Lost of Game play Time / Server Whitelisting issue
Join Date: 2013-11-10 Member: 189253Members

Hi guys , i'm an old veteran and just came back to NS2 again with a fresh server ,
Actually i was surprised that my 1063h of game play went to 0 on the Hive anybody knows how to backup my play time? i tried to connect with my steam but did nothing , also i played on a whitelisted server and from 16min it shows only 2 min of gameplay dont know if this is a bug or else.
its kinda wierd to not be able to command and be a rookie on your own server ^^
an other question also about that Hive , we have NS2+ , Shine admin ;Shine Ns2 stats mod on on the server nothing else but dont know why we are not Whitelisted any clue on how to be on the whitelist?
thanks for the help guys in advance.
Actually i was surprised that my 1063h of game play went to 0 on the Hive anybody knows how to backup my play time? i tried to connect with my steam but did nothing , also i played on a whitelisted server and from 16min it shows only 2 min of gameplay dont know if this is a bug or else.
its kinda wierd to not be able to command and be a rookie on your own server ^^
an other question also about that Hive , we have NS2+ , Shine admin ;Shine Ns2 stats mod on on the server nothing else but dont know why we are not Whitelisted any clue on how to be on the whitelist?
thanks for the help guys in advance.
To remove your rookie status open your console and type "Iamsquad5" without quotes. Although that is true, you still won't be able to command until you are level 3.
There was a recent post on how to get your server whitelisted. I recommend you read it. wnworlds.com/discussion/140300/for-anyone-looking-for-more-info-on-when-uwe-does-server-whitelisting-for-hive-skill
Btw with hive 2.0 would we be able to recover our game play time?
also i typed that on consol its says Welcome back , but still green (rookie) on board is it normal?
The code is only for the tutorial. The rookie status is bound to hive level 3.
The reason returning players are also listed as rookies is that ns2 change a bit in the last 2 years. And we want to give everyone the chance to catch up with other new and returning players.
And no also with hive 2.0 you would still be listed as rookie as returning player as we have no way to verify your steam playtime. Overall don't take the rookie status to serious see it more as a challenge to get out to level 3 as fast as possible.
NS2 servers are normally locked to a maximum of 24 slots. However some users found out how to modify the binary executable with a hex editor to remove that lock.
PS. : NS2Stats.org has sadly been shut down almost 2 years ago.
"And no also with hive 2.0 you would still be listed as rookie as returning player as we have no way to verify your steam playtime"
i was hoping that the hive would checked my steam gameplay to have it as we can log on with steam account to the hive but dont know how it works maybe you should implement this on it.
This new method is more accurate now, however the Hive is definitely bugged as it's being rewritten, as you can tell.
There are a lot of whitelisted servers, however, so you shouldn't have too much of a problem increasing in level.
thanks anyway for the answer i wasn't expecting having an answer here , as the game start to be a little bit empty ^^ cheers guys.