Just Give Me A Jp, Shotgun, And Mines

Rolling_RockRolling_Rock Join Date: 2002-11-15 Member: 8677Members
<div class="IPBDescription">And I'll love you forever....</div> In all may days of CS and DoD and NS, nothing compares to having a shotgun, jetpack, and a set of mines. And for late-game marines, it's pretty darn cheap.

HA+HMG+Welder = 62 rcs

JP+Shotty+Mines = 37 rcs

Really, I'm not expensive! I'm a cheap marine! And if the mines are too much, I can settle for the shotgun and jetpack - only 29 rcs, little more than a set of heavy armor! If you're really stingy or haven't researched jetpacks, the shotgun will tide me over.

I know what you're thinking - jetpacks aren't worth it. They're just fun toys. No I say! In several maps mines + jetpack can seal off nasty vents from those kharaa.

Don't you hate it how lerks do their lerking from vents? Give me the jp, the shotty, and the mines and I'll not only remove the lerk, but I'll ensure at least the next five don't come back to that vent.

Don't you hate how you assault the last hive and some of the skulks just tear outta there through the vents? No worries! Give me my toys, and I'll mine all vents out of the hive! No skulks escaping unless they run by the n00bz with HA and HMG that can't shoot straight. And even then, my JP and shotty will make short work of them.

Don't you hate how those kharaa have two hives that are hard to get to? Relax, with a simple jetpack I can do one man commando missions to take one out. Are you going to spend hundreds of resources outfitting HA, welders, and heavy weapons on all your marines, or are you going to spend 9 and give me that jetpack? If you want to increase my chances of success you'll give me the shotgun too. And the mines. What will I do with them? Well, the mines will cover my **obscenity**, the shotgun will save it, and the jetpack will get it to neat places.

I can't tell you more, what those neat places are and what I do with them are classified, and too many Kharaa eyes watch this forum.

So take my word for it, just give me a JP, Shotgun, and a set of mines. You'll make me happy, and I'll make life easier for you. I'm cheap and worth it, really!

I'll love you forever!


  • DarkWulfDarkWulf Join Date: 2002-11-02 Member: 4662Members
    he seems so cheerful.

    lol. i just hate it when the comm drops a jetpack to someone and they don't even use it.

    one game the only jp on the team was given to someone who treated it like a sprint key. he'd *sprint* out of base, unload a clip of LMG fire down a hall and run back into base and hide.
  • Pika-CthulhuPika-Cthulhu Join Date: 2002-11-19 Member: 9386Members
    Jetpack can be a VERY usefull tool, and if comms on the ball and upgrades armour, can be a very usefull soldier (Provided he can use, AND is willing to be a senaky one, instead of a Rambo)

    To get better with jetpack< I suggest setting up a lan game sv_cheats 1 and building up to get one, then use it to get used to it and see how well you can fly and land, and get to them hard to reach/defend places (pity it has a limited velocity, you can fly up to a cetrain height, but unlinke Lerks you level off at about maybe 20 feet, then you ease back down to terra firma. Itd be nice if you could use it to get REALLY high, (from bottom of Elevator shaft to top) in one flight, but usually you have to resolve to use the lift, or the ladder, can make you vunerable. Also, Jetpack with HMG or GL, = sillyness, Jetpacks should only be LMG or Shotgun with super speed or HMG/GL you go super slow, hard to take off, flies like a dog. JP = Fast attack strike force, leave the HMG and GL for Heavy armour, they the ones who need it, I suggest best combo, JP + Shotty + welder (Vents + welder = dead rushing aliens, cos u is crouched, and zooming towards them at super speeds) or Mines for vents then grab a welder when your done.

    The Jetpack is soo overlooked and undervalued, its sad really. I love my comm if he dishes out hetpacks, 1 or 2 lying around, AWAY from heavy armour so teh newbs dont grab em all, and im a happy boy, add a welder to the mix and im Vent control number 1, Weld = funny death for aliens)
  • FlatlineUTDFlatlineUTD Join Date: 2002-11-08 Member: 7695Members
    I'm more of a shottie/jetpack/pistol kinda guy - lure them in with the pistol from far away, cap em in the head with the shottie and (if they're still alive, haha!) zoom away to repeat.
  • ObliteraterObliterater Join Date: 2002-11-22 Member: 9652Members
    In certain maps (mainly Hera and that one with the Mess Hall) if you give me a GL and a Jetpack I will give you back 2 dead hives.

    Jetpack + GL + Vents = Win <!--emo&:D--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html/emoticons/biggrin.gif' border='0' valign='absmiddle' alt='biggrin.gif'><!--endemo-->
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