Deep. Sea. Mining. Vessel. DO IT.

helloeojhelloeoj plymouth, ma Join Date: 2016-04-07 Member: 215447Members
So am I the only one who would like to see some sort of new vehicle? I get it would be hard and set things back, but it seems necessary, and i cant think of anything more practical than a ships that can collect resources around it; after all, you did come from a mining vessel in the first place.

If anyone has any ideas / wants to perhaps make some concept art (fuck knows i cant), feel free to share your thoughts. I'm thinking something along the lines of a middle class size, between the seamoth and the cyclops. Also, a robotic arm would be dope, but then again that may be way too complex to deal with.


  • NecromNecrom The Grave Join Date: 2016-04-07 Member: 215444Members
    How about a new building to kind of replace the terraformer? Kind of a drill building that digs down, and can automatically bring up ores and it could also introduce oil as a new fuel source. Or, as you suggested, a mining ship. Maybe have a late game ship that has little mining drones you could deploy and they would bring back ores. They could also be player piloted, but that seems impracticable.
  • helloeojhelloeoj plymouth, ma Join Date: 2016-04-07 Member: 215447Members
    Necrom wrote: »
    How about a new building to kind of replace the terraformer? Kind of a drill building that digs down, and can automatically bring up ores and it could also introduce oil as a new fuel source. Or, as you suggested, a mining ship. Maybe have a late game ship that has little mining drones you could deploy and they would bring back ores. They could also be player piloted, but that seems impracticable.

    I was thinking more along the lines of an on board ship system that would mine / drill. I do strongly agree that the terraformer should be replaced though. seems to out of place.
  • zetachronzetachron Germany Join Date: 2014-11-14 Member: 199655Members
    The devs could use upgrades for the seamoth or exosuit or rework the terraformer with minimal effort.

    A seamoth harvester module could send forcewaves to the ground, shattering it and setting free all easy attached surface objects, while a force pull would autofetch it as long as there are cargo modules. It almost works like the propulsion cannon, only far more convenient.

    An exosuit mining drill arm tool could mine deep ore veins hidden below the rocksurface. It would not transform the terrain, but extracting stuff with an energetic beam.

    The terraformer could also use an energetic tractor beam to pull materials from deep under rock out of it.
  • NecromNecrom The Grave Join Date: 2016-04-07 Member: 215444Members
    We need more people like you zetachron.
  • helloeojhelloeoj plymouth, ma Join Date: 2016-04-07 Member: 215447Members
    Just a friendly old bump.
  • zetachronzetachron Germany Join Date: 2014-11-14 Member: 199655Members
    helloeoj wrote: »
    Just a friendly old bump.

    and here is some news
    <img with="320" height="180" src=""></img&gt;
    They already put mercury ore beneath the surface (not all, but lots of), so you need the scanner room to find and a drill tool to get it.
  • frazmifrazmi Kentucky Join Date: 2016-03-19 Member: 214471Members
    Necrom wrote: »
    I do strongly agree that the terraformer should be replaced though.
    Oh, please don't take my terraformer away! I had a lot of fun building a base-sized spire from the seabed at 250 meters up to 30 meters below the surface, then building a small solar-powered research base out of the way of most predators. And in another fun project I built a ledge out from the side of one of the islands, again about 30 meters deep, and put another small base there.

    My next project will be to build a sea fort -- a circular stone wall from seabed almost to the surface with just one opening that's plugged by my base. No predators allowed inside!
  • NeskahNeskah United States of America Join Date: 2015-05-15 Member: 204513Members
    What I always wanted to see was this old concept for the Cyclops: latest?cb=20150416034625

    I always thought it would be cool if once co-op was in the game (I know it's not even close to being in, and may not ever come into play) you could have a person piloting the sub and another person doing something on the lower deck, specifically on a drill or some sort of mining system with a sonar unit (or something to scan nearby creatures) on a dashboard in front of the co-pilot. It would be interesting to be driving the sub and have your friend say "Holy shit, there's something big ahead" and then see the shadow of a sea dragon lurch by the front of the submarine.

    Dunno if this is just me, but the thought of piloting a submarine so big multiple people can work together to use it to its maximum effectiveness seems awesome.

  • pellepelle honolulu Join Date: 2016-04-15 Member: 215781Members
    I see a fast, jet ski like, on surface, speed boat. Just for fun! B)
  • zetachronzetachron Germany Join Date: 2014-11-14 Member: 199655Members
    pelle wrote: »
    I see a fast, jet ski like, on surface, speed boat. Just for fun! B)

    All you'd need is the devs giving the seamoth a hovercraft module that allows the seamoth to hover if reaching 0m:
    <img width="320" height="180" src=""></img&gt;
    Neskah wrote: »
    ... I always thought it would be cool if once co-op was in the game (I know it's not even close to being in, and may not ever come into play) you could have a person piloting the sub and another person doing something on the lower deck, specifically on a drill or some sort of mining system with a sonar unit (or something to scan nearby creatures) on a dashboard in front of the co-pilot. It would be interesting to be driving the sub and have your friend say "Holy ****, there's something big ahead" and then see the shadow of a sea dragon lurch by the front of the submarine.

    Dunno if this is just me, but the thought of piloting a submarine so big multiple people can work together to use it to its maximum effectiveness seems awesome.

    I think the cyclops has the possibility of a space for 3 people at command deck:
    1 piloting<img width="320" height="180" src=""></img&gt;
    1 at a system control panel on the right side <img width="320" height="180" src=""></img&gt;
    1 at a potential holotable like this on the left side <img width="320" height="180" src=""></img&gt;

    Both sides would borrow from this display:<img width="320" height="180" src=""></img&gt;
    The left control would get the cam display and control cyclops cams, lights, power and flood status, as well as all internal ship status
    The right side would get the holotable and the display for scanning targets. Incoming torpedos or enemies as well as rock formation display

    So we'd have 3 command personal:
    Pilot, Internal Systems Engineer and Scientific Scanning Officer
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