of other fish, the government shall intervene
3) similarly, if a species is driven to extinction by their own efforts, the government shall also intervene
The "Right to Die" bill
-if fish give consent through a supermajority vote in their population, their population will be allowed to go extinct with DNA samples saved and stored.
The "Nature's Course" bill
-if the senate votes a species a detriment to the planet through a supermajority, they can chose to not intervene if an extinction-level event would happen to the voted-down species.
2.2- technology bill
1) Anyone seen using electronics of any kind will be fined on their first two abuses, then fined at a steadily increasing rate after that. Each successive time they are caught using technology, the previous fine amount is multiplied by 1.5 and then charged, creating an exponential money drain. Don't do it.
2) Any party can decide to opt-out of the "right to die" bill, foregoing the DNA preservation. However, government stores are not to be tampered with by those who have no business tampering with them.
"Do what you must to restore balance to the ecosystems of 4546B. There will be no Terran genocide. We will be watching."
The only thing I want to add to the constitution is that all species are equal no matter if hey are a predator, a herbivore or bottom feeder. They are all equal in the united shoal of the GCS (greater communist shoal because we fused with different party's)
We agree with the GCS's views, and wish to further add that all species are entitled to free healthcare tailored to their needs.
What shall we do about the multitude of areas and creatures that won't be participating in this convention? Drafting a constitution that doesn't cover the whole ocean would result in an unfortunate limitation of government access to necessary resources, and create a system covering a series of isolated splotches of territory.
But is it right to institute governance without the direct consent of each individual biome?
There is a reason history trends to larger governments, you know.
Even in our ocean, the ancient Gastropod Empire was able to rule justly for nearly two centuries before they accidentally gassed themselves to death.
worked in america
The government shall not have power of distribution or strength. The fish will be sure of that.
The Republic of Koosh wishes to inform you that we tried to tell you that the NVP wouldn't have it any way but their own.
We would also like to help with your constitution, and we would like to share our five simple rules with you.
1: Do not interrupt the creation of life.
2: Do not hunt anything to extinction.
3: Do not consume more than you need.
4: Do not intentionally harm the ecosystem.
5: If you see a hostile creature, report it immediately so it can be dealt with.
You must be one of those biter 'colletivist' commies huh
Not at all.
Just because I value low government doesn't mean I'm a Commie.
I'm a Naturalist. I believe the government should ONLY enforce laws that affect the equilibrium of an enviroment.
Not like the actual communists and the Public Health and Safety Party, who are for food distribution by the hands of the government.
Would you be willing to consider greater federalism if we write reasonable accountability clauses into our constitution? That should help support your goal of increased individual and local power, and give real teeth to the ability to get rid of undesirable and/or incompetent congressional members, and that threat would do well to limit government overreach.
Would such an agreement be amenable to you, sir?
"Well that escalated equickly"
il just break the ice by asking what would happen to our bloodkelp and lost river cousins that live in the deep.
I've already covered this topic by stateing the biter and bliter shoals make up the great shoal but I want to hear from other party's.
It would be an acceptable step forward.
I am pleased we are locating mutually acceptable ground.
A system of recall procedures would be quite helpful toward this goal. While proper recall procedures may take some time to carry out, it would be an easy note that any representative involved in recall procedures be ineligible to vote.
Safeguards would have to be in place to prevent an abuse of this system for vote control, but I'm sure it is doable.
I'm interested in hearing your thoughts on this matter, distinguished Resolution.
Just stop you don't have a vote because your not a party representative.
And you diddnt even vote for a party
It has already been written into the Messorem Administratum. Justification. Government can justify their actions based on several factors but without proper justification it allows the justification of open revolt, violent or otherwise.
Or we require a systematic way to avoid this. I leave that part up to you.
I'd watch my back if I were any of you.
A constitution is not written by a guy who goes to the back with a notebook and pen after every meeting.
A constitutional draft is a beleaguered process spent debating over the finest minutia of every single line. The merest choice of words will define the direction of millions of lives for hundreds of years, shaping law, culture, and politics long after we are no longer alive. And what we create, good or bad, will ripple in the waters of time forever.
This process is going to take months, if not years, and it will require dozens of people taking a fine-tooth comb over every last dot of ink step by step.
Even our opening line is to be considered. Do we call upon all fish in the sea, and exclude all the invertebrates? Do we call upon all non-plant life, thus forever enshrining the rights of the coral many of us depend upon to survive? Do we call upon all life in the seas, thus extending protections to microbes, plants, and other non-animal organics?