Farming Update bugs and issues summary
Netherlands Join Date: 2015-12-30 Member: 210624Members

Game version: 29160-Feb2016
The Farming update is fun but it brings up a lot of issues and bugs.
Obviously there's still the thing of the draw distance being rather short and sometimes (although more rare now) even Reaper Leviathans pop into existence right next to you. But that's a thing for later I suppose.
The newly added features of breeding fish and growing plants seems to work really well, actually too well as it makes survival too easy. I actually have no use to water filtration machines now that fish breed so fast and even more once you start to grow crops. Keeping your water and food meter up is more of a nuisance than a actual challenge.
There is a bug with the growbeds which mainly happens with Marblemelons, it also happens to the large aquarium planting area. When you pick up a Marblemelon you will instantly open the planter box inventory which usually seems to bug out where it opens the PDA but doesn't show anything. The only way to exit out of this screen is by walking away far enough for it to go away, any other button press won't do anything. At this point you can't acces the growbed anymore without getting a blank screen. It seems to happen as well for Large Aquarium growbeds, likely from picking up acid mushrooms. It likely has to do with pickup able items which have you facing the growbed while doing so.
Flying Cyclops
The worst bug I found so far is suddenly flying up into space with the Cyclops. This happened while I had it parked near a seabase near the large organic mass in the Koosh zone. I was inside the cyclops and was smelting quartz into glass with a fabricator mounted in the bridge of the cyclops. All of the sudden the Cyclops faced upwards, I got stuck inside the wall and it flew up up and away. Eventually I managed to glitch my way out of it but I died of dehydration before I could even see the surface again and than I respawned in the Cyclops again.
Screenshots as I fly off into space and than fall down:
The survival knife of Creepvines
It seems that sometimes while slashing your survival knife around usually close to any object, usually aggressive fish or harvestable objects, you suddenly harvest Creepvine out of nowhere. This is when you're close but not actually hitting the object yet, it might also work while slashing randomly in the water. This seems bug seems to have moments of being active and than inactive at other times, that means that sometimes you can pull a infinite amount of creepvine out of the void while at other times nothing happens. This bug happens at regular intervals.
The indestructible diamond knife
It seems that the hardened blade is completely indestructible. When it's durability goes down to 0% unlike the normal survival knife it doesn't go away, it stays in your hand and you can still cut things as much as you like. The creepvine bug also goes on with this one.
The PDA rifle
While switching between the stasis rifle and other equipment and than trying to check your inventory it's possible that the PDA opens up in a way that your character holds it like it was the stasis rifle. Not much of a problem as simply exiting out of your inventory fixes it.
Drift away little Escape Pod
The Escape pod seems to slowly but surely drift away from it's starting location and can continue onwards far far away from the map's edge. While it's doing this the communication unit mounted on the wall from the start of the game disappears. This is mainly a nuisance as the Escape Pod signal stays despite it being so far away. I had to fix this manually by going out 7000m outside of the map and pushing it back with the Cyclops than proceeded to glitch it into the floating island so it wouldn't drift away again.
Glitching the escapde pod into the floating island
It seems that you can push around the escape pod with a hologram from the habitat builder, this seems to only work with some structures like a foundation or a ladder, the red hologram you move around will than lift or push the escape pod like it's nothing. It's possible to get the escape pod on land with this method. When the escape pod loads out of the game when you're only a little bit too far away it will reset itself to the water's surface, being on land means it will be stuck inside the land mass.
Dying out carnivores
It seems that the carnivores in the game will gradually start to die out after they have been loaded in for the first time. Let's say you went to the Kelp forest for the first time and than you saw a Stalker, after a while that Stalker will be completely gone, eventually all the Stalkers in that Kelp Forest will disappear. These don't leave corpses like the ones that you kill with a survival knife. I did notice that the last Stalker in a Kelp forest with my base in it seemed to be attracted to the Peepers inside my large aquarium, sadly even that one disappeared after a while. The problem is that this happens really quickly and this happens for all carnivores, some even don't show up like Crabsnakes in the Jellyshroom caves, I could only find 2 in the entire large cave. Even the Koosh zone, one of the most crowded areas soon lost the Shockers that swam away from my base.
