Not correct drop of PRAWN from Cyclop

Alex_INFERNOAlex_INFERNO Russia, Moscow Join Date: 2016-03-09 Member: 214036Members
edited September 2016 in Subnautica Bug Reporting
While i try to leave Cyclop on my PRAWN the srange stuck happen. PRAWN dropping to one side (left in my case) of Cyclop's hangar and stuck there, and this lead to some roll of Cyclop 'body'. after a few jerking PRAWN will release at last. Its happen each time when i leave Cyclop on PRAWN


  • Edu4444Edu4444 Spain Join Date: 2016-09-28 Member: 222681Members
    I have the same bug, when I drop PRAWN from Cyclops it falls lying down... is too difficult to control the PRAWN after that and take it back to the moonpool/Cyclops
  • MyrmMyrm Sweden Join Date: 2015-08-16 Member: 207210Members
    I haven't had my PRAWN fall over, but it does seem to jump to the left a little when leaving the Cyclops.
  • EvilSmooEvilSmoo Join Date: 2008-02-16 Member: 63662Members
    This has been reported before. Seems to be fixed in experimental.

    Still seems to "bang" a little leaving Cyclops in PRAWN, but doesn't seem to list to the right anymore, at least.
  • Alex_INFERNOAlex_INFERNO Russia, Moscow Join Date: 2016-03-09 Member: 214036Members
    EvilSmoo wrote: »
    This has been reported before. Seems to be fixed in experimental.
    I am in experimental - nothing fixed
  • Harry82Harry82 France Join Date: 2016-08-23 Member: 221617Members
    Same deal but in DC stable, getting thrown a bit to the left when exiting Cyclops and also the tilting. Goes back to normal after entering and exiting a moonpool. I'm also getting the bubble animation from the PRAWN engines displaying permanently, even when docked.

    Tried not using any arm's either, still the same result.

    I had built lockers in the bay underneath so I deleted them but no luck.

    There are some weird things going on with the walls of the Cyclops, such as the left hand wall in the Launch Bay which doesn't have the same properties as the right when you attempt to build things on it. Same as the right hand wall (opposite built in lockers) in the front section. Certain areas cant be built on, sort of in the middle of the wall.

    At least my PRAWN isn't on its face I spose! ;)
  • Alex_INFERNOAlex_INFERNO Russia, Moscow Join Date: 2016-03-09 Member: 214036Members
    edited October 2016
    Harry82 wrote: »
    Same deal but in DC stable, getting thrown a bit to the left when exiting Cyclops and also the tilting. Goes back to normal after entering and exiting a moonpool. I'm also getting the bubble animation from the PRAWN engines displaying permanently, even when docked.

    Its just because you jumping up via engines while docking. Try to release SPACE button (jump) right before PRAWN will be fixed by moonpool/cyclop's holders - another word for disabling engines just before parking. Similar situation you can see if you enter seamoth while you repair em by welder. You always sitting in seamoth but still can see the sparks from welder.
    Harry82 wrote: »
    I had built lockers in the bay underneath so I deleted them but no luck.

    There are some weird things going on with the walls of the Cyclops, such as the left hand wall in the Launch Bay which doesn't have the same properties as the right when you attempt to build things on it. Same as the right hand wall (opposite built in lockers) in the front section. Certain areas cant be built on, sort of in the middle of the wall.

    At least my PRAWN isn't on its face I spose! ;)

    The reason of this video bug is in fact that visible border of the walls of the most inner compartments not 'lay on border' of 3D model. So forget about strange that locker fly in air on a few distance of the wall - you are not drunk! :)
  • FathomFathom Earth Join Date: 2016-07-01 Member: 219405Members
    They should make hitting the jump jets put the PRAWN upright again. So even if a Reaper leaves you upside down, you can fix it yourself. Probably easier to implement a workaround than chasing down every single event, setting and circumstance where orientation can get messed up and try to fix it. Of course the most common/glaring situations should get fixed anyway.
  • Edu4444Edu4444 Spain Join Date: 2016-09-28 Member: 222681Members
    Today my PRAWN has been destroyed by the cyclops when I was undocking xD
  • Alex_INFERNOAlex_INFERNO Russia, Moscow Join Date: 2016-03-09 Member: 214036Members
    I think that best decision in current situation is cutting by saw big hole in hull and crawling out on all fours XD
  • DracoCretelDracoCretel Join Date: 2016-09-25 Member: 222607Members
    There are massive problems with the PRAWN undocking in the experimental build and still some in the stable build. Hopefully they'll get them fixed soon. Also it seems when the PRAWN is docked in the Cyclops it causes the sub to spin out of control! Slowly, but surely it will breech the surface and go nose up. It's quite funny to see.
  • subnauticambriansubnauticambrian U.S. Join Date: 2016-01-19 Member: 211679Members
    Just wanted to say that I've just experienced this bug as well, just now. When I exited the Cyclops in the PRAWN suit, the suit banged up against the cyclops and landed tilted to the right on the seafloor. Needless to say, it was quite hard to control. I didn't have any problem docking and undocking from the moonpool though. I agree with @Fathom , we need a way to right the prawn suit ourselves.
  • Alex_INFERNOAlex_INFERNO Russia, Moscow Join Date: 2016-03-09 Member: 214036Members
    edited October 2016
    IMHO !!!
    As for me - better way to resolve all this 'bugs' is to merge/combine the PRAWN with Seamoth in one 'complete' bathyscaphe... Add to Seamoth 3D model pair of manipulators (as at real bathyscaphe) for mining/picking-up-objects, add place for mount turret with repulsor-gun (to say true - not so necessary), increase size of 'cargo bay', increase critical depth, add ability to install reactor-heat-charger - and oops... PRAWN do not need anymore. I'd like too much my Seamoth for its maneuverability/mobility. Its great-sensitive for driving. Seamoth - is all what I need if Devs can merge useful properties of PRAWN and Seamoth.
    ..... But I understand that theme of PRAWN existing in this game always 'take root' and newer will be removed/'reviewed'.
  • UltraOneUltraOne USA Join Date: 2015-10-25 Member: 208727Members
    I have encountered this bug as well, with PRAWN suit falling to the right on Cyclops exit and the Cyclops getting pushed quite a bit laterally in reaction. Nothing I do in game can straighten the PRAWN suit, but logging out and back fixes it until the next time it undocks.
  • narfblatnarfblat Utah, USA Join Date: 2016-05-15 Member: 216799Members, Forum Moderators, Forum staff
    Harry82 wrote: »
    There are some weird things going on with the walls of the Cyclops, such as the left hand wall in the Launch Bay which doesn't have the same properties as the right when you attempt to build things on it. Same as the right hand wall (opposite built in lockers) in the front section. Certain areas cant be built on, sort of in the middle of the wall...

    Across from the lockers has really weird buildable areas. I can build next to the ladder, and near the bulkhead, but not in the middle. I can build in a really weird position between the unbuildable wall and the locker wall; I was able to place a larger locker off the ground with the top tiled toward the back of the Cyclops. There are other oddities in the Cyclops; I tried building a chair by the console left of the steering wheel, but it was floating too.
  • EvilSmooEvilSmoo Join Date: 2008-02-16 Member: 63662Members
    I think those are all the zones where it can place random hull-breach items?

    So if players could build there, you could get hull breaches obscured by lockers, and un-weldable. Or carpet the Cyclops with lockers, and never get hull breaches?
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