
04Leonhardt04Leonhardt I came here to laugh at you Join Date: 2015-08-01 Member: 206618Members
Realest possible talk, the Stalker looks delicious.

A simple suggestion. The ability to harvest meat from corpses and make steaks and filets. More filling than regular fish, but requires additional salt and is harder to get. Could also confer other bonuses, similar to temporary DNA transfusion bonuses.

Basically it would turn a dead fish body into a resource that could be gathered from, until you gathered a certain amount of meat, then the body would disappear.

The Thermoblade would work to cook meat during butchering as it does with whole fish.

Most meat cuts would restore a large portion of your hunger bar, and prevent it from decreasing for a lengthy period afterwards, as well as conferring other bonuses. Effects do not stack.
  • Stalker Steak
    You can harvest 2 from a fully grown Stalker. Packed with natural electrolytes, it will help you swim slightly faster for a short time. Best consumed with a beverage as it is quite salty.
  • Bone Shark Chuck
    You can harvest 3 from a fully grown Bone Shark. The potent enzymes in this tough meat will make you slightly more resistant to physical damage for a bit. Heat (Lava, Volcanic vents) and Energy (Crabsquid EMP and Warper blast attack) are not included.
  • Sandshark Ribs
    You can harvest 2 from a fully grown Sand Shark. Full of protien, eating this meat makes your knife attacks twice as effective, yielding 2 times the samples/seeds from plants and doing double damage to creatures.
  • Reefback Sirloin
    Can only be harvested via PRAWN drill arm. Can be safely harvested from Reefbacks without killing them, as it will regenerate after about an ingame day. Only 1 Slab can be harvested at a time. Eating this juicy meat makes you smell like a Reefback, and therefore make most predators uninterested in you. They may still attack if you get within petting range, however.
  • Prime Reaper Loin

    Eating this meat basically makes you invincible.
    This part is a joke. Prime Reaper Loin is a joke meat. You somehow manage to kill a Reaper Leviathan and harvest its meat and it does absolutely nothing. I really need to go to bed.


  • CAPSHAWCAPSHAW Nevada Join Date: 2016-09-29 Member: 222692Members
    I found a reaper, I don;t know if it was dead, but it was not moving. It kept screaming when I went near it and I could push it around easily. I assumed it was dead, because another reaper spawned near it. I wanted so bad to get meat from that because it would have lasted like, forever. If we had meat from the reaper, there'd be a higher incentive to kill them.
  • EvilSmooEvilSmoo Join Date: 2008-02-16 Member: 63662Members
    edited November 2016
    I don't think it would help the atmosphere of the game to harvest critters on a large scale. The devs have made a point that the game doesn't really care about the player, I think I saw it in a SDL post? They talked about how it would attack anything that came near. It's how sand sharks end up infesting safe shallows- they chase stuff in, though they're terrible at being ambush predators.

    Anyway, follow the gameplay along a bit on this. If the players need to harvest meat, they're going to encrust every front bumper, and stasis/stab their way to butchery glory. It doesn't really feel like it fits with the whole explore-ey thing, as well as being a unique organism trapped on an alien planet out of your element.

    I just finished Solus Project, and I tell you, it is VERY atmospheric, and you don't feel like a big man when there is absolutely nothing to kill, and then suddenly eerie music starts playing in a minor key, and a tornado starts following you. (There's a lot more to it than just a translocator and tornadoes, but I definitely don't want to spoiler that game for anyone.) If there was a butchering/buff mechanic in Solus, it would rather ruin the entire feel. And I think the same might be true for SN.
  • TotallyLemonTotallyLemon Atlanta Georgia Join Date: 2015-05-22 Member: 204764Members
    I though the in-game explanation was that many of the mega fauna have toxic flesh.
  • subnauticambriansubnauticambrian U.S. Join Date: 2016-01-19 Member: 211679Members
    I don't know on all of this... There's something to be said about the fact that dead creatures are essentially decorative and just regenerate after a certain period of time. The perks of this system are obvious: it enforces the player-pacifistic philosophy. I always end up mostly just sad if I kill a sandshark in a fit of PRAWN-enabled rage- it just doesn't accomplish anything.

