Ability to cycle the images on picture frames please :)

WeirdWizardDaveWeirdWizardDave Edinburgh Join Date: 2015-04-12 Member: 203358Members
Hi there,

I'm loving Subnautica, I bought it ages ago but never really got around to giving it a good go until recently. Exploration and base building are really well done but one thing I'm missing currently is the ability to cycle the images on picture frames. There have been some key events in the story of my survival and being able to remember them through a slide show would be brilliant. For example having a frame showing the stages of my base as it develops or the story of my first Seamoth (named Porky) who sadly gave her life during my first trip to the wreck of the Aurora. I'm dedicating an aquarium room as a memorial :tongue:

Admittedly this is probably more important to me because I've got the whole thing recorded (it's a live stream/youtube series) but even if it wasn't I'd be snapping away screen shots like there's no tomorrow in this game because it's so darned pretty! So that's my request, just let me upload multiple images to the picture frame and set a timer to cycle them. Cheers!


  • RevivedShadowRevivedShadow Australia Join Date: 2015-07-28 Member: 206468Members
    I think I heard something about this being a potential feature. They should also add the ability to ad your own images. That would be cool.
  • WeirdWizardDaveWeirdWizardDave Edinburgh Join Date: 2015-04-12 Member: 203358Members
    I think I heard something about this being a potential feature. They should also add the ability to ad your own images. That would be cool.

    Oh you can already put your own pictures in by just copying them to the screenshots folder for that save, which is under your installation folder \SNAppData\SavedGames\slot00xx\screenshots (where xx is the save slot of that game).

    Here's a shot from my sea base :)y8n0yvg84u9l.jpg
  • EntomoligistEntomoligist United States Join Date: 2015-08-09 Member: 206958Members
    I would also enjoy to have an in-game feature to be able to record short videos and re-play them. Maybe a 5 minute limit on videos, and then you could paste that onto picture frames? I think that'd be awesome.
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