Radiation anyone?

gunmetal563gunmetal563 Join Date: 2015-09-30 Member: 208239Members
does anyone else feel that you should wear a your radiation suit when managing the nuclear reactor, as well as collecting the uraninite crystals, refining them into uranium, manufacturing the reactor rods replacing the depleted rods and not to mention having said items in your inventory



  • RainstormRainstorm Montreal (Quebec) Join Date: 2015-12-15 Member: 210003Members
    As for the Nuclear reactor and the reactor rods, im pretty sure all the lead required in the recipes are there exactly to shield from radiation. The uranite crystals, however, should def be radioactive to some extent ....

    Should the nuclear reactor and rods emit less radiation than the uranite crystals? probably so due to the lead in the recipes.
  • Mad5coutMad5cout USA Join Date: 2016-05-13 Member: 216712Members
    I think the crystals would be less radioactive than the refined uranium but the rods and nuclear core would be shielded.
  • gunmetal563gunmetal563 Join Date: 2015-09-30 Member: 208239Members
    the rods should be also quite radioactive as the refined uranium same with the depleated
  • PlasmaStruckPlasmaStruck Usa Join Date: 2016-04-23 Member: 216049Members
    The Rods are shielded not letting it out and so is the reactor.
  • Phoenix223Phoenix223 Chicago Join Date: 2016-02-18 Member: 213174Members
    edited May 2016
    But the depleted rods (being used) should have some radiation leakage as a penalty for using the reactor, provided the devs don't create some way to dispose of or recycle the spent rods safely. Being nuclear waste, they should do more damage than filling up your inventory.
  • Enderguy059Enderguy059 Australia Join Date: 2015-10-15 Member: 208486Members
    edited May 2016
    Why not just have it so that you need radiation gloves to handle uranitite? It's different to uranium since it's a raw, unprocessed, atomically decaying crystal. Either they should make it so that gloves are needed to handle it (15 damage for each uranitite picked up) or you need the whole suit to go near the stuff. The cells and reactor are all built with lead, so as far as I'm concerned we're pretty safe in that department.
  • gunmetal563gunmetal563 Join Date: 2015-09-30 Member: 208239Members
    from NUCLEAR REACTOR ROD CHARGE OR FILL?? in Subnautica General Discussion
    Fathom wrote: »
    Now imagine uranium, rods and depleted rods all have a radiation area where you take damage without a full radiation suit, even if they're stored in a container.

  • XaryenXaryen Join Date: 2016-04-30 Member: 216196Members
    Looks like they are adding it to the crystals https://trello.com/c/sfqdJdl0/5798-uranium-doing-damage-when-you-re-holding-it-unless-you-re-wearing-a-suit
    Though it is pretty much nonsense, the dose required to cause any short term harm (mild radiation poisoning) is something like 1000 µSv and the radiation emitted by uranium ore would be something around 80-100 µSv/h.
    The only thing I can think of warranting the radiation suit would be manipulating the depleted rods. But then we would probably also need a new type of storage for radioative stuff.
  • SigmalxSigmalx USA Join Date: 2016-07-12 Member: 220132Members
    for anything other than depleted rods, the only thing of hazard would be the uraninite crystals and Uranium refined; a new storage base would be likely considered. as radiation leakage into one's living quarters would be less than conducive to ones health. and currently, in this day in age; the maximum healthy dose to a human, of any random vector of radiation exposure, is about 5 RAD. saying that this game is set in the far future, it could be asserted that the maximum healthy dose is much lower, and these crystals should be doing a lot of damage. regardless; a separate infrastructure of multipurpose rooms could be used to store a limited numbers of rods.
  • JamezorgJamezorg United Kingdom Join Date: 2016-05-15 Member: 216788Members
    edited August 2016
    Collecting Uraninite crystals? What if there's one nearby that you didn't see? Actually, maybe the AI could tell you that it was nearby, and it could show up as a bit of floating text (resembling the BREAK LIMESTONE at the beginning of the game) that says something along the lines of stay away. Managing Uranium and all of that sounds reasonable, I feel like if we need a radiation suit to get closer to the ship then radiation poisoning is definitely a thing in this future, so why don't we get it from performing tasks like this? Great idea :)

    And people are saying that the Uranium we use is shielded by the lead, which I completely agree with, it's just that people in real life who manage Uranium in this state still wear suits as a precaution. But our guy might not, who knows? It might just be down to the player. If they added a slight chance for their to be a leak, and then a way to clear it up quickly, that could give you some motivation to put the suit on and be extra careful.
  • SigmalxSigmalx USA Join Date: 2016-07-12 Member: 220132Members
    personally, until late game; I will always use radiation suit.
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