    On the flip side, the bodies just re... I mean reanimating after a short period of time also seems a bit odd. That combined with the fact that the megafauna deaths would affect not only you, but the environment. It always seems a bit weird to encounter a dead stalker, sandshark or other animal just lying there, being ignored by scavengers (with the exception of bleeders) and never deteriorating. The same goes for creature-to-creature predation- I've never actually seen one creature kill another one. The closest I've ever seen was a crabsquid attacking a jellyray (which are mentioned to be its prey) repeatedly, but eventually the crabsquid just gave up and left...

    Conclusion: I don't know.
  • Hammy2211Hammy2211 Join Date: 2016-10-18 Member: 223218Members
    I see predators go after prey fish all the time. I've never bothered to get close enough to see if they succeeded, though.
  • EvilSmooEvilSmoo Join Date: 2008-02-16 Member: 63662Members
    Hammy2211 wrote: »
    I see predators go after prey fish all the time. I've never bothered to get close enough to see if they succeeded, though.

    The cloud of blood they generate when you hear a jaw "snap" is a pretty good indicator that something took a hit.
  • Hammy2211Hammy2211 Join Date: 2016-10-18 Member: 223218Members
    EvilSmoo wrote: »
    Hammy2211 wrote: »
    I see predators go after prey fish all the time. I've never bothered to get close enough to see if they succeeded, though.

    The cloud of blood they generate when you hear a jaw "snap" is a pretty good indicator that something took a hit.

    I mainly meant checking whether or not it was actually still there, and/or dead rather than swimming around.

    With my craptop, it's not productive to waste what time I have between the essentially inevitable crashes/meltdowns that have taught me to save every 5 minutes or so.
  • yellowsubyellowsub manchester Join Date: 2016-07-21 Member: 220525Members
    I love the idea of turning all things into food, mixing flora and fauna to make meals not just a cut of meat. Eg. Potatoes and cave crawlers with an acid mushroom could make crawler cakes. Or add rice in game for sushi ideas. A whole new list of collectable recipes.

    Ok so I'm hungry alot, don't judge me.
  • yellowsubyellowsub manchester Join Date: 2016-07-21 Member: 220525Members
    Rabbit ray omelet anyone. :p
  • subnauticambriansubnauticambrian U.S. Join Date: 2016-01-19 Member: 211679Members
    edited November 2016
    yellowsub wrote: »
    Rabbit ray omelet anyone. :p

    Oh stop, you're making me hungry...

    EDIT: I'm surprised we haven't been assaulted by hordes of angry vegans yet.
  • 04Leonhardt04Leonhardt I came here to laugh at you Join Date: 2015-08-01 Member: 206618Members
    I though the in-game explanation was that many of the mega fauna have toxic flesh.

    The only ones I can remember explicitly being stated to be poisonous are the Rabbit Ray and I believe the Jellyray.

    I am hungry for some Crabsquid Legs.
  • Hammy2211Hammy2211 Join Date: 2016-10-18 Member: 223218Members
    I believe all rays in-game are toxic. Mainly because they're all related.
  • yellowsubyellowsub manchester Join Date: 2016-07-21 Member: 220525Members
    So they need to be prepared in a special way like fugu. I think thats how it's spelt for puffer fish cuts.

    I personally like the idea of needing a specific fabricator for this purpose and having recipes being a scanable entity like the chairs or data safes.

    There we go, We need a food update.

    Everyone throw in your tasty ideas now. I'm thinking boiled stalker eggs on seared sandshark steaks with a Chinese potato rosti, maybe some of those pink mushrooms from the floater island fried on the side. Sounds delicious
  • gutlessgravygutlessgravy usa florda Join Date: 2016-11-04 Member: 223664Members
    um what about seadragon meat did you think of that
  • 04Leonhardt04Leonhardt I came here to laugh at you Join Date: 2015-08-01 Member: 206618Members
    um what about seadragon meat did you think of that

    Sea Dragons have no meat. Only lava and hate.
  • Hammy2211Hammy2211 Join Date: 2016-10-18 Member: 223218Members
    yellowsub wrote: »
    So they need to be prepared in a special way like fugu. I think thats how it's spelt for puffer fish cuts.

    I personally like the idea of needing a specific fabricator for this purpose and having recipes being a scanable entity like the chairs or data safes.

    There we go, We need a food update.

