Gasopod Aggression

TenebrousNovaTenebrousNova England Join Date: 2015-12-23 Member: 210206Members
I'm playing on the latest experimental build and started a new game. I made a small base and noticed that the two gasopods in the area are constantly setting off their poisonous projectiles, even when I'm nowhere near them. As a result there's a lot of dead fish floating around above my base and the poison clouds often harm me even when I'm in the base. I ventured further afield and all of the gasopods are doing this.
Thank you for your time.



  • Alex_INFERNOAlex_INFERNO Russia, Moscow Join Date: 2016-03-09 Member: 214036Members
    they just dont like you :) ... as i see on your pic - you build your base dirrectly on they own territory. and what you want in result? they just guarding their home. at first - its THEIR planet, and at second - its THEIR home' crater
  • TenebrousNovaTenebrousNova England Join Date: 2015-12-23 Member: 210206Members
    edited April 2016
    they just dont like you :) ... as i see on your pic - you build your base dirrectly on they own territory. and what you want in result? they just guarding their home. at first - its THEIR planet, and at second - its THEIR home' crater

    They never cared about it on my last few saves when I built in that location (I quite like the crater). :p
    But it's not just those gasopods in particular- all of them are releasing their poison clouds when there's nothing around to harm them, and they do it constantly. Normally you have to get very close to them.
  • DracobombaDracobomba Join Date: 2016-04-08 Member: 215502Members
    Seems like an odd bug. Fauna tend to stay around where they originally spawn, so the next time just try and build a base away from them.

    Alternatively, you can probably use the propulsion cannon to send them to the next ocean over, as a quick fix.
  • eastofdeatheastofdeath usa Join Date: 2016-02-28 Member: 213559Members
    The gasopods are killing lots of fish even if you don't build near them. I also have noted this behavior.
    Experimental build. I being no where near the gasopad agro radius and then some fish swim to close to them, get gassed.

    Gasopod on a rampage because all the other fish call them ugly. lol
  • Alex_INFERNOAlex_INFERNO Russia, Moscow Join Date: 2016-03-09 Member: 214036Members
    edited April 2016
    Gasopod on a rampage because all the other fish call them ugly. lol

    And why not? Did you see their 'tail'? Every respectable fish has a 'fin'-style tail but not looking like a 'malice'... realy ugly... :smiley:
  • Alex_INFERNOAlex_INFERNO Russia, Moscow Join Date: 2016-03-09 Member: 214036Members
    If you don't notice yet - all creatures 'switch on' its own aggression. I saw fight electric warm versus bone shark. Game to become more interesting and difficult - all want to eat each other and you too :) I like it!
  • A_BecauseA_Because Michigan, US Join Date: 2016-04-07 Member: 215469Members
    I've noticed this as well, and I really don't like it. They'll just be randomly shooting of gas, and it decreases my enjoyment of the game in the safe shallows. It's just too much of a hassle to do anything there sometimes.
  • eastofdeatheastofdeath usa Join Date: 2016-02-28 Member: 213559Members
    I used the Gasopod as a early warning device, to know if a Stalker was around, if I heard the gas pops I would look around for the Stalker. The Gasopod was nice to have around to help the diver as a look out.
    My own Gasopod guardian angels o:)
  • Alex_INFERNOAlex_INFERNO Russia, Moscow Join Date: 2016-03-09 Member: 214036Members
    My own Gasopod guardian angels o:)

    ... and their gas' fireworks remind me chritmass on far Earth... :'(
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