Some Serius Ns_bast Exploitation

ZifnabZifnab Join Date: 2002-11-03 Member: 6062Members
edited November 2002 in NS General Discussion
<div class="IPBDescription">I'm not usually one to complain but...</div> The setting was ns_bast. I was an alien. The teams were even, it was a pretty good game, with major battles being fought over Atmosperic Processing. We eventually got the Feedwater hive up (started in Refinery) and even the Engine Room hive. Usually, 3 hives = win, right? Well...
By this time, the marines had <i>completely</i> spammed their base with sentry turrets and siege, mostly the latter.
And here's where the big problem is: From their base, the siege's reached the following places:

Atmospheric Processing (w/ 2 nozzles)
Junction Somethingorother (the room outside the airlock) (w/ nozzle)
Elevator Shaft (no nozzle, but right outside base)
Room down the ladder from Feedwater (w/ nozzle)
ENGINE ROOM HIVE (the nozzle, and half the room, but thankfully not the hive)
The room right outside Feedwater with a hole in the floor (traditionally where defenses of Feedwater are built)

That's FIVE nozzles and several strategic positions that we were unable to build at, and it was all from sieges <i>in their base</i>.
Now, we pretty much controlled the map. Once in a while they'd run out to Atmospheric Processing and throw up some stuff (we couldn't build there, remember?), but we'd always take it down real fast. Normally, controlling the whole map means you are definately going to win. Normally. The inability to build at 5 nozzles was part of the deterant. More so it was from inability to build healing Defense Chambers near the two attack points, the elevator and the airlock.
But here's the <i>biggest</i> problem we had in taking out their base: grenade spam.
The elevator shaft is an obvious place for grenade spamming. Anyone can see the merits of throwing grenades down and whittling down our life whenever we grouped there, forcing us to go all the way back to the hive to heal if there was no gorge around.
But honestly, it was no big surprise. What <i>really</i> got me was the grenade spamming of the airlock side. "How in the world do you grenade spam the airlock?" you might ask. I'll tell you. Right by the airlock is a vent you can crawl through to get to the marine base. It's quite a straight shot to the base, and it just so happens that if a marine in the base stands just right, he can continuously fire grenades down the vent and have them explode on the floor in front of the airlock. Stragically place an armory, and he'd never even have to reload.
So arguably the most inaccessable marine base in the game was now being spammed from <i>both</i> sides, adding insult to the injury of the massive siege coverage.

Now, I will admit that my teammates weren't the most talented players out there. Several times a gorge, who should have been just healing, would build a tower in siege range, killing himself and taking some teammates with him. I was an onos and got killed this way. <!--emo&:angry:--><img src='' border='0' valign='absmiddle' alt='mad.gif'><!--endemo-->
We even had lerks firing spores at turrets.

But even so, a marine base on ONE nozzle (the one in the base) shouldn't have been so hard to take out.

My suggestions:
(1) Tune down the range of siege cannons just a bit. FIVE, being most of the nozzles on the map, is way too much coverage from just the marien base. The fact that half the Engine Room hive is in siege range is rediculous.
(2) Make a map tweek (It can be done. de_inferno has lots of crap added to it without just replacing the whole map.) that makes the vent at the airlock take a couple twists and turns before reaching the marine base, so that the whole area can't be grenade spammed from the comfort of the marine base.

*whew* That was a long rant. I'm seriously not one who usually complains, and I don't like complaining, but this exploit was just a bit too much, especially the grenade-thru-the-vent bit.

*EDIT* I'd like to mention that we <i>did</i> finally win, after we got pretty much everyone to go fade and rushed up the ladders.
*ANOTHER EDIT* D'oh! 'Serious' is spelled wrong in the title, but it seems you can't edit the title. Oh well.


  • CForresterCForrester P0rk(h0p Join Date: 2002-10-05 Member: 1439Members, Constellation
    I like your ideas. Another idea would be an FGD with the entity func_nosiege, which would negate any siege fire that passes through it.
  • RavlenRavlen Join Date: 2002-11-08 Member: 7713Members
    Heh, I just mentioned the problems with the marine base in a post like 30 seconds ago <!--emo&;)--><img src='' border='0' valign='absmiddle' alt='wink.gif'><!--endemo-->

    Imagine if the marines get a siege up really early in game, and the aliens are in the engine room. Talk about suck city.

  • ShadowDrgnShadowDrgn Join Date: 2002-11-01 Member: 2230Members
    I've had the same thing happen, and the only reason we won was because their commander got sick of it and recycled all their buildings. The elevator is a death trap with turrets on the edge, grenades coming down, and constant button pressing by the marines (getting stuck is common). The only other way in is the tiny airlock hall, which can also be filled with grenades, and choked up with turrets. I like bast a lot, but the marine base is just too impregnable.
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