Inviromental story idea: lost expadition.
Join Date: 2010-12-13 Member: 75657Members

Ok as we are a member of a colony ship that crashes, it is easy to say that we are not the first on this plannet. The destroyed base on the island makes that even more of a clear cut thing. So this got me thinking about an environmental story idea where you can find old wrecks of a scouting group, anything from their bases to gear and eventually their remains.
The concept would start in the drop off area with the sand sharks, in this location the player would find an old sub, said sub would be larger then the one cyclops and looks like something blew a huge hole in the engine room. This hole is how you get in.
The sub it self has 5 rooms, engine room, crew quarters, storage, exo bay, and bridge. Along with a hallway and an observation room, only the hallway and crew quarters have air.
Upon entering the sub through the engine room the play would see several of the lights are still on and that the engine is still running, with 5 dead batteries in it an one at 12%. from the engine room the player can not explore much but they can enter the air lock which leads to the main hall and crew quarters it is here that the story of this lost crew starts.
Upon entering the air lock a military stile voice will come over the intercoms" Warning intruder... board, sec...[gibersh] engine power 11%, secur.... report bridge." it then have a static noise before power flickers signalling that the AI just went off line. Form the hallway the player will have 3 doors they can enter, the one on the left is open, the front one is an airlock to the bridge which is flooded, and the one on the right requires a key card to enter.
crew quarters
info: inside is 6 beds, and 12 lockers. the lockers contain flairs, batteries, water, and some rare resources as well as a damaged stasis rifle. The stasis rifle found in this location, looks like a prototype and is more angular, that said it has a fast fire rate and its stasis fields are about the size of a crash(the exploding fish?).
info: the bridge as a 4 chairs, and a large amount of damaged consoles, it is obvious by looking that this bridge was designed to coordinate up to 3 teams of exo suit users from a safe location. not much loot wise in this area, but their are signals that will show the last locations of 2 of the 3 exo suit teams.
exo suit bay
info: can not be accessed until one of the 3 exo suit groups have been found as it requires a key card, inside the player will find one working "combat" exo suit. while it isn't a true combat one, it is armed with a harpoon gun and a stasis rifle, as well as a mining drill.(stasis rifle is shoulder mounted and automatically fires at larger fish to immobilize)
note: the combat exo suit, is one of a kind, you can not craft it and if it is destroyed you can not replace it. It also doesn't have armament that can kill large fish, though its harpoon gun is really useful for hunting smaller fish for meat(fires the bolt then reals it in, real breaks on larger fish)
the 3 lost exo suit crews can be find through out the more dangerous deep down locations in subnautica.
crew one (mining crew)
the closest one though is in the caves bellow the kelp forest, it has 2 destroyed exo suits the parts from which can be salvaged for some high grade materials. this one does not have a key card, and looks like they where mining through a cave when they where attacked by a sand shark, the legs of the bots are ripped of and one still has a skeleton in it. it should be noted that both are acting as a safe place for smaller fish and are over grown with coral.
an text log in the suit with the skeleton gives back story.
rough idea:
day 1: Only the gods know the joy I am feeling right now, it has been 10 hours sense our sub was dropped from orbit to do material scans of the planet. Something about teriformation projects in the future, but who cares we get to go where no man has gone before the oceans of an unknown planet. If my wife could only see me now, and she said the military wouldn't get me anywhere.
day 5: captain had us all scrap our guns today, as we learned from the loss of paul, he was using the shoulder mounted laser on his exo to keep some stalkers away, when he managed to kill one. What happened next well command will not tell us but their is nothing left. Rumor is something came up and ripped him apart, Jason says it was some sort of cursed being looked like a royal ghost, I think he as lost it. Anyway command has shut down operations until we can replace the exo's shoulder rifle.
day 8: I can't believe it our egg head managed to get the old stasis rifles working, and started mounting them to the exo suits. While I would rather have a gun, it is better then nothing. tomorrow we start out again, me and Jason are to head bellow the kelp to find some sort of quartz mine, something about needing it for the reactor. But hey beats being stuck in the sub for another day.
day 9: We just lost contact with the sub, Something is wrong, I have been down 400 meters with out losing contact. we are barely 200 bellow. Jason is starting to panic saying something must be wrong, I had to tell him to keep mining, we still have to get the quartz, once we have it we will head back. Will update log when we get back.
