[Bug] Moblile Vehicle Bay Bug

RPGdukeRPGduke Join Date: 2016-11-13 Member: 223828Members
edited November 2016 in Subnautica Bug Reporting
Hello, when I was messing around trying to do a play-through of survival mode from square 1 I had noticed a very odd, but fun bug. It causes your player to fly through the sky at a very high velocity.

1) Make your "Mobile Vehicle Bay"
2) Place it in the water.
3) Climb on to the machine. - http://i.imgur.com/YHH5ouw.jpg
4) Look down and pick it up while on-top of it.
5) Lift off. - http://i.imgur.com/porvaNV.jpg

I hope this helped you in some way. I will continue my search for bugs.


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