Something went wrong with my Base Lighting--but OMG it looks so AWESOME!
Join Date: 2015-06-02 Member: 205160Members

Loaded up my game after the latest experimental auto-build came down the pipe. My base's electrical lighting was GONE. We're talking total blackout, people - aside from the 'rings' of my Aquariums and a few small emergency lights - even though I have 300 solar power and the array itself seems to be functional. The only light I have now is from the many Creepvine plants in my exterior and interior growers. Thank GOD for that Creepvine. Creepvine is rubber. Creepvine is Lubricant. Creepvine is food. Creepvine is life. I know it's probably a bug, but oh my god does it look awesome! If this is how they're going to implement a zero-power situation... holeee crap, it'll add so much to the whole atmosphere of bases. Devs... keep it up!

My Gasopod Tank, lit only by the eerie yellow glow of the Creepvine.

But aside from those places lit by the 'vine, everywhere else is in total blackout. The blue 'tint' on the walls is from my shockers in their tank!
Imagine it... the creatures don't want you here. They attack your base, knocking out your power... in the pitch dark, you hear a reaper leviathan's roar... and then, your base starts to flood...

My Gasopod Tank, lit only by the eerie yellow glow of the Creepvine.

But aside from those places lit by the 'vine, everywhere else is in total blackout. The blue 'tint' on the walls is from my shockers in their tank!
Imagine it... the creatures don't want you here. They attack your base, knocking out your power... in the pitch dark, you hear a reaper leviathan's roar... and then, your base starts to flood...
Absolutely. I just wish more of the flora would glow with their own light; the koosh bush and the eyes plant, and the purple stalk, as well as the acid mushrooms. I know they 'glow' in some places like caves, but I don't think that's from the mushrooms themselves; that's more 'let's put a light source on this wall the same purple as the mushroom for effect', a placeholder, maybe?
Yesterday I tried to build base in the new blood kelp (it is not complete yet) and for some reason I couldn't power that base - not by any means (experimental, sometimes nothing works there). It was creepy to walk through the darkness of those corridors, good atmosphere most def... Didn't think of the creepvine tho...
And yes, switches would be great addition, as guys above me already said. Feeling of control within your base, someone go tell devs!
Ever since the Cyclops update I moved into it, just because it has the lights on/off switch...
Update: They fixed the bug... but of course, the Creepvine Light sh-ts all over the electrical stuff. Bio-Plant Lighting FTW!
My lighting goes out like this sometimes to. Just deconstruct some glass and then put it back and your lighting should be good!
My lighting goes out like this sometimes to. Just deconstruct some glass and then put it back and your lighting should be good!
Wait What?
I'd love to have a dark room containing a large aquarium simulating a cave environment. Jelly rays and crab snakes in an aquarium filled with oculus and koosh bushes would look wonderful to me, especially in the dark!