[Bug] Walked through wall and walked underwater after using Moonpool [21956]

ZornhauZornhau Join Date: 2015-08-07 Member: 206855Members
So the construction of my moon pool went fairly smoothly. After completing it I immediately swam underneath it and used the ladders to enter my base. Then I went off to another room to deconstruct some windows in prep for some rennovations. As soon as I got close to the wall, my character was shoved through the wall and fell out of the base. At that point, I was in the ocean, but I was still walking and breathing as though I was on land. This happened twice now.


  • MirekPL94MirekPL94 Poland Join Date: 2015-08-11 Member: 207014Members
    edited August 2015
    I don't want make a new topic then i'll write my problem here : i don't know that it is a bug or underdeveloped but if you build something like on the picture the water not flow inside and you can breath and walk after went out . Only the hatch reset this bug - we can back swiming in water
    [Sorry for my english]
    So build two corridors (not with glass) > build bulkhead in middle of both > remove one corridor and open the door(bulkhead) :)
    Before try it make sure that you have acces to the hatch (from ground) if you want went out through the door. try here: http://chomikuj.pl/mirekp3r/Bugs <<you can download for free without account only from folder "Bugs" :)

  • ConfusedConfused Wait. What? Join Date: 2003-01-28 Member: 12904Members, Constellation, NS2 Playtester, Squad Five Blue, Subnautica Playtester
    @Zornhau That is weird and I dont see a card about it. If you can record video taht would be amazing.

    @MirekPL94 I can't see your pictures but something similar was flagged as fixed during the development of the last stable patch. might have found its way back in. Will check once I get back to the land of internet
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