First Warper encounter

TenebrousNovaTenebrousNova England Join Date: 2015-12-23 Member: 210206Members
As narrated by my survivor.

"Today, I took an unscheduled detour from my latest adventure in the Koosh Zone. Whilst I was taking samples from the eponymous koosh bushes endemic to the region the AI chipped in to report a powerful energy signature on the Mountain Island. It then reminded me that I had less than ten seconds of breathable air remaining in my tank. Thanks. As I clambered through the cyclops' airlock and removed my rebreather, I instructed the AI in between mouthfuls of seawater to set course for the island.

Back at my base in the Safe Shallows I enjoyed a distant view of the Mountain Island's hazy outline which was usually wreathed in thin clouds, but had never got around to visiting it. I wondered what sort of beautiful vistas and homicidal new predators awaited me there as the cyclops' engine gently hummed in the background. I did hear the distant roars of a reaper leviathan en route to the island and spied the blue silhouette of the malevolent beast through the cyclops cameras as it cruised far below, undoubtedly on its eternal quest to slake its insatiable bloodlust. It was my lucky day and it never noticed me.

After a while, my vessel slowed to a stop approximately ten metres away from the sandy shoreline and I disembarked.
Immediately after leaving the airlock I noticed an unusual looking red nodule of rock on the sloping seafloor below, so I swam down to retrieve it. The AI told me that it's a piece of magnetite and an essential component in certain advanced technologies, briefly showing me a holographic image of what I believe to be a thermal power plant. Nice!

The island was peaceful enough when I set foot upon it. Bulbo trees grew abundantly on the shores and Skyrays lazily glided on the warm gentle winds.
The worst I've encountered on dry land so far is the small Cave Crawler and they're too skittish to pose a real threat. I welcome these expeditions as I can actually relax a little.

After a preliminary inspection of the beaches I was unable to find an obvious source for the signal the AI had picked up, so I turned my attentions to the namesake mountain that dominated the island. About halfway of my ascent along the natural pathway leading up the mountain, I heard a curious sound further ahead. It was a sort of harsh clicking and I wondered if I was trespassing on a Skyray's nesting site. After a few minutes of waiting the sound did not return, so I continued my journey.

Then I saw it. A tall creature stood in front of me, repeating the sound I had heard before. It looked like some sort of alien cephalopod with two pairs of faintly glowing bright purple eyes positioned over a set of mandibles. A purple, cape-like caparace covered a translucent blue body which treated me to a view of its internal organs. The creature held a pair of scythe-like appendages in front of it and balanced on six tentacles.

We stared at each other for a few seconds before the creature suddenly issued an unearthly screech, slithered rapidly past me and- I can't find any other word to describe it- teleported in a swirl of energy that dissipated as quickly as it came."


"The AI reported a weird interference at the time but didn't- or couldn't- seem to register the creature's presence.

Was this creature stalking me? Was it intelligent? Somehow I don't think it wants me to find the source of the energy signature on the island. And for now, it'll get its wish as I'm too thoroughly unnerved to return without a P.R.A.W.N. exosuit armed to the teeth."

I know it's just a bug, but my survivor doesn't. ;)
Seriously, seeing that Warper suddenly show up and vanish in the most unexpected place was like something out of SOMA. Kudos to the devs for giving us such a fascinating alien!


  • subnauticambriansubnauticambrian U.S. Join Date: 2016-01-19 Member: 211679Members
    Love the dry wit and genuine voice you give to the survivor! and yes, the first time I saw a warper on land... well, let's just say "nodamage" was on faster than you could blink...
  • TenebrousNovaTenebrousNova England Join Date: 2015-12-23 Member: 210206Members
    Thank you! I like the Anomalocaris avatar, something like that would fit well in Subnautica.
  • DaveyNYDaveyNY Schenectady, NY Join Date: 2016-08-30 Member: 221903Members
    edited October 2016
    I've encountered them several times around and on the Mt. Isle.
    Mostly they have ignored me.
    The few times they have actually moved toward me, it seemed to be more of an aimless meander than an outright attack.

