Add "delete object" to command line

fireblade274fireblade274 maryland Join Date: 2016-03-29 Member: 215022Members
Recently, the first Cyclops i build all on my own got stuck by a bug. The first aid kit spawed a kit that wouldn't let the sub move in any direction, so I abandoned it and spawned a new Cyclops to make it be like it never happened. Later on, I was able to fix my first Cyclops by attaching many floaters to it, causing it to glitch out (for lack of a better word) of its position and reach the surface. Some of the floaters i attached I cant recover now, so half of it is breaching the surface and wants to fly lol, but thats beside the point.
Now I just want to delete the thing. Its an eye sore and a constant reminder of what happened. I would really really REALLY like a command I can enter to delete my extra Cyclops.
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