How could we teach people this type of play without 100s of hours experience [video]
New York, NY Join Date: 2010-07-02 Member: 72228Members, Constellation

Main point: How do we teach the behavior in the video? Does the hitbox and other recent changes have any effect on learning this? If not, does it help expedite it?
I was looking through some shadowplays after all the much discussion of skill gap yada yadas. I saw this one that I thought made a lot of sense to bring up today.
So I made a play-by-play video. It's by no means an amazing play, it's just something I do after so many hours over the last many years. And I remember thinking this one was just well executed, and it worked out really nicely.
Make sure you read the commentary, there's no other sound, and that's on purpose.
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
0:00 Spawn holding map open, choose to reinforce right side
0:09 Offload lane dies
0:13 React and turn around to cover left-side and back res instead. That was unfortunately slow.
0:21 Switch to cautious, the res node in pub is being bitten non-stop
0:22 Spot skulk, miss 5 shots on the bar, still hear res being bitten
0:24 Jump corner off bar to get a jump when turning the corner
0:25 Spend 10 bullets trying to totally own the skulk, failing
0:26 Res is still being bitten, take stock of the situation.
0:27 Decide to try to save the res on a low-win percentage play, I think I must have had a good idea how low it was, which wasn't that low based on how long I head the biting, no sound unfortunately.
I know exactly what I need to do to win this fight going in. With my accuracy it's a pretty low win-percentage play. Why? (1) Skulk is biting the res node, he has me forced to make a play actively [opposed to passively] (2) I'll be split between the skulks, so i can't check my flank without risking that I'll miss an ambush from the res-biter (3) I only have 35 bullets left in my clip, and a reload would get me killed. What I need to do to win this skirmish is push into the RT and aggressively push the skulk off the RT hoping to kill him, so I can continue jumping past the res node to get line-of-sight down the hallway so the other skulk can't jump me while I'm trying to kill the res-biter
0:30 Skulk jumps to ambush. The other skulk is still on my mind.
0:31.0 Killed the skulk, guess he was a little low? 18 bullets left.
0:31.8 I turn around to find that skulk. He's not literally biting me, so I did this fast enough to win position, thanks to the skulks foolish ambush.
0:32 I simply turn the corner as far from it as possible while paying attention, hit some of the LMG, but the pull out the pistol and
0:36 The 2nd skulk is dead.
0:37 Press c to open map, move on
0:40 Check console to see who I killed
0:43 Check tab to see if I'm winning yet
These are some pretty decent skulks involved in the play, not randoms.
So it's, how do we get people to play the game like this?
tl;dr no one cares if you didn't read it anyway
I was looking through some shadowplays after all the much discussion of skill gap yada yadas. I saw this one that I thought made a lot of sense to bring up today.
So I made a play-by-play video. It's by no means an amazing play, it's just something I do after so many hours over the last many years. And I remember thinking this one was just well executed, and it worked out really nicely.
Make sure you read the commentary, there's no other sound, and that's on purpose.
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
0:00 Spawn holding map open, choose to reinforce right side
0:09 Offload lane dies
0:13 React and turn around to cover left-side and back res instead. That was unfortunately slow.
0:21 Switch to cautious, the res node in pub is being bitten non-stop
0:22 Spot skulk, miss 5 shots on the bar, still hear res being bitten
0:24 Jump corner off bar to get a jump when turning the corner
0:25 Spend 10 bullets trying to totally own the skulk, failing
0:26 Res is still being bitten, take stock of the situation.
0:27 Decide to try to save the res on a low-win percentage play, I think I must have had a good idea how low it was, which wasn't that low based on how long I head the biting, no sound unfortunately.
I know exactly what I need to do to win this fight going in. With my accuracy it's a pretty low win-percentage play. Why? (1) Skulk is biting the res node, he has me forced to make a play actively [opposed to passively] (2) I'll be split between the skulks, so i can't check my flank without risking that I'll miss an ambush from the res-biter (3) I only have 35 bullets left in my clip, and a reload would get me killed. What I need to do to win this skirmish is push into the RT and aggressively push the skulk off the RT hoping to kill him, so I can continue jumping past the res node to get line-of-sight down the hallway so the other skulk can't jump me while I'm trying to kill the res-biter
0:30 Skulk jumps to ambush. The other skulk is still on my mind.
