Mobile Bay

aColonUlceraColonUlcer Alaska Join Date: 2016-07-21 Member: 220523Members
Ok, So I built the mobile vehicle bay, and the game gets all excited and tells me to deploy it as soon as I get into the water. Which is great... Except that as soon as I climb up onto it and use the (A) button to access the vehicle bay, I'm completely 100% stuck and the menu to make the sea moth doesn't even show up. I'm completely stuck, can't move, pressing any and all buttons( except for the Xbox home button) doesn't work. (Yes, even start.) I even starved to death once trying to see if it would eventually pop up, but I just died instead. I've restarted my game about 5 times so far trying to see if it'll finally work, these attempts proved fruitless. It got to the point that I said screw it and came here to tell you guys about it. Hope I'm not the only one... Thanks for reading Devs!


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