How should we build solar panels?
UK Join Date: 2015-05-17 Member: 204597Members

Dozens of people make suggestions every day, most of them too tricky to put in the game without diverting staff, time and memory.
However, I know for a fact that even the devs themselves are divided as to how we should build solar panels. They're in experimental, yet many players say they should be built ONTO bases... Only for other players to again go against the idea, saying that takes up valuable module wall space. Well, here is your chance to vote on something that WILL be in the game.
I assure you this is no attempt to boss the devs around, and I don't even expect them to check my poll, but I think this is a win-win scenario: The already awesome devs get to see what the players want, and you all get a chance to say how you'd like to see the new feature!
It appears the winner (in both the poll and thread itself) is something I hadn't heard of before this discussion at all. Floating panels, connected to bases with wires (or alternate yet comparable ideas). I think it would actually be pretty awesome, not sure if the devs will play around with that idea.
This doesn't mean the option has been selected. Even if the developers saw these results, you need to consider what the dev testers enjoy, what the silent majority of players want, and of course how easy it is to put a type of panel in the game. Floating panels would be easy to add, but even then collisions, power delivery methods and how to actually PLACE the objects will need to be addressed.
I for one am very, very hyped for the final version of the new power generation feature in the game!
However, I know for a fact that even the devs themselves are divided as to how we should build solar panels. They're in experimental, yet many players say they should be built ONTO bases... Only for other players to again go against the idea, saying that takes up valuable module wall space. Well, here is your chance to vote on something that WILL be in the game.
I assure you this is no attempt to boss the devs around, and I don't even expect them to check my poll, but I think this is a win-win scenario: The already awesome devs get to see what the players want, and you all get a chance to say how you'd like to see the new feature!
It appears the winner (in both the poll and thread itself) is something I hadn't heard of before this discussion at all. Floating panels, connected to bases with wires (or alternate yet comparable ideas). I think it would actually be pretty awesome, not sure if the devs will play around with that idea.
This doesn't mean the option has been selected. Even if the developers saw these results, you need to consider what the dev testers enjoy, what the silent majority of players want, and of course how easy it is to put a type of panel in the game. Floating panels would be easy to add, but even then collisions, power delivery methods and how to actually PLACE the objects will need to be addressed.
I for one am very, very hyped for the final version of the new power generation feature in the game!
First off, realistically speaking, the cable would have to vulnerable to damage. Also, it would take an extremely large amount of material to fabricate enough cable to span distances beyond 100; not to mention that players would end up with a bunch of fugly looking puppet strings floating up from their base... it would just look terrible.
Secondly, solar panels seem to have a surface niche. What I mean is, they are supposed to be used in conjunction with surface bases. The devs reasoning is probably to diversify the resources players are compelled to use. Besides, once you get deep enough thermal generators have a much greater efficiency... so why not just build lots of those?
Dedicated tube modules would be nice, too...
Next problem, please.
Not necessarily, first off there could be an efficiency system or just the need to be within so many meters to zero. Light penetrates water just fine to a certain degree, and anyone who thought they were safe from sunburns can tell you that in truth you really aren't. >.<
Second, I really would like to see some way to integrate the constructor into the base somehow, and having some reason to build a base version on the surface with elevator (or ladder) to the surface would be great. This combined with solar power would be a great combo. This could even be the way to berth and upgrade the cyclops and seamoth....not sure about the exosuit though.
To be fair you don't want to build to deep since it becomes difficult to keep up with the pressure. Last I checked I got half the efficiency of foundations reduced reinforcement when building around 100m. So unless you really want to use up all your titanium on reinforcement your base probably won't be quite that deep.
I routinely establish bases below 200m. It is the most efficient way to collect gold and lithium.
It is to my understanding that the Exosuit will use the moonpool/docking bay.
In much the same way that Wind Turbines collect weightless kinetic energy and harness it into power wouldn't Current/Sea turbines collect Fluid Kinetic energy and turn that into power? It'd be more efficient than vast solar arrays, especially for those who build bases at what I've been calling crush depth(over 200)
It would also mean the module could be mounted to a foundation much like the power generator currently is and it could even be "helped" with the current generator in places where currents may not even naturally exist(enclosed cave biomes)
Solar pannels seem like a decent idea in theory but all this fuss over their implementation really makes you look at what alternatives exists.
very valid idea, we could have them having a more economic recepie than the solar panels and there could be strong current zones and slow current zones.
I was thinking the same thing... In may ways any ocean planet (with a moon) is already like this. having a basic tide means the closer you are to the surface the more relatively reliable(constant) current you'd receive in the form of wave generation. At deeper depths you could tap power from the orbital behavior of the planetoid in established, but changeable, ocean currents. In between, and at extreme depths, you could generate current power by placing a turbine near a thermal flume, sulfur vent, or any natural phenomena that forces an expulsion of liquid.
Least favourite idea: DIY Dark Matter reactor (Yes, this does mean yet another fun-filled schlep to the hulk of the 'Aurora' and bucketloads of rads all round... Sorry folks.)
Have an array of Current Generators power a whole bunch of Tesla boundary layer (blade-less) turbines.
No danger of turning the local sealife into gazpacho soup.
Instant Win.
Another shining example of 'Troll Science', Subnautica-style!
Microwaves or pulsed laser emissions in the blue-green spectrum should do it. No 'puppet strings' attached.
Last I checked microwave ovens worked by exciting the water particles in food...I don't think microwave transmission through water would be all that efficient in that case. Same with lasers, as the scattering effect would be to high.
Having played with the panels last night I think the current system is just fine. You have to build on foundations, and there is an efficiency factor that seems to be dependent on depth. Further testing i'll get to after my shift tomorrow. But the efficiency charges the panel and thus the base, there doesn't seem to be the original generator anymore in the experimental build. But the panels can lose charge...but currently I don't see how you could run out of power all that fast with current equipment. I had three panels and pumping materials through the fabricator didn't really hurt my power.
So far, I don't see the problem anymore with base power. Now if only we had a way to hook up the cyclops to charge it like it does the seamoth...