NS2 GunGame
Will this type of game be a good addition to existing set of NS2 modifications ? Will it find it's players ?
Is it worth to finally implement this gameplay as attempts to implement it disappears sometimes in Dec. 2012 ?
It is basically fast action game, but you still have teams, therefore its not just ffa like you might think.
NS2 GunGame: is the modification that makes you to act with various guns and not only with your favorite one. You start with the first pistol and after number of designated kills you "level up" to the next weapon and so on and so forth through all the weapons, ending with the grenade and axe. The first person to reach max level wins overall.
NOTE: Unfortunately there is no public server right now to test this in real environment. There is one fit map gg_basic up to 16 players.Working on second slightly bigger map .. for 24 players.
Is it worth to finally implement this gameplay as attempts to implement it disappears sometimes in Dec. 2012 ?
It is basically fast action game, but you still have teams, therefore its not just ffa like you might think.
NS2 GunGame: is the modification that makes you to act with various guns and not only with your favorite one. You start with the first pistol and after number of designated kills you "level up" to the next weapon and so on and so forth through all the weapons, ending with the grenade and axe. The first person to reach max level wins overall.
NOTE: Unfortunately there is no public server right now to test this in real environment. There is one fit map gg_basic up to 16 players.Working on second slightly bigger map .. for 24 players.

I think you could do something similar with aliens tho. It doesn't need to be mvm. Balance is probably a bit of a challenge, but I think it's doable by adjusting the exp/kill between factions.
NOTE: Finalized level indicator (middle-bottom) and kill indicator (skulls bottom-right instead of resources)
Several screenshots (please excuse botch they can't behave when comes to photos)
Could add HMG, revolver and a few other weapons to that list
- in NS2 you have jetpacks, therefore you can jump/fly on high grounds and therefore maps should be indoor or have "solid" roof
- Exos are HUGE in comparison to marine, a lot of passages will just not fit
I'm mapping from the scratch .. but you know be inspired by beloved maps from CS:GunGame is always good (especially maps which works well)
motto: do not reinvent the wheel
Must mention this:
Big thanks to devs of MvsM for allowing me to use custom colormap shaders to make teams colored (blue & orange, even ReadyRoom players are white-ish)
Thanks to Wooza and his generosity we have GunGame server !
Pelase you are very welcome to test game by yourself. I hope you will enjoy it.
Also the mario map needs to have its cover more connected. Right now you get flanked constantly.
Personally I also do not think the pistol should be the starting weapon maybe 3rd or 4th and the rifle as no 1 instead
- it should take 3 slashes to kill someone with axe. that means change from 100DMG = 400% boost against original vanilla damage to only 75DMG = 300% boost (same for claw)
- should be implemented restriction, where you will be rewarded for axe-kill only once in row (except last level)
.. that means you can't level up only by axe but you actually need shot by gun because you will stuck on same level.
what do you think about this change, will it work with gun-game mechanic on ns2 ?
Also it's pretty rough starting out with the pistol and having people immediately shooting you with the rifle and the shotgun. You may want to rethink where the pistol sits on the weapon order. My reasoning is as follows...
Consider that in the original Counterstrike, Gun Game gave you multiple pistols in a row in a sequence, staggering the heavier weapons further into the match. NS2 doesn't have the weapon variety to pull that off, meaning that players are immediately meant to fight with automatic or powerful weapons following the "pistol sequence" progression.
I think NS2 would have more in common with CS:GO's Arms Race, where they limit the variety and types of weapons for shorter rounds.
You can see here how they put the pistols near the end instead of the beginning. They still have higher weapon variety, but it's not as rough for late joiners, slow loaders, or those without reflexes and speeds of a cat.
Overall, though, I really like this mode. I'd love to see some more maps for it.
-Spawn Invulnerbility
It is a hidden mechanic, and fails to do its purpose and only its purpose. I played 3 maps, only 1 of which had "hidden"spawn, that were somewhat closed off, meaning that spawn camping, as i would guess was the initial intention to smother, wasnt a big problem. Only that 1 map, did this forfill its purpose, however it was unrequired. With advancement to the next level, there is a small timer of VISIBLE invulnability. That could be shorter, but that is much more thoughtful, due to weapon switches.
-The Axe
Is the worst part of this game atm. The reward outweighs the risk by far too much. To be in contention for winning, you have to get a kill every 3rd engagement, which honestly isnt hard. The damage is too high, you gain a level, which is way too much reward compared to how easy it is, and the opponent lose a level, which i only found frustrating. Staying on pistol while exo suits are walking around, because you get axed, seems like a misfunctioning rubberbanding mechanic. On top of that, with each kill, you gain invulnerbility and full life.
Heres what I like:
I think a nice touch was putting 25 bullets in the pistol.
The damage/health ratio is awesome 90% of the time.
The evolve of levels was better than i could have imagined, or made. With that said, some seems misplaced, compared to each other, if the thought was start at the weakest, strongest in the middle/mid-end and end at the weakest. Pistol seems misplaced in this, as it basicly is the sniper of ns2, and, correct me if im wrong, will out-dps the rifle.
This can become a great break off for the usual gameplay, and i welcome it - but the invulnability and the axe are simply not working, and with them being such a core element, I dont see myself playing this again, untill its adressed.
Keep it up!
I always find it odd going up in weapons to then end on a knife, it just feels unnatural and makes the game unnecessarily difficult.
