Better hunger & thirst mechanics.

DagothUrDagothUr Florida Join Date: 2016-07-12 Member: 220125Members
First, I am thinking that hunger/thirst should not be a linear drop over time. Rather that they should be reflective of energy use. Sitting at the helm of your Seamoth or Cyclops should have the slowest energy use. Walking around inside a base should have a low use. Swimming with a light load should be average. Swimming carrying a full inventory should use more. Swimming up carrying a pack full of titanium ingots should use the most energy.

Second, I also think that there should be a way to "pause" food/thirst while AFK. For example, make a type of chair or bed that arrests the decay while you're sitting in it. This way you can kill time & enjoy the view from your observatory for a few minutes with complete peace of mind. Of course you'd only be able to sit in one place and look around, so it's not like this could be exploited for anything worthwhile.

Third, creepvine salad. It seems a tad unrealistic that you're forced to live off fish until such time as you swim all the way out to the floating island to find edible plants. Why are there no edible aquatic plants? I've got fresh fish, I've got creepvine. Let me make some sushi, dammit!


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