Rookie status
Finland Join Date: 2015-12-12 Member: 209921Members

I seem to be stuck at "Rookie" status. I have played NS 1 for 1000+ hours and according to steam profile NS 2 for 85 hours. Now I know there has been updates about game and I have taken year or so break. After coming back and playing two days none stop, way over 10 hours I am still "Rookie" with no option to take it OFF (like in old NS 2). It is very annying because on server I play I cannot Command because of my "Rookie" rank. Help me out please.
PS, this Hive thing says I played 17 min, which is incorrect and been like that for day or two.
I seem to be stuck at "Rookie" status. I have played NS 1 for 1000+ hours and according to steam profile NS 2 for 85 hours. Now I know there has been updates about game and I have taken year or so break. After coming back and playing two days none stop, way over 10 hours I am still "Rookie" with no option to take it OFF (like in old NS 2). It is very annying because on server I play I cannot Command because of my "Rookie" rank. Help me out please.
PS, this Hive thing says I played 17 min, which is incorrect and been like that for day or two.
There has been alot of changes in the infrastructure of NS2 lately, check out the main webpage for more information
So this maybe the reason why members of the development team have been unable to help you as they have been terribly busy, summoning the elder evils now for you. @IronHorse @GhoulofGSG9 @SamusDroid @Asraniel
May your response be prompt and swift!
Sorry for no one responding earlier, I figured someone responded already
To command you should have mic. In the meantime, if you have mic, you can communicate the situation to others beforehand on allchat and they should allow you, if not jerks and put equally skilled commander against you, if available.
Ups. Nevermind. Have been ninjaed by Samus.
I know SupaFred(owner of The Thirsty Onos servers) have white-listed people before.