The Reaper likes to cheat

BrieyaBrieya Las Vegas, NV Join Date: 2015-06-12 Member: 205419Members
First off, before I jump into it, just want the Devs to know I love Subnautica.

It is just... the Reaper.. he cheats. I know I have sent several F8's, but I thought a video showing what happens, even to the point of breaking the game. Now, I will admit, my using the terrain gun probably helped with that since I used it by the ship.

Video for reviewing is @

No, this is not a video to make profit. Education only. Let's be honest, my frame rate sucks, and I don't have the voice for the youtube job world. LOL

It is under 20 minutes, no commentary, and again, thank you so much for this great game.


  • x1Alpha2014x1Alpha2014 Germany Join Date: 2015-05-16 Member: 204528Members
    Yes, the reaper is cheating, I was only looking the hole in the aurora, then it happens the reaper came and wanted to eat me. but I was between some rocks under the aurora and terrain behind me, I thought im save now, but the reaper Cheats himself through the graphics, only to get me from behind.
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