CREW TWO (ecosystem study's)
this one is found in the lost river, this crew seems to have had 2 exo suits one of which has been modified to carry a mobile lab. it is from this group the player can find the key card and most plant based materials can be found in a near by crate. unlike group one and three which where obviously destroyed, this one looks like tehy where just abandoned, the exo suits are rusted out but still look functional. (the are basically the player one with a shoulder mounted stasis rifle, and they can be repaired)
LOOT: plant life, water, and oxygen tanks.
base in crew two: 2x damaged stasis exo suits, 1x 2 room base, several crates, an 02 generator based on algee.
base layout: a 2 room tube base with 2 beds several wall mounted shelves, 2 hatchs(the hatches are placed so one can easily get in from the exo suits. and window, as well as a desk from which the log and key card can be found. No sign of the crew.
text log: expatition log, #1003A104, owner Alexius
day 1: Just got here, and the jar heads want to shoot stuff. I mean really only 2 of the lot seem to know why we are here, some times I wish funding wasn't tight then we could have gotten a true science team on this, but no they send me out with 10 military leather necks and the most incompetent lab assistant ever. well when life hands you lemons, make a lemon fueled engine and get on with it.
day 2: the life here is just remarkable, today we started the recon surveys, and what these leather necks have brought me is just remarkable, one of them Paul I think even mentioned these fish like thing that explode. If he is right, I may have to retract my statement about sending me with a military crew. [information, about shallows creatures, and stalkers is listed in data files which can be selected from here]
day 4: I am beginning to think something is wrong, with every fish the leather necks kill or wound things seem to get harder for us, it is like the hole planet is fighting back, example Jason and Anderson where on recon today, when they ran into a sand shark after the opened fire on it according to their report the moment it went down the plants started targeting them. Now normally I would call this paranoia as the things swing at everything but their video logs proved their point even at a range the things where trying to swing at them. I will have to put in a word with the captain tomorrow about disarming the crew to protect them.
day 5: No, just no, we lost a man today, Paul he and Jason where on hunting duty in the kelp forest when something ripped him apart. I have viewed the video logs several times now and, what ever this thing was it seemed angry and smart. The only plus from this is the captain has agreed to my disarmament proposal, but at what cost and are we to late. As it is I am going to have to find a replacement, this planet is becoming more hostile to us by the day... I think the old stasis rifle prototype we have might work but it may take time.
day 7: been a few days sense my last log, I got the stasis rifle working and mounted to my exo doing tests in the shallows has yielded some interesting results. My assistant has started mounting the rest to the exo's and with luck we can get back to work tomorrow.
day 8: one problem out of the way one more to go, Today the engines alternator blew, this means we are draining power instead of holding constant. unfortunately The captain wants to keep the hush hush among the leather necks, as they have been on edge for the last few days. The only up side to this is the captain has approved of a deep recon by me and my assistant, we are to explore in the lower depths to try and find materials to repair it. I told him it may be weeks before we can find the materials but he doesn't seem to care, as he thinks they can keep up the quartz needs to repair the batteries. I hope he is right.
day 9: [technical document on blood caves] we have entered a small cave system, the life here is fascinating but the materials we need are not present, if it wasn't for the problems on the ship I would gladly spend the week here.
day 11: [technical documents on several deep sea life forms, including crab snakes]
day 14: we finally found the materials we need, thing is we are in what I am calling the lost river, my assitant has unpacked the lab and we are working to synthesize the materials we need, but something is off the life here seams to be avoiding us more then normal. Not saying that is a bad thing as many things here could easily rip through the exo's and our make shift camp.
day 14b: this isn't good we got the radio set up in the camp , and nothing. The radio can't even pick up the emergancy band on the sub. This is bad the only way that would go down is... no it can't be. they must be ok. right. I will talk this over with my assitant he might have a clue. I think. this isn't good. never good.
day ???: it has been several months sense my last log, we went back to the sub, it was destroyed some one or something blew a hole in the engine, worse yet the hole was angled just right to take out the deep range transmitter so command has no clue we a stranded. As it is this camp is all we have left. we just have to hold out till the teriformer crew gets here. We where originally to give them our findings and help but now... I just hope we last until they get here.
day ???: IF one goo thing has come from this, we managed to use the materials from the river to improve our diving suits, I think I can rate them upto 800 meters in depth now. As such, we are going to start doing more exploration of the area, and maybe we can find parts to repair our exo's as they are starting to fall apart, I would say it is rust but it just isn't right. This will be my last log entry on this pad. IT is time to stop surviving and start living.
note: the place looks like it is still lived in, the power is still at full and the exo suits while damage are still functional.
CREW three
info: this one is found deep down, has 3 destroyed exo suits, this is deep down near the final areas, all 3 look like they where just ripped apart. one of them even has its mining drill forced through the face plate. the only loot here is a single 02 cansiter from one of the exo suits. no story behind it, jsut carnage. though if you look closely one of the exo's doesn't have the shoulder mounted stasis rifle but instead has some sort of blue glowing beam thing.
note: this is implied to be the crew the caused the hole thing to go skywards. as they used a weapon on something, and it retaliated not only by killing them but destroying their base.
