[bug] Item lost to Fabricator [35218]

snowbird829snowbird829 Narnia Join Date: 2016-07-26 Member: 220661Members
Contents of Bug report: Lack of game response, loss of inventory without death, retrieving old game data.

Subnautica Version - 35218 Jul-2016
Description - A freezing of the object on the Fabricator, and the same thing happening again so I am unable to retrieve my other things.
Reproduction steps - So I've been hard at work preparing to make a Cyclops, my final step being to make plasteel ingots. Earlier, i had too much titanium and decided to make an extra ingot to increase space in my storage. Well the stack that illustrates the Titanium ingot never disappeared, though i did receive it in my inventory. Because of this i decided to ignore it, even when i crafted my plasteel ingots and it remained. But this time i wasn't so lucky. With the large Titanium ingot stack mainly hiding the Plasteel ingots from my sight, i managed to only pick up one plasteel ingot from the weird mass. Freaked out and distressed, i made the stupid decision to SAVE and Exit. When i came back, the stack was gone, the Fabricator reset, my lighting was also fixed (a minor bug where my base turns purple on the outside and dark on the inside but nothing i can't handle) but my plasteel ingots were also gone, and upon further investigation they were neither in my inventory, or disassembled as their makeup (lithium and titanium ingots). I am thankful i got one ingot back, but to lose 4 plasteel ingots to a bug is exceptionally upsetting and I'm very scared to play the game in fear of this happening again. If there is anyway to retrieve my lost items without having to collect 40 more pieces of titanium and 4 more lithium, that would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
Pictures or Video - N/A
output_log.txt (Error Log) -Initialize engine version: 5.3.5f1 (960ebf59018a)
I am unable to add the rest of the log but if you need it i will be happy to send it.
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