[Bug] SeaSatan (Reaper Laviathan) in "Safe Shallows" and glitching me through world.

PuncakePuncake Brisbane Join Date: 2016-03-22 Member: 214673Members
Version: Early Development Build 30230 March-2016


The pictures provided will demonstrate the problem, but basically: I was searching for fragments in my seamoth, you know, the usual, and I keep hearing SeaSatan (Reaper Leviathan) noises, and I was confused at first because i was only in the Safe Shallows/Kelp Forest area. I ventured to discover the sound and the SeaSatan was extremely close to the "Safe Shallows" and ended up with me dying and him claiming my Seamoth. I promptly built another and decided not to approach that area as it may be a glitch. I was then in my second Seamoth, sitting ~50-60metres away from the lifepod (it hasnt floated away or anything), browsing the internets, when I hear the schreeches again. I become more confused and spot him in THE KELP FOREST RIGHT NEXT TO SAFE SHALLOWS. I quickly hide in a small cave like area and noticed him swimming above me. After a few moments he clips through the ground next to me and grabs me as he does, glitching me under the map along with him.

Please fix this bug as I think I may have PTSD from this traumatic experience. Anyhoo heres the link to an album.

Album Here

Thanks for your terrific game, keep improving.
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