I didn't give full logs, but the idea is that 2 of the members survived the hole thing, these two being the scientists who found the lost river. The player would have no interactions with them outside of finding their base and if they come back finding new things in it or their exos suits moved if they repair them. (aka I have no idea how other human NPC's would work in this game, if they would fit at all)
The concept would start in the drop off area with the sand sharks, in this location the player would find an old sub, said sub would be larger then the one cyclops and looks like something blew a huge hole in the engine room. This hole is how you get in.
The sub it self has 5 rooms, engine room, crew quarters, storage, exo bay, and bridge. Along with a hallway and an observation room, only the hallway and crew quarters have air.
Upon entering the sub through the engine room the play would see several of the lights are still on and that the engine is still running, with 5 dead batteries in it an one at 12%. from the engine room the player can not explore much but they can enter the air lock which leads to the main hall and crew quarters it is here that the story of this lost crew starts.
Upon entering the air lock a military stile voice will come over the intercoms" Warning intruder... board, sec...[gibersh] engine power 11%, secur.... report bridge." it then have a static noise before power flickers signalling that the AI just went off line. Form the hallway the player will have 3 doors they can enter, the one on the left is open, the front one is an airlock to the bridge which is flooded, and the one on the right requires a key card to enter.
crew quarters
info: inside is 6 beds, and 12 lockers. the lockers contain flairs, batteries, water, and some rare resources as well as a damaged stasis rifle. The stasis rifle found in this location, looks like a prototype and is more angular, that said it has a fast fire rate and its stasis fields are about the size of a crash(the exploding fish?).
info: the bridge as a 4 chairs, and a large amount of damaged consoles, it is obvious by looking that this bridge was designed to coordinate up to 3 teams of exo suit users from a safe location. not much loot wise in this area, but their are signals that will show the last locations of 2 of the 3 exo suit teams.
exo suit bay
info: can not be accessed until one of the 3 exo suit groups have been found as it requires a key card, inside the player will find one working "combat" exo suit. while it isn't a true combat one, it is armed with a harpoon gun and a stasis rifle, as well as a mining drill.(stasis rifle is shoulder mounted and automatically fires at larger fish to immobilize)
note: the combat exo suit, is one of a kind, you can not craft it and if it is destroyed you can not replace it. It also doesn't have armament that can kill large fish, though its harpoon gun is really useful for hunting smaller fish for meat(fires the bolt then reals it in, real breaks on larger fish)
the 3 lost exo suit crews can be find through out the more dangerous deep down locations in subnautica.
crew one (mining crew)
the closest one though is in the caves bellow the kelp forest, it has 2 destroyed exo suits the parts from which can be salvaged for some high grade materials. this one does not have a key card, and looks like they where mining through a cave when they where attacked by a sand shark, the legs of the bots are ripped of and one still has a skeleton in it. it should be noted that both are acting as a safe place for smaller fish and are over grown with coral.
an text log in the suit with the skeleton gives back story.
rough idea:
day 1: Only the gods know the joy I am feeling right now, it has been 10 hours sense our sub was dropped from orbit to do material scans of the planet. Something about teriformation projects in the future, but who cares we get to go where no man has gone before the oceans of an unknown planet. If my wife could only see me now, and she said the military wouldn't get me anywhere.
day 5: captain had us all scrap our guns today, as we learned from the loss of paul, he was using the shoulder mounted laser on his exo to keep some stalkers away, when he managed to kill one. What happened next well command will not tell us but their is nothing left. Rumor is something came up and ripped him apart, Jason says it was some sort of cursed being looked like a royal ghost, I think he as lost it. Anyway command has shut down operations until we can replace the exo's shoulder rifle.
day 8: I can't believe it our egg head managed to get the old stasis rifles working, and started mounting them to the exo suits. While I would rather have a gun, it is better then nothing. tomorrow we start out again, me and Jason are to head bellow the kelp to find some sort of quartz mine, something about needing it for the reactor. But hey beats being stuck in the sub for another day.
day 9: We just lost contact with the sub, Something is wrong, I have been down 400 meters with out losing contact. we are barely 200 bellow. Jason is starting to panic saying something must be wrong, I had to tell him to keep mining, we still have to get the quartz, once we have it we will head back. Will update log when we get back.