    Everyone throw in your tasty ideas now. I'm thinking boiled stalker eggs on seared sandshark steaks with a Chinese potato rosti, maybe some of those pink mushrooms from the floater island fried on the side. Sounds delicious

    In the case of pufferfish, most of the poison is concentrated in specific organs and the like. The in-game text states that the flesh of the Rabbitray is toxic in general, IIRC. Although, in a world where machines capable of rearranging substances on a molecular level are numerous and hand-held or wall-mounted, you'd think that they'd have figured out how to make them capable of removing toxins. :P

    And yes, that is the correct spelling of fugu. :)
  • yellowsubyellowsub manchester Join Date: 2016-07-21 Member: 220525Members
    That's a remarkably good point, one I will ponder whilst tucking into sautéed reaper mandibles with lantern fruit dressing.
  • EvilSmooEvilSmoo Join Date: 2008-02-16 Member: 63662Members
    So, do people expect the devs to model each meal individually, or are they going to be easier-to-render tubes or dishes? That's one single tube, or a low-res tray with variable names, or a discrete model for each dish. Each disk taking valuable time to crank out.

    And after all this work, most people will probably just make whatever is easiest, rendering all the effort moot.

    That is why the entire idea is not an efficient use of dev time.
  • yellowsubyellowsub manchester Join Date: 2016-07-21 Member: 220525Members
    If that were true everyone would just build mpr stacked one over another and call it base design.

    People like a little creativity, it's normally the little things that make a big difference.

    do I expect it to happen, probably not, 99% of posts on this forum are never going to happen. Defensive base designs, upgrades, a new sub, never going to happen the devs can hardly find the time to make the game work on console let alone add what people want as extras.

    but that's not the point is it? We like to post stuff because it shows our thoughts and what we'd like to have developed into the game. Food for me is something everyone enjoys and it stands to reason that when trapped on an island you'd get creative after a while.
  • JamezorgJamezorg United Kingdom Join Date: 2016-05-15 Member: 216788Members
    This would be great, but I don't want to kill the creatures. I would want them to kill each other and then me just scavenge for a piece of delicious salty meat.
    I've seen a sand shark swim too close to the kelp forest and then get bombarded by stalkers afterwards, but never have the stalkers actually killed anything other than peepers and garryfish. I want them to go in, kill the sand shark, and then me harvest its tender, juicy flank.

    But for reapers I'd have to swing in on Sea Hulk (my PRAWN) to kill. Which would be good, I'd kill a reaper for its meat. :)
  • yellowsubyellowsub manchester Join Date: 2016-07-21 Member: 220525Members
    I think maybe a mess hall / kitchen fabricator could prepare food bit would take time to do it and the more complex the dish the better the results. Starting from basic sushi to protein bars to nutritional supplements or food pills. Each with it's own degradation time and effects upon hydration and hunger including reducing the speed of dehydration or starvation.
    some could be great short term foods such as the afore mentioned delicacies where as others such as food pills and nutrition bars could have longer lasting effects however each requires a data log or pda recipe to unlock.

    what you think?
  • EvilSmooEvilSmoo Join Date: 2008-02-16 Member: 63662Members
    I think an internal MFR module that creates compressed food blocks would make the most sense. Give people anything-blocks, and veggie blocks.

    I think there are a lot of different types of sushi, and it would be better to make easy block-food then to do a poor job on sushi. And to do a really good job on sushi would be an entirely different game. As well a lot of work for no gameplay reward. And there's no rice anyway.

    I could see seaweed wraps, though. Fish plus kelp fragments. Thing is, different fish have different food values, should it downgrade good fish, or upgrade poor fish?

    And a fridge in the Cyclops would be very nice, and fish should die when in inventory while dry, and lockers.
  • 04Leonhardt04Leonhardt I came here to laugh at you Join Date: 2015-08-01 Member: 206618Members
    EvilSmoo wrote: »
    That is why the entire idea is not an efficient use of dev time.

    If every suggestion had to be "an efficient use of dev time" literally nothing would be suggested ever.

    To solve your problem, have something like a "Cooking Station" be the thing that feeds/waters you, rather than an item. So you go up to the Cooking Station, look through the list of recipes you have, pick the one you have the ingredients for, and then it automatically dispenses it for you. Always wanted an actual Grill.

    Could be explained that you can't easily carry around a tray of food underwater, so you just eat it right there.
  • FrustratedFrustrated Join Date: 2016-11-04 Member: 223643Members
    It does seem like a waste not to eat scavenge from dead food, but it also feels too yuk.

