My review/feedback of Subnautica
USA Join Date: 2016-06-04 Member: 218088Members

I've been playing this game for about 10 hours, and I feel like it is time for me to leave a review for the developers (and anyone else willing to read) to see. I only played this game in survival, and I will be speaking from that point-of-view.
First and foremost, I've been highly immersed into the game. I
like the atmosphere, and the exploration aspect of the game. This is the type of game I will definitely recommend to my friends, especially if the planned (hopefully) multiplayer is added. The crafting is very clear and straightforward, and watching the sea life swim about (especially at night) is actually more interesting than I thought. As a person that likes to spend their time out in the sea and visit nautical museums, I like this game. I needed something to play along side the space simulator, Elite:Dangerous, that I play often. Whenever I'm a bit tired of mining, trading and the new planetary exploring (now that their latest Horizons expansion was just released on X1) in Elite:Dangerous, I enjoy switching over to Subnautica for the water aspect of exploring. Who designed the night aspect of the game? Because I'm waay more scared of Stalkers and Crashes when I'm stupidly forcing myself to exploring during that time
. Thanks to the Dive Reel, I no longer get lost in those confusing caves.
Now for the issues that I've had with the game: (Quick Reminder: I don't know how much the game has progressed on the PC version, and what is currently in place in the X1 version.)
There is probably more that I've noticed and forgot, but I will post a new topic once I've compiled another list in a Word document.
This concludes my first forum post, thanks for the awesome game!
First and foremost, I've been highly immersed into the game. I

Now for the issues that I've had with the game: (Quick Reminder: I don't know how much the game has progressed on the PC version, and what is currently in place in the X1 version.)
- Choppy/Frame Rate drops - Especially when trying to pick up fish, and the hitboxes of the Airsacks are the biggest offenders of this.
- Accidentally replacing batteries in tools that do use batteries - I've replaced my tool's 99% batteries a few times, until I realized what was happening. It would be nice to keep partially used batteries to help prevent losing any batteries that is not completely depleted.
- After awhile of playing, there is a set of doors and possibly terrain that are floating above water - This occured in a few fresh Survival games. I said "possibly" for the terrain, because sometimes it happens and, other times, it is just the doors.
- The initial settings for the sensitivity of the controller is too high - I appreciate that we can change this setting, because I had to turn it down to prevent motion sickness.
- Crash powder not spawning from a save during the 1-hour preview - This is probably a common issue, because a save file during the 1-hour preview would not spawn any crash powder for me after I've purchased the game and reloaded the same save. I had to start fresh to fix this issue, and I have not had a serious problem ever since. There are still some crash homes here and there that do not spawn any powder, and I'm not sure if this is intended to be a possible spawn.
- AI program that helps you does not remind you that you have 30 seconds of Oxygen remaining sometimes - This isn't much of a problem for me, but when my girlfriend was playing on my account, she needed the reminders. When I helped her build 2 oxygen tanks, sometimes the AI didn't remind her at 30 seconds. I know once you have a certain amount of maximum oxygen, you would get less reminders. However, this may be one of those aspects of the game that may be better off in the control of the player. A setting to customize the reminders would be nice.
- Constantly seeing falling debris when revisiting certain areas - Is this intentional? It seems like the game is constantly respawning debris. Titanium is needed in abundance, and I can understand why debris would respawn.
- Disappearing Waterproof Lockers - I'm constantly in need of space, and it is a shame that those lockers are despawning. I'm currently micromanaging my lifepod's locker so I can build that big monstrosity, called the Cyclops. I got the Plasteel, lubricant and Advanced Wiring kit stuffed in the lifepod, and my space is very limited.
- Filler colonies of fish that aren't really there? - I've seen those colonies, but I don't think I'm able to pick them up. Are they just there as a place holder for a future update/tool?
- Weird graphics - Now, now, I know the Xbox One isn't really that powerful
. But, some of the textures look like they are de-optimizing when close-up. For example, an Airsack looks great from a distance, except when you pick one up and look at it in your hand. The art-style in this game is wonderful, and some of the weird textures do stick out like a sore thumb.
There is probably more that I've noticed and forgot, but I will post a new topic once I've compiled another list in a Word document.
This concludes my first forum post, thanks for the awesome game!
As for the issues you mention:
All the issues above are well known and should be addressed in the next update, which should be coming in the next couple of weeks hopefully. Also in that update there is going to be a big change in battery use. No longer will you be constantly searching for copper as you burn through batteries as you'll be able to recharge them when they die!
If you haven't already, have a read through of the FAQ as there's quite a bit of info on the state of the game atm and links to what's coming and other useful bits like how to get around some of the bugs and the Subnaurica Wiki page.
You should change your name to FAQ
Well I spend enough time keeping it updated, so may as well get people to read it!
Plus it saves having to link to multiple pages.
We're on it.