    I've only actually been pulled out of my Seamoth twice (in a couple of weeks of playing), each time I was wearing the reinforced suit and suffered only 3 or 4 points of damage.
    Both times it had apparently popped in behind me and then transported me up and toward the rear arc of my mini-sub.

    I accidentally ran into one head-on once, while traveling to the Lost River entrance in my PRAWN.
    It just popped away screeching without doing anything to me.

    So far, I have found the menacing creatures of the game to be more of an annoyance than an actual threat.
    But I do tend to travel rather warily through the larger creatures domains and since they almost always appear off in the distance (due to their size) I can usually avoid them.

    I have not yet encountered the Sea Dragon, but when I do I'm sure I won't purposely test it's attack range.

    I'd love to see a biome where the Warpers and the Crabsquids co-exist...
    Imagine being EMP'd by a crabsquid while in your seamoth and then have a warper pop you several hundred meters away, only to view the two of them use your mini-sub as a tennis ball, as you watch your air supply dwindle while trying to rapidly reach the surface from -300 meters or more.

  • TenebrousNovaTenebrousNova England Join Date: 2015-12-23 Member: 210206Members
    edited October 2016
    DaveyNY wrote: »
    I'd love to see a biome where the Warpers and the Crabsquids co-exist...
    Imagine being EMP'd by a crabsquid while in your seamoth and then have a warper pop you several hundred meters away, only to view the two of them use your mini-sub as a tennis ball, as you watch your air supply dwindle while trying to rapidly reach the surface from -300 meters or more.


    What a twisted, sadistic idea.

    I love it. I'll have to try spawning the two together in creative at some point to watch the chaos unfold. I always imagined the Warpers teleporting into your base to wreak havoc, such as entering your alien containment tanks to slaughter your fish stocks and other pets.
  • ThosarThosar Join Date: 2016-08-14 Member: 221302Members
    DaveyNY wrote: »
    I've encountered them several times around and on the Mt. Isle.
    Mostly they have ignored me.
    The few times they have actually moved toward me, it seemed to be more of an aimless meander than an outright attack.

    I've only actually been pulled out of my Seamoth twice (in a couple of weeks of playing), each time I was wearing the reinforced suit and suffered only 3 or 4 points of damage.
    Both times it had apparently popped in behind me and then transported me up and toward the rear arc of my mini-sub.

    I accidentally ran into one head-on once, while traveling to the Lost River entrance in my PRAWN.
    It just popped away screeching without doing anything to me.

    So far, I have found the menacing creatures of the game to be more of an annoyance than an actual threat.
    But I do tend to travel rather warily through the larger creatures domains and since they almost always appear off in the distance (due to their size) I can usually avoid them.

    I have not yet encountered the Sea Dragon, but when I do I'm sure I won't purposely test it's attack range.

    I'd love to see a biome where the Warpers and the Crabsquids co-exist...
    Imagine being EMP'd by a crabsquid while in your seamoth and then have a warper pop you several hundred meters away, only to view the two of them use your mini-sub as a tennis ball, as you watch your air supply dwindle while trying to rapidly reach the surface from -300 meters or more.


    There is a biome where they both appear... In fact, I'm not sure there is a biome with crabsquids that doesn't also feature warpers. I've seen warpers most anywhere that's at least ~350 meters down. I haven't actually seen them on the island... Though I honestly haven't spent much time there. A quick trip through after the most recent update (I play stable) to see if anything has changed... Not much had, so I left it alone.
  • MiralityMirality New Zealand Join Date: 2016-08-05 Member: 221004Members
    DaveyNY wrote: »
    I'd love to see a biome where the Warpers and the Crabsquids co-exist...
    Imagine being EMP'd by a crabsquid while in your seamoth and then have a warper pop you several hundred meters away, only to view the two of them use your mini-sub as a tennis ball, as you watch your air supply dwindle while trying to rapidly reach the surface from -300 meters or more.

