Join Date: 2013-02-01 Member: 182732Members

It might of been better off postponing this update so as to allow inclusion of the planned mechanics/entities such as Sea Treaders, Cutefish, Spine Eels, Warpers, and rechargable batteries into the base game. Yes, in its current form the update is quite nice but doesn't feel fitting of having the title of a "Big Update" like the other monthly updates did. It sort of feels empty in a way. The Cyclops upgrades, Scanner Room, respawnable creatures, new area, and the Crabsquid is pretty bloody impressive but doesn't give this update the padding like the previous ones. Please do note that this isn't an attack on the developers at all and is just my initial opinion on the update; my view may actually change the further I get into the new save I have started.
To any developers who might take the time to give this post a little sticky-beak: I implore you to keep up the work despite my opinion.
To any developers who might take the time to give this post a little sticky-beak: I implore you to keep up the work despite my opinion.
That said, the following was added to the stable release:
- Cyclops sensors, lockers & camera
- Crabsquid
- Blood kelp 2 biome
- Fish spawning mechanic
- Partially completed Scanner room
- New look for reactors and storage containers
- New oxygen slot mechanic
- more?
It might not sound like a lot for a lot of people but in reality these implementations take a long time. To make them look as good and work as fluidly as they do takes an incredible amount of meticulous work.
Given the name of this update, the Machinery Update, i think we all got our hopes high for this feature to come live right here. i for one was one of them expecting this but in all honesty the devs never promised anything. Also, it is us the community that interpreted the Trello wrongly on the rechargers. What was marked as ''done'' was the models and not the whole coding process.
Hopefully they will arrive in the next update
I'm no moderator here, but name calling is always a big no-no on forums, so... don't.
The only things that struck me with their release message was the missing "machinery update" message normally appearing with major updates in the main menu. And the other one was the strange range extension behaviour of the scanner room that made it look broken at first. Getting 60m without upgrades at first and then getting 90m range with 4 upgrades is an average extension of about 7.5m per upgrade. Almost not noticable. In other runs after testing I also got the other extremes of 30m without and 110m with all 4. So it's more an average of 50-90m and therefore 10m per upgrade. Not really worth making upgrades at all. So I expected more of the stable update looking unfinished and am still glad playing experimental that's quite stable to me.
Alright, 2/3 have appeared, where's the last one?
Edit: Not you.
Stop complaining/whining/demanding stuffs every goddamn time, everyone.
Your opinion is not well appreciated, good for you.
Since it is a recharge script it would affect everything using battery's so there is a good chance every vehicle, tool and power supply’s script needs to be altered or rewritten.
Not to mention you need all the models, animations for every tool/ vehicle and the character.
No that dev does not have a point. The power systems in this game are The absolute most important short term improvement that can be made. In fact I think these features are about 6 months overdue. I'm really not trying to be unreasonable, I could have waitied for storyline updates, farming updates, new creatures, and new biomes. I love all of those things but the amount of work put into them before fixing the power was not worth it.
I remember about 1 hour into my first game thinking about how I could not wait to get a base up with a large power capacity (it seemed like common sense there would be buildiable moduals you would insert power cells into just like the lifepod) only to find out powercells were just consumables. I also remember thinking that a power update would most likely be the thing they would focus on next as it was the most glaringly obvious flaw in the game. Again this was six months ago.
Then they released solar panels which are cool however I'm confused why they have a capacity at all. It seems to me that they should charge the cells you have installed in your base.
All in all, I think the "charger" should be more like a base capacitor. You should have an option to turn certain slots off so they don't add capacity to your base (this would be like a charging mode) and you can remove them for mobile use.
now im rambling,
Power control and streamlining is the single most important short turn flaw in this game
Multiplayer is the single most important long term flaw in this game.
So, to cory strader. Your not too far off, they are somewhat related
I can farm 6 Power Cells in about 10-15 Minutes? I always have about 15- 20 Powercells on my Cyclops, and never run out of Energy.
Seems to be to hard work for many People, to run thier mobile Base.
Is it a natural thing of Generation i want it all, and i want it now, and i dont want to do anything for it?
I go almost everywhere with my Cyclops easy, and i never run out of Energy with it.
Perhaps People should not recharge thier Empty Seamoth 5 times an Hour in it?
The Point is, that it feels realy fair, that you have to Farm some Energy to run a Mobile Base, and to prepare for big Journeys. The Cyclops makes you flexible and is a save Spot to travel everywhere, and can be used for you, to transport your Ressources everywhere on the Map to Build your Bases, or to Farm many many Ressources in every Biome you want. And that it is for me, my save Mobile Home and Freedom Station.
It always felt fairly and good Part of the Game for me, that you have to work a little bit (it is realy not much, if you know where to search) , to farm something to run your Mobile Base.
It could be very hm, boring and not feeling hm... rewarded?-worthful? , when Energy Recharger comes in, and you have absoluteley no work, no effort to do, for running a Mobile Base that has such a great impact of Freedom in the Game.
Yes my Cyclops means Freedom for me, i can go everywhere, i can Build everywhere, i can Fabricate everywhere, i can transport every Ressources everywhere with me, i can Farm every Biomes Ressources, and as many from them like i want.