Random seed decreases
It seems the game randomly decides that one of the plant types will only give a total of 2 seeds before being destroyed. At first this was Sea crown but than later Sea Crown gave 4 seeds and the pygmy fan only gave 2 seeds.
'Power ON! Power OFF! Power ON! Power OFF!' messages get annoying
When your base has a lower power income than usage, for example when you have a water filtration machine or a spotlight on that base it will constantly fill up and than instantly use up the power. Nothing wrong there, you just need to wait till the sun is fully up for everything to power correctly by solar panels. The issue however with this is the constant message spam the base gives when this happens. There's absolutely no pause between the base saying that it has no power or that it has power. This message also pops up in text at the bottom of the screen which means that even when you travel far far away, even when you reboot the game the message spam will continue on endlessly. I would suggest something like a 10 second delay before it repeats the exact same message, I don't want to hear it say 'Power offline, emergency power only' and 'Power online, all systems nominal' (or whatever it was) twice per second.
Unable to make a electric network
It seems that Power Transmitters will only divert power to a single base. When you try connecting it to multiple bases far away from each other it will disconnect from the first base. It could make the game more interesting if it would actually network unlike the transfer to a single base right now. It means that gold still has a very low value, so does the dingle sound when you pick it up.
Unable to build the Transfuser and reinforced diving suit
The game will give say I'm missing the reinforced diving suit blueprint while it does show the building icon for it, despite having the components I can;t build it. The Transfuser has something similar where you can get the blueprint but the option to build it won't show up. I guess these simply have to be properly implemented.
99% complete scan of Exterior growbed
The game shows a 99% scan completion of the exterior growbed despite 1 scan already giving the blueprint. This means that you can keep on scanning the growbeds, even the ones that you build yourself. Besides displaying that it's incomplete while it is complete there's no other issue and you can still build growbeds.
So that's all issues I can think of at the moment. The Cyclops only using powercells is maybe another but that's probably because of previous bugs and I guess we can power the cyclops in different ways later.
The Farming update is fun but it brings up a lot of issues and bugs.
Obviously there's still the thing of the draw distance being rather short and sometimes (although more rare now) even Reaper Leviathans pop into existence right next to you. But that's a thing for later I suppose.
The newly added features of breeding fish and growing plants seems to work really well, actually too well as it makes survival too easy. I actually have no use to water filtration machines now that fish breed so fast and even more once you start to grow crops. Keeping your water and food meter up is more of a nuisance than a actual challenge.
There is a bug with the growbeds which mainly happens with Marblemelons, it also happens to the large aquarium planting area. When you pick up a Marblemelon you will instantly open the planter box inventory which usually seems to bug out where it opens the PDA but doesn't show anything. The only way to exit out of this screen is by walking away far enough for it to go away, any other button press won't do anything. At this point you can't acces the growbed anymore without getting a blank screen. It seems to happen as well for Large Aquarium growbeds, likely from picking up acid mushrooms. It likely has to do with pickup able items which have you facing the growbed while doing so.
Flying Cyclops
The worst bug I found so far is suddenly flying up into space with the Cyclops. This happened while I had it parked near a seabase near the large organic mass in the Koosh zone. I was inside the cyclops and was smelting quartz into glass with a fabricator mounted in the bridge of the cyclops. All of the sudden the Cyclops faced upwards, I got stuck inside the wall and it flew up up and away. Eventually I managed to glitch my way out of it but I died of dehydration before I could even see the surface again and than I respawned in the Cyclops again.
Screenshots as I fly off into space and than fall down:
The survival knife of Creepvines
It seems that sometimes while slashing your survival knife around usually close to any object, usually aggressive fish or harvestable objects, you suddenly harvest Creepvine out of nowhere. This is when you're close but not actually hitting the object yet, it might also work while slashing randomly in the water. This seems bug seems to have moments of being active and than inactive at other times, that means that sometimes you can pull a infinite amount of creepvine out of the void while at other times nothing happens. This bug happens at regular intervals.
