The fast track to the Multi-Purpose Room (in pictures)



  • BDelacroixBDelacroix Florida Join Date: 2016-04-08 Member: 215511Members
    I've found some fragments (near the mountain I think) and of course you have the option of the floating island as well to get one of these.
  • stevenwojostevenwojo Texas, USA Join Date: 2016-09-11 Member: 222252Members
    You do know the hole is still there, just not accessible, right? Anyone ever think that the devs were forcing you to go a specific way because this is early access and they want to test certain areas of the game to ensure it is bug free? That hole was opened up and tested for quite a while. Maybe it will be again once version 1.0 hits, but it is useless if everyone just skips the area that they want to be tested... Just my opinion.
  • dealwithitdogdealwithitdog Texas Join Date: 2016-06-09 Member: 218343Members
    edited October 2016
    DagothUr wrote: »
    Sidchicken wrote: »
    By contrast the hole in the Aurora made the ship a ton less interesting - not only did you not have to go near the reapers, you didn't have to deal with the spiders either, and with the new changes (remember these were all planned before you posted your guide) you wouldn't have had to figure out how to get in (whether you cut your way in through the lower entrance or find the code to access the upper one).

    Translation: "My way is the right way, your way is the wrong way, thus change to force everyone to do it my way was totally justified."

    It's more that the Aurora has its own sort of progression within the game now, and immediately going to the reactor breaks that. Before that was the only thing you had to do. Now there's a bunch of other stuff.
  • DagothUrDagothUr Florida Join Date: 2016-07-12 Member: 220125Members
    It's more that the Aurora has its own sort of progression within the game now, and immediately going to the reactor breaks that. Before that was the only thing you had to do. Now there's a bunch of other stuff.

    So what you're saying is: The hard way is the right way, the easy way was the wrong way, thus changing it to force everyone to do it the hard is totally justified. Got it.

  • dealwithitdogdealwithitdog Texas Join Date: 2016-06-09 Member: 218343Members
    DagothUr wrote: »
    It's more that the Aurora has its own sort of progression within the game now, and immediately going to the reactor breaks that. Before that was the only thing you had to do. Now there's a bunch of other stuff.

    So what you're saying is: The hard way is the right way, the easy way was the wrong way, thus changing it to force everyone to do it the hard is totally justified. Got it.

    Wow. Way to totally disregard what my post actually said. What I'm saying is that the Aurora now has an intended path to it. Its a more linear part of the game. It's like saying that you should glitch past the first half of the main quest in Skyrim just because you don't want to actually play the game. Which you can totally do, but I don't think anyone would make a fuss if they patched it. Yes, I know that Glitch≠Tunnel. My point is, and this goes for anything saying "it's just artificial difficulty": This is an Early Access game. Just because it was easy before does not mean it will stay that way. New mechanics can be added, and they may make the game harder, but that's just how it goes. Take another great in development game: Yandere Simulator. Over the course of its development, it has gotten MUCH harder and more complex. Yet there is a startling lack of "artificial difficulty" comments made there. That's because many people realize (and many people here do as well) that those mechanics that make the game harder could have very well been planned from the beginning, meaning they were not just added to make the game longer, another common phrase I've seen. This game has the highest quantity of people complaining about the game being made harder I've ever seen. We're lucky the devs are letting us play the game early, yet at every slight increase in difficulty people cry out that it's become unfairly difficult. When was it ever said that this would be an easy game? Don't expect what you haven't been promised.
  • SidchickenSidchicken Plumbing the subnautican depths Join Date: 2016-02-16 Member: 213125Members
    DagothUr wrote: »
    Translation: "My way is the right way, your way is the wrong way, thus change to force everyone to do it my way was totally justified."

