Mining robots and mining stations, and robots to do daily task? What do you think.

BuuunBuuun My lonely base underwater on a unknown planet... Join Date: 2016-04-03 Member: 215272Members
edited May 2016 in Ideas and Suggestions
I think there should be added robots or machines to mine after resources and search robots that searches after blueprints, whatever you tell it to do.


  • tickeratickera Australia Join Date: 2016-05-06 Member: 216399Members
    Since they removed the terraformer, terraforming the land is a bit of a long shot.

    Good idea anyways
  • CrioCrio Poland Join Date: 2015-10-01 Member: 208247Members
    They wont do it, because Devs want the player to go and get stuff himself. They want us to get out of our comfort zone (safe shallows) and explore on our own. This was part of the discussion on the respawning fish. So i thinka that the will not do it. It could be fun tho.
  • dargan012dargan012 Hungary Join Date: 2016-03-28 Member: 214957Members
    Well if they wont allow mining robots then what about the Exosuit ? It already has a drilling arm.
    And in this link (Subnautica feature vote) you can see in the Long-Term tab that the Robots feature is one of the most voted one
  • CrioCrio Poland Join Date: 2015-10-01 Member: 208247Members
    Yes, but you will have to control the suit and search for items yourself. Not sent NPC robots to do your job in the more dangerous areas.
  • BuuunBuuun My lonely base underwater on a unknown planet... Join Date: 2016-04-03 Member: 215272Members
    I think it should be the players own choice to go out of your comfort and mine or send robots, note with mining stations, you have to go collect the resources yourself.
  • CrioCrio Poland Join Date: 2015-10-01 Member: 208247Members
    Yes it should, but it would still decrease the exploring factor. Devs dont like that.
  • BuuunBuuun My lonely base underwater on a unknown planet... Join Date: 2016-04-03 Member: 215272Members
    Crio wrote: »
    Yes it should, but it would still decrease the exploring factor. Devs dont like that.

    Yea I understand your point, maybe some defends drone that can keep you some safe from behind, because some people don't like to go explorer the deep sea in Subnautica, like me it , you never know what to expect, maybe they have secretly added a creepy a$$ giant monster, I'm even scared of the Reaper lol, gives me goose bumps :s
  • QuelzothQuelzoth Malaysia Join Date: 2016-05-10 Member: 216597Members
    I think that this would be a good idea, perhaps having resource collectors that can be built in certain places (for example metal extractors built on Lava Vents), would be a great workaround to the limited resources that the game currently provides (sure, theres a LOT, but since they dont all respawn you would eventually run out. having it so that the player would have to build the extractor, and frequently visit it to get the resources, would mean that the player still has to explore in order to find the places to build them, and would probably be limited in what resources could be gained based on biome, for example an extractor in the shallows would only get limestone drops
  • CaricaCarica US Join Date: 2016-03-28 Member: 214970Members
    have robot/drones that are deployed from the scanner room that would go out and collect materials that are just sitting out in the open.... IE I've tried to pick up my fair amount of titanium/copper from limestone or other stuff just to be left with "inventory full" notice.. what if the drones would go out and pick up to little items that are left behind by this incident....
    the player still has to go out and break the limestone off the stuff, but if he can't pick it up it drops to the ocean floor.... the drone comes along and picks it up after the user sets the scanner to scan for it.... the drone then brings it back and deposits it into a pneumatic tube that deposits it into a storage locker.
    best of both worlds..... player still goes out exploring, but still doesn't have to worry about having to run out of inventory space for more important stuff. drones will only do this if they are with in range of a scanner room.
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