The indestructible diamond knife
It seems that the hardened blade is completely indestructible. When it's durability goes down to 0% unlike the normal survival knife it doesn't go away, it stays in your hand and you can still cut things as much as you like. The creepvine bug also goes on with this one.
The PDA rifle
While switching between the stasis rifle and other equipment and than trying to check your inventory it's possible that the PDA opens up in a way that your character holds it like it was the stasis rifle. Not much of a problem as simply exiting out of your inventory fixes it.
Drift away little Escape Pod
The Escape pod seems to slowly but surely drift away from it's starting location and can continue onwards far far away from the map's edge. While it's doing this the communication unit mounted on the wall from the start of the game disappears. This is mainly a nuisance as the Escape Pod signal stays despite it being so far away. I had to fix this manually by going out 7000m outside of the map and pushing it back with the Cyclops than proceeded to glitch it into the floating island so it wouldn't drift away again.
Glitching the escapde pod into the floating island
It seems that you can push around the escape pod with a hologram from the habitat builder, this seems to only work with some structures like a foundation or a ladder, the red hologram you move around will than lift or push the escape pod like it's nothing. It's possible to get the escape pod on land with this method. When the escape pod loads out of the game when you're only a little bit too far away it will reset itself to the water's surface, being on land means it will be stuck inside the land mass.
Dying out carnivores
It seems that the carnivores in the game will gradually start to die out after they have been loaded in for the first time. Let's say you went to the Kelp forest for the first time and than you saw a Stalker, after a while that Stalker will be completely gone, eventually all the Stalkers in that Kelp Forest will disappear. These don't leave corpses like the ones that you kill with a survival knife. I did notice that the last Stalker in a Kelp forest with my base in it seemed to be attracted to the Peepers inside my large aquarium, sadly even that one disappeared after a while. The problem is that this happens really quickly and this happens for all carnivores, some even don't show up like Crabsnakes in the Jellyshroom caves, I could only find 2 in the entire large cave. Even the Koosh zone, one of the most crowded areas soon lost the Shockers that swam away from my base.
Random seed decreases
It seems the game randomly decides that one of the plant types will only give a total of 2 seeds before being destroyed. At first this was Sea crown but than later Sea Crown gave 4 seeds and the pygmy fan only gave 2 seeds.
'Power ON! Power OFF! Power ON! Power OFF!' messages get annoying
When your base has a lower power income than usage, for example when you have a water filtration machine or a spotlight on that base it will constantly fill up and than instantly use up the power. Nothing wrong there, you just need to wait till the sun is fully up for everything to power correctly by solar panels. The issue however with this is the constant message spam the base gives when this happens. There's absolutely no pause between the base saying that it has no power or that it has power. This message also pops up in text at the bottom of the screen which means that even when you travel far far away, even when you reboot the game the message spam will continue on endlessly. I would suggest something like a 10 second delay before it repeats the exact same message, I don't want to hear it say 'Power offline, emergency power only' and 'Power online, all systems nominal' (or whatever it was) twice per second.
Unable to make a electric network
It seems that Power Transmitters will only divert power to a single base. When you try connecting it to multiple bases far away from each other it will disconnect from the first base. It could make the game more interesting if it would actually network unlike the transfer to a single base right now. It means that gold still has a very low value, so does the dingle sound when you pick it up.
Unable to build the Transfuser and reinforced diving suit
The game will give say I'm missing the reinforced diving suit blueprint while it does show the building icon for it, despite having the components I can;t build it. The Transfuser has something similar where you can get the blueprint but the option to build it won't show up. I guess these simply have to be properly implemented.
99% complete scan of Exterior growbed
The game shows a 99% scan completion of the exterior growbed despite 1 scan already giving the blueprint. This means that you can keep on scanning the growbeds, even the ones that you build yourself. Besides displaying that it's incomplete while it is complete there's no other issue and you can still build growbeds.
So that's all issues I can think of at the moment. The Cyclops only using powercells is maybe another but that's probably because of previous bugs and I guess we can power the cyclops in different ways later.