Because, always when i launch NS2 and try to find servers, i only find like 1-3 servers then it stops finding servers, and when i try to browse websites i get DNS errors for a minute or two then it works again.. what is going on ?
Soul_RiderMod BeanJoin Date: 2004-06-19Member: 29388Members, Constellation, Squad Five Blue
edited July 2016
There are router problems as well with common routers when trying to game wirelessly. A lot of steam games cause a packet overload on the router and it shuts down the source. This is more common if you use a generic IP provided router. Was a problem I had myself a few years ago. Solved it with a Network cable.
I'm having the same exact problem @Soul_Rider, can assure you we're both using a Network Cable. Just made a new post in technical support, we've both looked at the post you linked and tried everything in there.
Click on Steam -> View -> Servers
A link to the forum topic about it, it is pinned in the tech support forum: