First Impressions, Critique, Opinions, Suggestions for Intro, Encyclopedia, & Voiced AI lines

En9a9eEn9a9e USA Join Date: 2015-02-17 Member: 201408Members, Subnautica Playtester
Things I don't like:

- I'm sure it will probably change but the intro is very messy right now. Text appearing on the bottom of the screen that does not correspond at all with the voice over. This is bad.
- Overall, in my opinion, there is too much verbosity (text) on screen in the early start of the game
- One of the reworked AI voice overs does not flow well with the sentence being articulated. It should sound AI"ish", but computer voice run ons or noticeably bad inflections do not match the cool factor of what we have been used to so far with the AI voice.
- All speech in the game should have sub titles. For the hearing impaired and for those that like hearing and reading it for assurance of comprehension. Preferably sub titles in this regard could be toggled in options for those that want to cut down on the on screen text even more though.
- Verbosity of hints and tutorial messages should be reserved for a section of the encyclopedia and not displayed on screen. On screen text should only be short warnings, voiced hints/leadings, or major event notifications imo

Things I do like:

- The verbosity and style of the encyclopedia entries themselves (Tom is doing a great job overall and I like high description/elaboration in that setting)
- The AI voice itself particularly the intro voice is great and I'd love for it to be featured more as your source of inadvertent humor and something human sounding. A measure of comfort and familiarity in the alien world.
- Nudging the player with helpful hints or generalized area scan msgs instead of hand holding and spelling it all out from the get go
- Exploring and looking for scan-able creatures and objects in the world that fills my knowledge/reference database. Awesome.


- For tutorial or longer hint msgs, especially those not voiced by the AI, I recommend a flashing icon in the bottom of the hud that indicates to the player a new text entry in their encyclopedia has been added. Let the player go to the encyclopedia for these helpful, yet more verbose and descriptive messages, instead of large on screen blocks of text.
- (Realism) Somehow make on screen text more integrated into the mask hud so that it reads from a mini display on the mask instead of flashing a block of text on the screen.
- Whenever displaying on screen text always have it voiced by the AI or as much as possible.
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