Aurora still throwing scrap ?

ToothlessToothless Uderwater Join Date: 2016-07-10 Member: 220019Members
If I had build more to the right this might not have been so funny for me. Maybe I must move my base even though its nothing to brag about. Does anybody have a base near the trader path ?


  • EnglishInfidelEnglishInfidel Canada Join Date: 2016-07-04 Member: 219533Members
    Are they actually falling or just stuck in mid air? I have a couple of places where the debris is stuck above the water, and some plant life too in other places.
  • crane476crane476 United States, Tx Join Date: 2015-08-07 Member: 206850Members
    edited July 2016
  • ToothlessToothless Uderwater Join Date: 2016-07-10 Member: 220019Members
    edited July 2016
    Are they actually falling or just stuck in mid air? I have a couple of places where the debris is stuck above the water, and some plant life too in other places.

    The piece almost on the see bed floated like the piece that is in the air at a stage. Coming back to my base a now see another lot in the sky that will probably come down later as well.

    Edit: Now when I login surprisingly its all gone.
  • Funsauce32Funsauce32 Canada Join Date: 2016-06-09 Member: 218339Members
    This is a huge bug that many players have been complaining about. it's all there because the debris and cargo boxes and doors located in wrecks are being teleported to the safe shallows. no one knows why this happens.
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