
outermostdockoutermostdock USA Join Date: 2016-07-13 Member: 220160Members
I relogged because of lag and then all the blueprints I have completed have disappeared from the habitat builder menu


  • SlackerstuSlackerstu Join Date: 2016-05-24 Member: 217432Members
    @outermostdock No reason to start a new thread as this is being discussed in at least 3 places right now. This is a bug but at least stable and if you delete the game and reinstall it will be resolved. Just delete your game, not he save files and your saves will be safe. I read that if you exit the game from the game pause menu may cause this. Save your game then just go to the xbox dashboard and quit from there you may avoid the issue in the future.
  • SubNormalSubNormal Cheltnam Join Date: 2016-05-21 Member: 217208Members
    I lost everything after the update...so i spent five hours building a kickass skyscraper, only to find i can't scroll down on the save page, to the save option. Game then crashes and i'm back to square one. I tried again today...still no working save page.
  • SlackerstuSlackerstu Join Date: 2016-05-24 Member: 217432Members
    @SubNormal When you open the pause menu you have to use the Dpad to move in the menu, the sticks only don't work.
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