CREW TWO (ecosystem study's)
this one is found in the lost river, this crew seems to have had 2 exo suits one of which has been modified to carry a mobile lab. it is from this group the player can find the key card and most plant based materials can be found in a near by crate. unlike group one and three which where obviously destroyed, this one looks like tehy where just abandoned, the exo suits are rusted out but still look functional. (the are basically the player one with a shoulder mounted stasis rifle, and they can be repaired)
LOOT: plant life, water, and oxygen tanks.
base in crew two: 2x damaged stasis exo suits, 1x 2 room base, several crates, an 02 generator based on algee.
base layout: a 2 room tube base with 2 beds several wall mounted shelves, 2 hatchs(the hatches are placed so one can easily get in from the exo suits. and window, as well as a desk from which the log and key card can be found. No sign of the crew.
text log: expatition log, #1003A104, owner Alexius
day 1: Just got here, and the jar heads want to shoot stuff. I mean really only 2 of the lot seem to know why we are here, some times I wish funding wasn't tight then we could have gotten a true science team on this, but no they send me out with 10 military leather necks and the most incompetent lab assistant ever. well when life hands you lemons, make a lemon fueled engine and get on with it.
day 2: the life here is just remarkable, today we started the recon surveys, and what these leather necks have brought me is just remarkable, one of them Paul I think even mentioned these fish like thing that explode. If he is right, I may have to retract my statement about sending me with a military crew. [information, about shallows creatures, and stalkers is listed in data files which can be selected from here]
day 4: I am beginning to think something is wrong, with every fish the leather necks kill or wound things seem to get harder for us, it is like the hole planet is fighting back, example Jason and Anderson where on recon today, when they ran into a sand shark after the opened fire on it according to their report the moment it went down the plants started targeting them. Now normally I would call this paranoia as the things swing at everything but their video logs proved their point even at a range the things where trying to swing at them. I will have to put in a word with the captain tomorrow about disarming the crew to protect them.
day 5: No, just no, we lost a man today, Paul he and Jason where on hunting duty in the kelp forest when something ripped him apart. I have viewed the video logs several times now and, what ever this thing was it seemed angry and smart. The only plus from this is the captain has agreed to my disarmament proposal, but at what cost and are we to late. As it is I am going to have to find a replacement, this planet is becoming more hostile to us by the day... I think the old stasis rifle prototype we have might work but it may take time.
day 7: been a few days sense my last log, I got the stasis rifle working and mounted to my exo doing tests in the shallows has yielded some interesting results. My assistant has started mounting the rest to the exo's and with luck we can get back to work tomorrow.
day 8: one problem out of the way one more to go, Today the engines alternator blew, this means we are draining power instead of holding constant. unfortunately The captain wants to keep the hush hush among the leather necks, as they have been on edge for the last few days. The only up side to this is the captain has approved of a deep recon by me and my assistant, we are to explore in the lower depths to try and find materials to repair it. I told him it may be weeks before we can find the materials but he doesn't seem to care, as he thinks they can keep up the quartz needs to repair the batteries. I hope he is right.
day 9: [technical document on blood caves] we have entered a small cave system, the life here is fascinating but the materials we need are not present, if it wasn't for the problems on the ship I would gladly spend the week here.
day 11: [technical documents on several deep sea life forms, including crab snakes]
day 14: we finally found the materials we need, thing is we are in what I am calling the lost river, my assitant has unpacked the lab and we are working to synthesize the materials we need, but something is off the life here seams to be avoiding us more then normal. Not saying that is a bad thing as many things here could easily rip through the exo's and our make shift camp.
day 14b: this isn't good we got the radio set up in the camp , and nothing. The radio can't even pick up the emergancy band on the sub. This is bad the only way that would go down is... no it can't be. they must be ok. right. I will talk this over with my assitant he might have a clue. I think. this isn't good. never good.
day ???: it has been several months sense my last log, we went back to the sub, it was destroyed some one or something blew a hole in the engine, worse yet the hole was angled just right to take out the deep range transmitter so command has no clue we a stranded. As it is this camp is all we have left. we just have to hold out till the teriformer crew gets here. We where originally to give them our findings and help but now... I just hope we last until they get here.
day ???: IF one goo thing has come from this, we managed to use the materials from the river to improve our diving suits, I think I can rate them upto 800 meters in depth now. As such, we are going to start doing more exploration of the area, and maybe we can find parts to repair our exo's as they are starting to fall apart, I would say it is rust but it just isn't right. This will be my last log entry on this pad. IT is time to stop surviving and start living.
note: the place looks like it is still lived in, the power is still at full and the exo suits while damage are still functional.
CREW three
info: this one is found deep down, has 3 destroyed exo suits, this is deep down near the final areas, all 3 look like they where just ripped apart. one of them even has its mining drill forced through the face plate. the only loot here is a single 02 cansiter from one of the exo suits. no story behind it, jsut carnage. though if you look closely one of the exo's doesn't have the shoulder mounted stasis rifle but instead has some sort of blue glowing beam thing.
note: this is implied to be the crew the caused the hole thing to go skywards. as they used a weapon on something, and it retaliated not only by killing them but destroying their base.
I didn't give full logs, but the idea is that 2 of the members survived the hole thing, these two being the scientists who found the lost river. The player would have no interactions with them outside of finding their base and if they come back finding new things in it or their exos suits moved if they repair them. (aka I have no idea how other human NPC's would work in this game, if they would fit at all)