    You've provided zero good reasons there should be a tunnel straight to the engine room. I won't even call it a "secret" tunnel, because basically everyone knew about it. It provided direct access to the inside of the ship and required nothing but a radiation suit, meaning it would completely break the game progression. Trying to portray the devs as sadistic control freaks over it is flat-out wrong.
  • RalijRalij US Join Date: 2016-05-20 Member: 217092Members
    stevenwojo wrote: »
    You do know the hole is still there, just not accessible, right? Anyone ever think that the devs were forcing you to go a specific way because this is early access and they want to test certain areas of the game to ensure it is bug free? That hole was opened up and tested for quite a while. Maybe it will be again once version 1.0 hits, but it is useless if everyone just skips the area that they want to be tested... Just my opinion.

    This is a really good point. Blocking it off may be just their way of getting more data/bug reports on the front end of the ship as they expect new players to go that way. Considering the front end gets blown to bits it would be most logical to assume an entrance would be from that direction, no?
  • WSBurnsWSBurns KingdomOFMadness Join Date: 2016-07-25 Member: 220631Members
    edited October 2016
    So....this discussion is all about the importance of a hole?
  • TalisseraTalissera Join Date: 2016-09-03 Member: 222023Members
    DagothUr wrote: »
    Enjoy it now before the devs discover this and patch it out of the game.

    1) From you lifepod head SSW until you find the wreck of Pod#6. Since your starting position is randomized, it may no be exactly SSW, but it's position doesn't change. Only yours does. So long as you can find this you're good to go. Odds are, however, that you will have to cross a kelp ravine in your travels. Stay near the surface and stalkers shouldn't be an issue so long as you keep moving.


    Ahh where is spoilers...

    I think every scrapyard near the base mucks picture from base windows.
  • RalijRalij US Join Date: 2016-05-20 Member: 217092Members
    WSBurns wrote: »
    So....this discussion is all about the importance of a hole?

    Its more a discussion as a reminder that this is an early access game. Personally, this game is polished enough that its really easy to forget that its still in development. I've played finished games that weren't to this stage of completion. That said when you think you've found something neat and it vanishes it is really frustrating, especially when you're not expecting something like that to get patched up.
  • WSBurnsWSBurns KingdomOFMadness Join Date: 2016-07-25 Member: 220631Members
    I dont see why its frustrating to some people to have a possible exploit being fixed in early development, it feels only natural Devs would have it fixed sooner or later, same thing happen back when some exploit allowed us to place solar panels in the Cyclops.
  • DagothUrDagothUr Florida Join Date: 2016-07-12 Member: 220125Members
    What I'm saying is that the Aurora now has an intended path to it. Its a more linear part of the game.


    Linear ≠ exploration.
  • dealwithitdogdealwithitdog Texas Join Date: 2016-06-09 Member: 218343Members
    DagothUr wrote: »
    What I'm saying is that the Aurora now has an intended path to it. Its a more linear part of the game.


    Linear ≠ exploration.

    Oh wow, one small part of a large fully explorable game world that's linear. The horror. I mean, its not like there are other exploration games with somewhat linear parts to them. There's not like, Strongholds in Minecraft, or any number of kinds of dungeons in Starbound. Because those are two great exploration games and something like that would totally ruin them. OH WAIT-
  • WSBurnsWSBurns KingdomOFMadness Join Date: 2016-07-25 Member: 220631Members

    DagothUr wrote: »
    What I'm saying is that the Aurora now has an intended path to it. Its a more linear part of the game.


    Linear ≠ exploration.

    I dont really agree with your assumption, this is a sandbox game with a well built exploration set , but as soon as the developers add a story mode it will always be linear. Anyway i dont see how one less path to Aurora will break immersion and bring more linearity to this game. They just decided a less accessible entrance would now be more suited to the story that will added later.
  • FluffersFluffers United States Join Date: 2015-05-22 Member: 204749Members
    But, can't you just go to the floating island? Or did they change it so that you can't? :o
  • SidchickenSidchicken Plumbing the subnautican depths Join Date: 2016-02-16 Member: 213125Members
    Fluffers wrote: »
    But, can't you just go to the floating island? Or did they change it so that you can't? :o

    No you can totally still do that.
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