Instant Mac Crash/Failure to Launch (FIXED)

DombiePigRiderDombiePigRider U.S.A. Join Date: 2016-03-03 Member: 213784Members
edited March 2016 in Subnautica Bug Reporting
There is a major problem in the most recent experimental version of Mac. Upon attempting to launch, the game's icon appears in the application bar, then vanishes. The game launches in the normal version, and if the game is windowed, but if it is windowed, the window is too large to do anything, as well as the background of the menu not existing. I cannot even say the build number, as I can't be ingame to see it. But it's the most recent version. As far as I know, there is no external solution to this and it is not isolated to me. This bug needs to be prioritized above all others, as it makes it impossible to play the game at all for people on Mac. I hope this either gets fixed or a dev responds here telling when a fix will be available. This arose after a few experimental versions after the Farming Update.


  • DchicoteDchicote Germany Join Date: 2015-05-26 Member: 204901Members
    Mac Exp. version. Newest Update 4.3.2016
    Full Window Mode does'nt run. Only Window mode.
  • titanics_mechanictitanics_mechanic Look behind you... Join Date: 2016-03-04 Member: 213817Members
    Same on my iMac and MacbookAir since the last update. Hadn't thought to launch it in window mode, kills the immersion for me since I only play while in the bathtub... Was starting to get the shakes.
  • DombiePigRiderDombiePigRider U.S.A. Join Date: 2016-03-03 Member: 213784Members
    The problem goes farther than that. You CAN'T play windowed mode, the window is 4 times the size of the screen. And there's no way of resizing the window by any means.

  • DombiePigRiderDombiePigRider U.S.A. Join Date: 2016-03-03 Member: 213784Members
    The devs still aren't fixing this. I'm getting frustrated.
  • titanics_mechanictitanics_mechanic Look behind you... Join Date: 2016-03-04 Member: 213817Members
    Dombie, relax, please. Your posts are giving me anxiety and my meds are wearing off. We're playing an early access game in experimental mode. These things happen and I'm sure the overlords at UW have tasked a redoubtable team of space monkeys to figure out exactly why these things have happened to us (hint: It's because God hates Macs and always will, he told me last Friday)... Just breathe with me dude.
  • DombiePigRiderDombiePigRider U.S.A. Join Date: 2016-03-03 Member: 213784Members
    I understand that this is a bug that may take a while to fix. But there's nothing in trello or anywhere that the devs are doing anything to fix it. That's the part that frustrates me. I'd definitely be happy if the devs posted something here or somewhere else about them fixing it. I just need some sign if it will ever be fixed before the next update.
  • titanics_mechanictitanics_mechanic Look behind you... Join Date: 2016-03-04 Member: 213817Members
    I hear you, I've invested nearly 650 hours into this awesome time vampire game and all of my ferns have died from lack of care so I know its frustrating but it might be something incidental they don't think merits a whole Trello post, hopefully they'll have it sorted out soon.

    Here, check this out, it makes me smile when I'm feeling postal...


    Meet natures perfect idiot. They're calling it "Casper" until they can come up with a suitably nerdtastic name for it. Its the deepest living cephalopod ever discovered and its a god damn disgrace to the species. It has only one row of suckers per tentacle, is less muscular than its shallow water cousins and completely lacks chromatophores (those are the specialized cells which allow octopus videos on YouTube to get more than 100k views). A one eyed goldfish could probably kick its ass but look at it, its like a little marshmallow with eyes... its adorable!
  • DombiePigRiderDombiePigRider U.S.A. Join Date: 2016-03-03 Member: 213784Members
    Nature's perfect idiot is actually bacteria, as they are incapable of thinking. But I get where your coming from.
    Now the dumbo octopus. Search it up. You'll see some cute pictures. Those are the babies. The adults are the horrifying zombie looking ones. Never forget baby dumbo octopuses (Yes, that is the actual plural. Octopi is actually incorrect)
  • DchicoteDchicote Germany Join Date: 2015-05-26 Member: 204901Members
    Mac Version Exp.
    Early Acces Label 29588 Mar-2016

    Can't play in Full Screen mode 2560x1440
    Only in Window mode (all Screen modes)
  • titanics_mechanictitanics_mechanic Look behind you... Join Date: 2016-03-04 Member: 213817Members
    I will not debate the finer points of bacteria I.Q. quotients in these hallowed forums, it demeans both species. They are the product of trillions of broken homes over the millennia but at the end of the day they're survivors. (Not making excuses for them but I worked at a crisis hotline for a summer and some of their stories would break your heart, just sayin')

    Dchicote is right, eyes on the prize... We were talking about Octopuses, not bacteria. Thank you Dchicote, you are the glue that holds this thread together.

    Its perfectly obvious that this particularly shameful branch of the family tree has completely let itself go and retreated to the murky depths of the ocean to avoid ridicule and the inevitable awkward questions at high school reunions. I'm reasonably certain TLC will be calling soon with offers to develop a new reality show based on their pathetic (but adorable) lives.

    On a nearly irrelevant side note since the three of us are apparently the only people playing Snubnautica on Macs I'm sure the problem will be given its due priority. Now if you'll excuse me I have to go buy some new ferns.
  • titanics_mechanictitanics_mechanic Look behind you... Join Date: 2016-03-04 Member: 213817Members
  • DombiePigRiderDombiePigRider U.S.A. Join Date: 2016-03-03 Member: 213784Members

    Oh yeah early game is so much better now.
  • LrrrLrrr Omicron Persei 8 Join Date: 2016-03-18 Member: 214431Members
    I've got same problem, the game doesn't run in any mode. Game hangs for ±3 mins just after clicking "Play!", then crashes (or unload)
    MBP 15 mid 2014
    Doesn't find any logfiles in game folder (Steam)
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