Soul tearing screenshot

747snoodles747snoodles United States Join Date: 2016-09-12 Member: 222259Members
By now we are all familiar with the behemoth in the lost river. Imagine this, you find this terifying skeleton and within its bones you find a single pda. On the pda a snapshot from the first person perspective of a man just about to get eaten by it, in the flesh, and if you developers REALLY want to strike fear into the hearts of your gamers, show another one in the back round. (to show the anonymous persons fear maybe have a hand up or something, please add a story if you can come up with one, I think this would be an amazing easy though to add to the game)


  • Nautical_NickNautical_Nick Australia Join Date: 2016-06-12 Member: 218444Members
    Ohh, that sound TERRIFYING!! But cool at the same time. I think that there are 2!! Related species in the Lost river because in one of the concept arts the ribs have a spine with spikes while the other just had the open spine.
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