There should always be a trade for such a big advantage thing in a Game, and this trade is to farm Energy to run it.
For me, the acutal Mechanic runs fine with no Recharging Station.
A Recharge Station perhaps would give me the feel, that running a Mobile Base needs nothing for me to do, no effort to run for your unlimited Flexibility and Freedom.
Just another and my personal Point of few, to the Recharge Station and the Cyclops.
Im very impressed with it.
Perhaps it looks way small for People that always play Experimental and know all the things for a long Time, but not for me.
I play 90 % of my Time Stable, and for me this Update is realy big and wonderful advantage.
So many Details, new things, and my Cyclops get Light Switchs (would love this for every Room of your Base, because it must look realy awesome, to have some Dark Rooms with all the beautyful lightning Flowers) and Cams, and a Collission Warning, funktional Lockers. yay
New Biome, new Stuff, new Creatures that looks awesome and scary, Creature Respawn, new effects on the Aourora, Modeled Fragment Parts, new Balance or Spawning Places for the Fragments, Scanning Room implemention, many new little Details, some Terrain Changes, new Chairs , new Airtank Mechanic , new Hullpressure balance, new Display for Deph and many new things, i haven´t seen until now, but i will soon.
For me as a Stable Version Player, this Update is realy impressive, and i love what the devs have done. This Game gets bigger and bigger, and better and better. And i feel very rewarded for what i get with every new Update.
So many new beautyful Screenshots i have to do in the next Weeks .
It is inaccurate to just look at the quantity of items on a list to judge whether an update is big or not. A good example of this is the map scanner room. The amount of work to design and model an entirely new, stand alone room, with a detailed exterior and interior, and add all that functionality - resource scanning, holographic map of the world that updates, external cameras that not only can be accessed, but can be driven around as drones, various craftable upgrades - is huge. Sure, there are smaller features that could fill out an update feature list, making it seem bigger, but even if we had just put out an update with the map scanner room alone, with the amount of art, design and programming details involved in it's implementation, it still would have been a substantial update from a development perspective.
My gripe was actually with the size of the cyclops lockers...but I got over that too.
It's like cats. anyone who has ever had a cat may be able to confirm...you buy a fancy, freaking expensive cat toy and what makes the cat lose its mind? Those plastic things from the milk jug. A paper bag. The shipping box from the expensive cat toy the damn thing has zero interest in that you shopped for and were so proud of yourself for finding a great deal on. Freaking cats, man.
My dog on the other hand...
A new frisbee! I LOVE MY NEW FRISBEE!
A new ball! I LOVE MY NEW BALL!
Edit: Yeah, I damn miss the rechargers too. But hell then I have to do it the usal way, grabbing massive amounts of acid making cells. Could be much worse. Since I guess there will be another "Start a new game or you won`t get everything new ingame" once all biomes are completed then I will see acid mushrooms again near my base(s). xD
Only thing that`s very strange so far is that every energy producing system is seperated, meaning they fill up their own max energy, but not the max energy of your Base.
Just wait until the devs add some piece of equipment or upgrade that requires Mercury or some other resource that requires mining.
I wonder if it would be better for Power to be separated into Generators and Capacitors. Capacitors would be strictly for determining the current power and maximum power while Generators would be strictly for the rate of power generated. Have one Solar Cell and no Capacitors and only the automatic base functions like the lights and oxygen will work. Have a bunch of Nuclear Reactors and Capacitors and you can go from 0 power to 1000 power in 10 seconds. After all, Reactors are measured in how much energy they create per second rather than how much energy they create.
Also, rechargers should be able to go both ways for extreme circumstances. No power to the base and you need to convert some Metal Salvage Creepvine Seed Clusters into Titanium and Lubricant for a Bioreactor, then you can by just placing a couple of batteries into the recharger to provide some emergency power. Or charge up the Seamoth or Cyclops with a bunch of batteries.
Sorry Pal, but I have lockers even for Mercury. I know it has no use for now, but for just in case I store even unused stuff. xD
AND still no use for the Scanner room then since Mercury ain`t near any of my bases usally.
Shouldn't thermometers use mercury?
The same with fragments. Once they were visible boxes lying around, then put into wrecks (still work to do and be better placed), now the seamoth fragments look like useless wreckparts if you don't look closer, because lately useless wreck parts were distributed to the map. If more useless machinery wreck parts appear we'll have a hard time distinguishing them from the useful ones without the scanner room.
But a max upgraded range of 100m won't work I think. 200m would be needed to be useful at minimum. Otherwise it will get a hazzle to rebuild scanner rooms to scan a biome. It could also work if you could scan mobile with the cyclops. Then even 100m would work.
Or you could just hold the rmb with the handheld scanner 'till you find a fragment.
Try that with a 50x50 square meter debris field and 100's of pieces in the sandy red weeds. Not with half a dozen objects inside a wreck where it works as you described. Yesterday I had some hard time finding those seamoth parts. Yet it could get worse.
I forgot: While I searched, the sandsharks and biters tried to eat me.
Any problems with tiger plants?