    And then a reaper "borrows" your seamoth...
  • TotalologistTotalologist Norwich, UK. Join Date: 2016-04-05 Member: 215379Members
    As usual on my base-building trips I was fully laden with tit,quartz,glass etc and was not carrying my usual outfit of propulsion cannon, knife, air bladder, spare o2 tanks, health kits etc. Usually I would feel vulnerable, but I was only heading to grand reef not the deep part, and we all know there is nothing scary in grand reef, so I was very comfortable heading off in my seamoth. I follow the canyon from kelp into the reef and spot a good ledge on the left from which I can see the top of the wreck. Perfect spot for a recon base! I construct my usual foundations, X corridor, and multi-purpose room and just for the hell of it I add a window looking out.

    It is as I am standing there, in a base with no power, I notice that beside the wreck are some little stone spires and there is a funny little swirly blue flash there, maybe 50m from my base. Ah crap... I think I know what that is...

    My mind starts to whir. I only have one o2 tank strapped on, no 'bladder, no 'glide, no torch and it's dark. There is a good chance if this thing teleports me out of the 'moth and I can't get back in it quickly, I won't be able to reach the surface. I know they teleport but I don't know if it's 10m or 100... as my mind is racing my o2 is running low. I have to go back outside to the 'moth either way.

    "Okay, don't panic, here we go..."

    I scramble the hatch and clumsily seal the 'moth. I can see it. It's ahead of me, 50-60m at most and seems to be floating toward the wreckage. I head up and around, trying to get a better view and it disappears in another swirl of light. I wait patiently, hoping to spot the creature spawn and assess the risk to my base and wreck operations. 30 seconds pass and he hasn't spawned back again so I start to turn around to head back to my main base for my equipment - and there he is, right next to me, almost bumping the 'moth... my heart dropped. I immediately panicked, span 180 and gunned it away further down the canyon. How the hell did it do that!? I never saw a flash of light, maybe it was a second one... it didn't even roar like most wildlife, it was just there, silent, ready to kill me...

    My palms were sweaty but I had put some distance between it and me so I tried to collect my thoughts. I shouldn't have bothered. He, or his accomplice appeared maybe 10m away from me to the side in a flash of light. Further panic ensued. I didn't want to go slow because that would make it easy for it to teleport me out of my 'moth, but I didn't want to go fast because if he *did* manage to hit me, and I was pulled away from the 'moth and it's momentum kept it going... I could end up a long way from my oxygen, my transport, my life... I zig-zagged and fast-slowed my way back up the canyon again and the bloody thing appeared almost right in front of me. By this point I was resolving my imminent death and gunned it straight ahead full power. I think it bounced off the side of the 'moth. I'm not sure. I had my eyes closed at the time.

    I'm never leaving my base without spare tanks and weaponry ever again...

    These creatures, in particular the way they like sneaking up behind you then pulling you from your ship totally unannounced, are like bottled anxiety for me.

    [Also for the person above, I can confirm warpers + crabsquids living side by side in deep reef at least.]
  • SidchickenSidchicken Plumbing the subnautican depths Join Date: 2016-02-16 Member: 213125Members
    Wait... you can find those things on LAND?! That's terrifying.
  • DaveyNYDaveyNY Schenectady, NY Join Date: 2016-08-30 Member: 221903Members
    Sidchicken wrote: »
    Wait... you can find those things on LAND?! That's terrifying.

    I've only seen them along the shoreline so far.
    If that's any consolation.
  • SidchickenSidchicken Plumbing the subnautican depths Join Date: 2016-02-16 Member: 213125Members
    DaveyNY wrote: »
    Sidchicken wrote: »
    Wait... you can find those things on LAND?! That's terrifying.

    I've only seen them along the shoreline so far.
    If that's any consolation.

    It isn't.
  • DaveyNYDaveyNY Schenectady, NY Join Date: 2016-08-30 Member: 221903Members
    edited October 2016
    Sidchicken wrote: »
    DaveyNY wrote: »
    Sidchicken wrote: »
    Wait... you can find those things on LAND?! That's terrifying.

    I've only seen them along the shoreline so far.
    If that's any consolation.

    It isn't.

    It's pretty cool spending a night on the island watching them pop in an out above and below the waterline.
    Quite a light show.
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