- regarding pistol & gun order .. this was inspired by CS 1.6 GunGame and it will be configurable once I figure out how to load them from server config
But it have lower priority than Exo spawn, Axe kill-fest and grenade resupply issue.
- at least one "big" map is coming. I think this map will lower urgency to shuffle pistol in level order as sniper gun is better on bigger map.
Sorry I need to shorter your post.
and ofc. I'm sorry that you disliked GunGame in stage as is now (don't forget it's out for less than week).
The mod is actually designed as fast shooting game to refresh yourself between (or after) heavy/serious vanilla games.
can you imagine quick round between two rounds of comp.play ?
- Spawn Invulnerability: is only 3sec long intentionally .. to quickly reorient focus and catch eye on monitor.
I know (and I'm not happy) about issue that visual of nanoshield is not visible after death, but it's visible after level up. This is something which should be addressed to developers of NS2 at first place, because combat have the same issue and very very very dirty workaround to fix it (like 2 pages of heavy code all around game code only to fix this).
- Axe: I heard alot about axe killfest. Propose solution is in previous post. What do you think about it ? You can level up only once with axe kill, then you will be not rewarded on second kill in row. This will naturally stop axing for levels but you know .... trolls can always lower your level if you are not skilled enough and let them kill you with axe
NOTE: There were considered also time based solution, that you will be rewarded for axekill only after specific time period (i.e. 30s) .. But I'm aware, that it will be slightly confusing unless player will have some kind of intuitive screen effect, like red-ish screen "killing frenzy effect!" Can someone make shader for client's side ? I'll gladly adopt it ... but I'm completely incompetent when we talk about shaders. (modified alien vision to have 25-50% transparent red vision)
EDIT: you can try fix for these two problem: exo is stuck when spawn in tight places and axe rewards only once with whole level ... when you load NS2 GunGame ver. 19b.
As for the pistol, I agree with Zavaro; I think the pistol is pretty powerful, though. I don't think the increased magazine size is actually needed. Or at least it wouldn't be needed if you move it further into the game.
Apopros spawn invulnerability; I think you should remove the invulnerability you get from killing somebody if you're not getting an exo. I've had it multiple times that I could not fight back at all because someone got an upgrade and was invulnerable for several seconds.
No invulnerbility
Slow down attack speed OR half or 1/3 damage compared to now (makes it a last resort) - the big reason the knife in CS:GO works well as it does, is because its a last resort, and is only really powerfull from behind, otherwise its simply too slow. The mechanic of pushing peoples level is not the problem, i would however like for you to keep your levelprogression through an axe death. f.ex lvl 2 with 2 kills, resets you to lvl 1 with 2 kills, instead of 0 kills. Making more hiddenmechanics isnt the way to go, especially with your vision as i see it - a casual breakoff, easy to learn and easy to understand.
Im not sure that any invulnability should be in the game, except from spawn. If you go full rambo to their spawn, with a high chance of kills, you kinda also deserve the death. Atleast short it down to maybe 1-1½ second if possible, even though this might be alot of coding to do
You design is NOT flawed. It just needs refinement!
In CS there is also mechanic, that you are significantly slowed when you take damage... this reduce your killing potential with knife with rambo style. Ns2 does not have this mechanic, therefore decision was to give you reward only every second level when you kill with axe. you can lower others level but you are not progressing fast enough
BTW: protection between levels were removed (it was simply too OP), you have 3s protection only as exo and after respawn.
Also, you shouldn't ever run out of ammo and be forced to use the axe.
And it's very difficult to tell who still has spawn protection. I unloaded my entire clip into an enemy, only to realize I wasn't hurting him at all. Then I got axed.
Also, I think the weapon ordering could be tweaked a little bit. It should go from easy -> difficult to get kills with the weapon of each tier, otherwise you have people getting caught in these slumps where you just can't advance.
Hopefully others chime in here, as my connection to the server wasn't great, and thus my experience was pretty sub-par anyways (~30% packet loss).
I don't think having the last two levels require you to go jp + axe helps, either.
I'm not sure if combat mod address this issue (but definitely do a dirty workaround which is so ugly that I'm refusing to use).
Can you please look at nano-shield effect code? why it's removed like this?
I'll try last one attempt to balance axe by available options -> lover the damage to three slashes to kill player (as it was announced before).
When it does not help, there is last known option to implement mechanic same as counter strike has, that player is slowed after hit. It will completely nullify the frontal changes with axes. and keep effective kills from behind. But it's something new in game (probably should look for sequence jump prevention code, to be inspired).
Take a look at FireMixin.lua, UpdateFireMaterial(self), line 139. Note Client.CreateRenderMaterial() and Client.DestroyRenderMaterial().
As far as my tests reach, the client side effect is triggered after specific network variable is synchronized. This is a bit problem in actual code, because it makes a slight delay (few ticks) in-between variable is set on server and used.
I'm not sure what is going on, that effect is not applied after respawn (or rejoin from ready-room or spectator). I have suspicion that it's connected with "Replace" method and all it's complex replacement of models after respawn. Looks like client is notified of replacement of model after nano-shield is activated (that results on immediate drop of nano-shield effect on client side). It can be even in same "bulk" of net-vars, but in wrong order.
Anyway fix is to slightly delay whole nano-shield activation by at least one tick ( i.e. Shared:GetTime() + 0.1 ).
Code for everyone, who need nano-shield fix after respawn included here:
Please note, that you can also delay nano-shield by constant value simply by using this file hook