frame rate drops back again

stateofpsychosisstateofpsychosis Canada Join Date: 2016-09-06 Member: 222112Members
edited September 2016 in Subnautica Bug Reporting
Okay, so I deleted pretty much everything except for a small base with pretty well nothing in it and after loading my save game the next day the frame rate drops got worse again. at 15 fps now and playing it even outside of VR makes me sick as hell.

Could it possibly be the cyclops or seamoth causing this?
I can destroy the seamoth but I can't destroy the cyclops to find out since it just continuously sinks for me without blowing up.

I've got the Oculus store version which is on the latest experimental build by default.
I have a GTX 970, an intel i5 4690k and 16 gigs of ram on windows 10.



  • Harry82Harry82 France Join Date: 2016-08-23 Member: 221617Members
    For your sinking Cyclops, I read somewhere that someone once dropped a single piece of titanium inside it, and it caused the thing to sink to the sea floor, like the single piece weighed a LOT!

    Maybe you dropped an item, or spawned in more items that you had space for in your inventory, so the excess item/s spawned beside you while you were standing in the cyclops? Happened to me once. Didn't sink the cyclops, but I couldn't drive anywhere as it was acting like an immovable anchor, the extra spawned item. Once I picked up said item, driving returned to normal.

    The frame rates? Dunno but there is a fair bit of info on the forums about it...maybe one of their solutions will work for you? Have you tried backing up and starting a new savegame file??
  • stateofpsychosisstateofpsychosis Canada Join Date: 2016-09-06 Member: 222112Members
    edited September 2016
    I was actually trying to sink the cyclops so I could test to see if it was causing the FPS drop but it would just sink let I said instead of exploding like the seamoth does. I never dropped anything in it. Yea, I gave up on that save file and started a new one. The new file doesn't have the frame rate drop. I'm thinking the cause might have been the fact that I built a really high base above the water and I left the top after deleting most of it. I think having any base parts built at too high of an altitude might cause frame rate drops but I'm just shooting in the dark on that one to be honest.
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