Oculus Update - Subnautica

SystemSystem Join Date: 2013-01-29 Member: 182599Members, Super Administrators, Reinforced - Diamond

imageOculus Update - Subnautica

A new Subnautica update is available on Steam! The Oculus Update brings support for Oculus Rift SDK 1.3, which is a nerdy way of saying: You can play Subnautica on...

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  • hoodvisionshoodvisions Germany Join Date: 2014-10-28 Member: 199178Members
    Hey guys, LOVE your game in VR, it's even better than before. Only ONE suggestion (if you happen to read this at all). One can get very nauseous in VR when using the controller to turn around, but I think all that's required here is a "soft turns" option so that using the controller stick doesn't cause me to turn around so quick and abrupt, but buttersmooth and spaceship-like instead. Keep up the great work! Getting back into the game now :)
  • AvimimusAvimimus Join Date: 2016-03-28 Member: 214968Members
    Any idea if they'll support Track IR? It'd be great to have separate head movements using it!
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