[Map] [Biome] [Creature] Mythology in Subnautica setting

ChudovishChudovish Ru Join Date: 2016-07-01 Member: 219418Members
Summary: Idea for map boundaries that may satisfy Devs and players. Creatures in the dark abyss.

Many people here asking about what is there - outside of the map boundaries, where is the bottom and why we cant reach it. Oh year, I have something for you)))
First of all - boring stuff. We all understand that there is nothing, simply endless dark space. There are no creatures, plants or smth valueable. But that is not fun! No need to be boring and pointless to go deeper outside main map location. If make it interesting, but dangerous and deadly, oh, you know - I better die couple of times, but look at cool things. Or maybe made it to the surface in shitty pants, giving myself an oath never, NEVER do it again!

So, the idea is to habitat that place with monsters that you cant handle. I mean - literally cant, anyway and anyhow. They will be the cost of knowing "what is there?", and I said "monsters' because that creatures represent insuperable power and be your nightmare if you see whole of them. So you never dont. Its not horror game, but press "Agree" button if you want some scary staff in the game.
Again, centuries people imagine creatures that scares them at night, in the forest or in the sea. That exp must not be wasted! So I suggest - Scylla and Charybdis.
If somebody dont know who is that "girls" - its Greek Mythology. In my suggestion I meant that variants of them, that represent in movie by Andrei Konchalovsky "The Odyssey"
Google give pretty nice screenshots from the movie for Charybdis, but not for Scylla, so I advise to see the movie to get right feelings :)
For those who dont want to - some pics that I find.
Scylla One, Two, Three

1) If the player want to reach the bottom on the distance from the shallow water and dive deeper than 1500-1700 meters (like I know its the critical depth for Cyclop and Exosuit) - he meets Charybdis. Not in front, but on the left... And on the right. And UPWARD! AND DOWNWARD!!! OH, SHI... Only way to survive is emergency ascent. Otherwise - crash death in the giant maw.

2) If the player want to reach the bottom near the "wall" - TADAAAA, Scylla! It attack from the dark, and (like in the movie) you never see her body (and never know how big this thing is) - only giant maws on long necks that bites Cyclop, throw it side to side and tearing it apart. Think 3-5 bites is enough for Cyclop to be randed... Again, one way to rescue - up.

That make possible to futher DLC based on that creatures. Subnautica: Inside the Charibdis & Cave of the Scylla
That make more sense why we must not dive outside the map. Dive & Die ))))
That... pretty cool, isnt it?
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