Seamoth Console UnUsable

MattDawn2053MattDawn2053 USA Join Date: 2016-07-07 Member: 219802Members
I have been trying fairly hard to get the seamoth mod station, as naming, coloring, and altering the mods to place in it was a huge MUST.

So I finally get the station, but I cannot access the ability to edit the name and color at all. I have tried saving and restarting, and resetting the box but it seems almost like the interface has become no more then a static decal.

Anyone else notice this?


  • Darwin-EvolutionDarwin-Evolution France Join Date: 2015-06-07 Member: 205310Members
    There's the same problem when you try to search for materials using the scanner room, and also when you try to edit the cyclops. It just won't click into either of those three panels.
  • SwooshBear800SwooshBear800 Join Date: 2016-08-04 Member: 220978Members
    The hitbox to activate the station is a bit weird, instead of clicking A on the screen try highlighting the edge of the screen until you see the option to use it. If it doesn't give you the option to activate the station then I don't know but I had the same problem until I found the hitbox at the edge of the screen on the station
  • Cruster_GamingsCruster_Gamings USA Join Date: 2016-08-03 Member: 220926Members
    I have the same problem. The cyclops is fine but I can't toggle the lights on it so I can barely even drive it because the lights mess up my view.
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