[Bug] Flickering terrain [34431 Jul-2016]

epmodeepmode USA Join Date: 2016-01-14 Member: 211408Members
Subnautica Version - 34431 Jul-2016

Large swaths of terrain flicker. It tends to happen when I'm looking at the floor of the Shallows from certain angles. Here's an example video:

I don't run into this problem every time I generate a new game. I am unsure if it's tied to the specific area of the ocean or the savegame I'm using. However, I can replicate it 100% of the time by loading this save in the non-experimental branch: https://1drv.ms/u/s!AAUP1wAPDyD-gvNx

(I'm not sure exactly which file is needed from the Saved Games folder so I copied all 166 MB. I only have a single world so you shouldn't have any problems loading it)

If a log file is useful, I posted it here: https://1drv.ms/u/s!AAUP1wAPDyD-gvNy

Windows 10 Pro 64
EVGA GeForce P67
Nvidia Titan X
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