    When I first discovered the underwater islands, I build a base on the one with the hot vents and killed every bone shark. I would have had enough bone shark chucks to last almost forever... maybe I could have stored it later in the cold lost river bit (although it came later).

    Since then it's all been repopulated and re-resourced, and I don't have the heart to do anything with the bone sharks there, except the ones directly affecting my base.

    I never use the thermoblade to cook fish. I always have reginalds in tanks for fresh food in the bases. Otherwise I would have to take up a slot with another blade.

    Compressing food into high density blocks is a good idea though. Easy to implement as it would just be another recipe. 4 reginalds (40ish hunger points each) to a food block.

  • ArtoriusArtorius Indiana USA Join Date: 2016-09-02 Member: 221998Members
    This is why we need a kitchen. Food prep using blends of meats, veggies and spices could easily have a positive effect where you regain health faster or gain more value from the food or something.
  • 04Leonhardt04Leonhardt I came here to laugh at you Join Date: 2015-08-01 Member: 206618Members
    Thus is more of a general cooking thing.

    It'd be neat if the fabricator originally couldn't cook fish, but only break them down into like a cold, salty meaty nutrient paste.

    Then you find and scan an upgraded Fabricator in the galley of the Aurora that can cook and prepare meals.

    I'll actually do a write up of a list of Fabricator upgrades later.
  • EvilSmooEvilSmoo Join Date: 2008-02-16 Member: 63662Members
    Thus is more of a general cooking thing.

    It'd be neat if the fabricator originally couldn't cook fish, but only break them down into like a cold, salty meaty nutrient paste.

    Then you find and scan an upgraded Fabricator in the galley of the Aurora that can cook and prepare meals.

    I'll actually do a write up of a list of Fabricator upgrades later.

    Sounds interesting. Fast-prepared fish could have -20% food value, and 0 water, and normal cooking could be as now.

    Still, it would lean on early-game survival a bit. That's not good, messing with basic game balance to make things annoying rather than challenging is generally just obnoxious rather than good gameplay.

    Perhaps the fabricator in the lifepod should be a lesser version, with base fabricators capable of more options and upgrades? Put a basic one-small-bottle desalinator in the lifepod, as well. That way when people get a base fabricator, they can make all the cooked fish for the full food value, and longer spoil time. Then, get a nutrient processor for indefinite shelf life.

    Because it would make a lot of sense for a lifepod to be able to synthesize almost anything into food, and also provide water purification/desalination- these are basic survival needs. And if a longer stay is inevitable, to allow base construction of a fabricator that can do more.
  • 04Leonhardt04Leonhardt I came here to laugh at you Join Date: 2015-08-01 Member: 206618Members
    EvilSmoo wrote: »
    Because it would make a lot of sense for a lifepod to be able to synthesize almost anything into food, and also provide water purification/desalination- these are basic survival needs. And if a longer stay is inevitable, to allow base construction of a fabricator that can do more.

    True. Though I imagine a pure survival fabricator, like what one would find on a lifepod, would only really work to turn biomass into edible gruel.

    Real world survival rations aren't very appetizing, but they keep you nourished and alive.
    That should be the same idea that went into the development of the Lifepod Fabricator. Just doing barely enough to keep you alive.
  • EvilSmooEvilSmoo Join Date: 2008-02-16 Member: 63662Members
    EvilSmoo wrote: »
    Because it would make a lot of sense for a lifepod to be able to synthesize almost anything into food, and also provide water purification/desalination- these are basic survival needs. And if a longer stay is inevitable, to allow base construction of a fabricator that can do more.

    True. Though I imagine a pure survival fabricator, like what one would find on a lifepod, would only really work to turn biomass into edible gruel.

    Real world survival rations aren't very appetizing, but they keep you nourished and alive.
    That should be the same idea that went into the development of the Lifepod Fabricator. Just doing barely enough to keep you alive.

    No, you're thinking about that last part the wrong way. It's not "just barely enough" so much as a survival system without many frills. It takes biomass and makes sure it's got calories, is not poisonous, and has enough nutrients to keep you alive and healthy enough until rescue. Taste is just not a consideration.

    The fancy fish-roastey bit would be an upgrade, or in the VIP's lifepod's databank.
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