0:31.0 Killed the skulk, guess he was a little low? 18 bullets left.
0:31.8 I turn around to find that skulk. He's not literally biting me, so I did this fast enough to win position, thanks to the skulks foolish ambush.
0:32 I simply turn the corner as far from it as possible while paying attention, hit some of the LMG, but the pull out the pistol and
0:36 The 2nd skulk is dead.
0:37 Press c to open map, move on
0:40 Check console to see who I killed
0:43 Check tab to see if I'm winning yet
These are some pretty decent skulks involved in the play, not randoms.
So it's, how do we get people to play the game like this?
tl;dr no one cares if you didn't read it anyway
I also am not a good skulk. I hide and ambush but players check corners, and once i'm in the muck I get killed.
so i don't play anymore. I still skulk around these forums though.
I'd say you can't teach this particular combat situation, because its pretty situational, but you could teach marines to keep distance to skulks as much as possible. Also you didnt check corners in pub, but maybe you were aware of all enemy positions at that moment. Not sure.
Heck reminds me of Dirty Bomb, where player did manage to find out how to call for a medic. But once you throw medpacks on the floor, because of accidentally missing them due to incoming fire/dodging or them making a random move. They keep looking at you asking for a medic, while right behind them THER EIS A ASDMEDCKITTA AS>D!!!!
Sorry dunno what happened there
I'm with @F0rdPrefect on this
There is an easy solution though. Take your ambushing to the next level - agressive ambushes. Where you engage out of an ambushspot before the marine makes the corner.
Sometimes I aggressively ambush into a group of marines that I didn't even know was there
Heck I used to play Forgotten Hope (a BF1942 mod) and was so in tune with all the balistics and how other player would move I could predict what they would do.
Multitasking, that is what is missing from the mindset of current casuals!
I see them way to eager to do the single focus, the rainbow road: OMFG THAT IS AN ENEMY MUST KEEP GOING THERE AND DIE (clog wall of doom with, 50 DC and Gorges behind it)
excuse the random nostalgia bubble bursting and shameless video plug
Well if you play without sound. I can see how that happens frequently.
Heck I play with my monitor turned off to even out the field >_>
Also the funny thing is, I once played sniper on an attacking team. I heard WE DON'T NEED FRIGGIN' SNIPERS. We eventually won due to me not playing sniper as sniper, I find that high burst one shot kill weapon hilariously overpowered when used as front line infantry (instead of doing the linedancing at the back of the field what they expect you to do...) They also don't expect it
It occurs to me that most current (casual) gamers somehow lack creativity and multitasking to some degree
If a player manage to kill an ennemy RT ---> player gets X extra Personal res.
Player doesnt weld teammates using "weld me" voiceover (while in possession of a welder) ---> player loses Y Personal res.
I'm sorry am I trollin'? I'm trollin', aren't I... Usually I'm more subtle with trollin'
TBH I didn't even notice until you pointed it out
Literally checked console to see who I killed since the killfeed was gone
Just don't agree that it should be advisable to do at any other time.
It's obscuring, blocks input, takes a moment to read/parse especially if a lot of engagements just occurred... Unless you're dealing with some godly player that is crucial to know whether you've cleared him from that side of the map.
Idk it just struck me as odd as being something notable to teach.
Everybody does that :P
edit: Although in my case I obviously check if I'm still at the top
The "Minimum Skill Requirement" to be able to play NS2 is high.
The "Minimum Knowledge Requirement" to be able to play NS2 is high. (knowing the maps and abilities of both teams)
Also, you are usually dropped into the middle of a match when clicking "Play Now". So players don't get to see the natural progression of the game in their first time.
I don't have to check, I just know
But see, the difference between us is that I don't command