Depth layers.
Indiana USA Join Date: 2016-09-02 Member: 221998Members

In the real world we have names for the various depth ranges of the ocean. Could such a system be used in Subnautica?
Basic idea:
Have a HUD notice when entering various depth layers.
Use layers as references on maps.
While many forms of life live and travel between layers and the layers are merely reference points, having a mental note of what the layers are would be nice for realism.
Getting to lower, deeper layers could give achievements.

This brings up some new thoughts:
The first 10 meters of water are just called "surface".
Once below that, you are in the Epipelagic zone. Next is the Mesopelagic and so on. (see above image)
I think Subnautica could have deeper zones. On earth the deepest part of the sea is the Hadalpelagic zone. 11,000 meters/36,100 feet down.
Subnautica could have a "sea basin" at about the same 6,000-7,000 meters. And have some canyons and 'lakes' that get down to the Hadalpelagic's 11,000 meters. Then have some tranches and crevasses that drop down to 15,000 meters. And call the zone from 10,000 - 16,000 meters the 'Superpelagic'. Then have some giant caves and bowls that drop further to 20,000 meters and call that 16,000-20,000 meter zone the 'Hyperpelagic'. At that point you have the kraken or whatever craziness is there to eat anything that gets that far down.
Is there anything there needed to survive and get off the planet? No. Does that mean its not worth investigating? Of course its worth investigating!
But it would require VERY specialized gear to get there.
Any thoughts?
PS: I realize the game isn't big enough yet for this. But the map as it is currently seems like a place holder for a larger world.(unless I am wrong about that.) A larger world with hundreds or thousands of square kilometers would be able to support these vast depths as well as more shallow zones and lovely reefs.
In the real world we have names for the various depth ranges of the ocean. Could such a system be used in Subnautica?
Basic idea:
Have a HUD notice when entering various depth layers.
Use layers as references on maps.
While many forms of life live and travel between layers and the layers are merely reference points, having a mental note of what the layers are would be nice for realism.
Getting to lower, deeper layers could give achievements.

This brings up some new thoughts:
The first 10 meters of water are just called "surface".
Once below that, you are in the Epipelagic zone. Next is the Mesopelagic and so on. (see above image)
I think Subnautica could have deeper zones. On earth the deepest part of the sea is the Hadalpelagic zone. 11,000 meters/36,100 feet down.
Subnautica could have a "sea basin" at about the same 6,000-7,000 meters. And have some canyons and 'lakes' that get down to the Hadalpelagic's 11,000 meters. Then have some tranches and crevasses that drop down to 15,000 meters. And call the zone from 10,000 - 16,000 meters the 'Superpelagic'. Then have some giant caves and bowls that drop further to 20,000 meters and call that 16,000-20,000 meter zone the 'Hyperpelagic'. At that point you have the kraken or whatever craziness is there to eat anything that gets that far down.
Is there anything there needed to survive and get off the planet? No. Does that mean its not worth investigating? Of course its worth investigating!
But it would require VERY specialized gear to get there.
Any thoughts?
PS: I realize the game isn't big enough yet for this. But the map as it is currently seems like a place holder for a larger world.(unless I am wrong about that.) A larger world with hundreds or thousands of square kilometers would be able to support these vast depths as well as more shallow zones and lovely reefs.
Personally I can't even imagine 5km let alone 20.
My god. I can feel the trembles already!
(I don't know if I'll ever be able to VR this game lol!)
Some of the weird stuff in our ocean is actually weirder than anything in Subnautica. I've always been fascinated with underwater. Now there's a whole game dedicated to it! Hahaha.
My wife was laughing at me a few days ago when I escaped from a Reaper with 7% health on my Seamoth. I was so scared that I was jabbering and freaking out. She thought it was hilarious. Lol!
Stratum Unum. 0-45 meters: / 0-25 fathoms / 0-150 feet
Stratum Duo. 45-183 meters: / 25-100 fathoms / 150-600 feet
Stratum Tribus. 183-365 meters: / 100-200 fathoms / 600-1,200 feet
Stratum Quattuor. 365-731 meters: / 200-400 fathoms / 1,200-2,400 feet
Stratum Penta. 731-1,463 meters: / 400-800 fathoms / 2,400-4,800 feet
Stratum Hexum. 1,463-2,926 meters: / 800-1,600 fathoms / 4,800-9,600 feet
Stratum Septum. 2,926-5,852 meters: / 1,600-3,200 fathoms / 9,600-19,200 feet
Stratum Octum. 5,852-11,704 meters: / 3,200-6,400 fathoms / 19,200-38,400 feet
Stratum Nonum. 11,704-23,408 meters: / 6,400-12,800 fathoms / 38,400-76,800 feet
Stratum Decum. 23,403-46,817 meters / 12,800-25,600 fathoms / 76,800-153,600 feet
(yeah, I used some Latin and morphed words)
Using the basis of water pressure of 0.44 PSI per foot... at the bottom of Stratum Decum the pressure would be 67,584 psi.
The Marianas Trench in the Pacific is 36,400 feet deep. The pressure there is 16,016 PSI.
The 3,040 meter (9,973 feet) depth of Subnautica has 4,388 PSI.
Our current technology allows for us to build machines that can reach the bottom of our oceans.
If we get to travel across the galaxy in 13,000 years, I think it could be possible to get to 46,000 meters water depth. But the machine would be CRAZY strong.
So I could totally understand if they chose to only let players get to say, 10,000 meters.
Oh. I thought it was getting deeper later on.
my idea here was to see if maybe it would get even deeper.
I suppose with 3km depth, you'd get three layers. Surface, twilight, deep.