I had to check before replying that this post is recent and not from months ago...
Obviously, it refers to the Koosh Zone, which is filled with blue balls...it is common for game developers to have internal code names for any aspects of a game, either because they haven't come up with its "real" name yet or if content gets leaked (not an issue with this kind of game), so people won't know what it is. Continuing to refer to the Koosh Zone as the Blue Balls Zone in their update notes most likely just shows that the developers have a sense of humor .
There is always the small possibility that they are working on another zone filled with what could be called blue balls, but I doubt it very much. Blue, however, is my favorite color, so I wouldn't be opposed!
Blue, however, is my favorite color, so I wouldn't be opposed!
I'm fine with blue being your favorite color. Blue is cool. And knowing you're spending the rest of your natural life underwater in Subnautica... But, here's my issue. Blue is fine. But blueballs?
Of course not, I just find it odd, plus they could be more creative. However, work on the Lost River Biome has begun. I wonder what demons are going to spawn there
My base in the Koosh Zone is actually called BlueBalls so can't say it bothers me. Come to think of it, all of my bases are named oddly since I can't fit the biome name in the text box.
Is this a joke? Or did I miss something?
Nope, the devs call it the blueballs biome. Check it out here.
Obviously, it refers to the Koosh Zone, which is filled with blue balls...it is common for game developers to have internal code names for any aspects of a game, either because they haven't come up with its "real" name yet or if content gets leaked (not an issue with this kind of game), so people won't know what it is. Continuing to refer to the Koosh Zone as the Blue Balls Zone in their update notes most likely just shows that the developers have a sense of humor
There is always the small possibility that they are working on another zone filled with what could be called blue balls, but I doubt it very much. Blue, however, is my favorite color, so I wouldn't be opposed!
I'm fine with blue being your favorite color. Blue is cool. And knowing you're spending the rest of your natural life underwater in Subnautica... But, here's my issue. Blue is fine. But blueballs?
"You kids shouldn't be using that naughty language you're grounded!"